Volume 2 - Issue 9 | March 15, 2023

Cathy Tenney, Editor

Printable Newsletter

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Welcome, Spring!

ADSOEF Directors are eager to greet you during ADSOEF Annual Meeting and OSO State Convention, April 14-16.  Camaraderie is always evident as we meet our friends and make new friends. We are DKG sisters!

This newsletter includes the 2023 ADSOEF Annual Meeting Agenda, links to the draft 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes, and ADSOEF Report for 2023 Annual Meeting.  These documents are also posted on our website, adsoef.org.  Please read about the individuals vying for the five (5) Director positions for 2023-2025.  Be informed and ready to vote when you receive your ballot at Annual Meeting. 

Have some fun as the ticket auction returns during Convention!  You can OPEN  YOUR HEART for the FUTURE OF EDUCATION as contribution envelopes will be available on the Birthday Luncheon tables.  This continues our yearly tradition!  Heartfelt thanks and appreciation for chapters and individuals donating to provide financial support, to fund the future of excellence in education!  Consider attending the breakout session, Explore ADSOEF, occurring on Saturday afternoon.

You do not need to be registered for the OSO State Convention to attend the Annual Meeting, but we hope you will attend both.  We are looking forward to seeing you on April 14!

As always, if you have questions or comments, contact a director. We will listen.  Information is available at adsoef.org. 

ADSOEF Directors

Link to ADSOEF Annual Meeting Agenda

Link to ADSOEF Annual Meeting Minutes

Link to ADSOEF Report for 2023 Annual Meeting


You are cordially invited to attend the

Sixth Annual Meeting of 

Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation

Friday, April 14, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in conjunction with the OSO State Convention at the Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio.

All OSO/ADSOEF members are welcome!



April 14, 2023



Brenda Armstrong, State member of OSO, 2023-2025

Linda Diltz, Beta Rho Chapter, 2023-2025

Hannah Fairbanks, Gamma Theta Chapter, 2023-2025

Jane Houser, Gamma Phi Chapter, 2023-2025

Diana Kirkpatrick, Alpha Delta Chapter, 2023-2025

Sue Loader, Alpha Psi Chapter, 2023-2025

Tammy Schroeder, Beta Eta Chapter, 2023-2025

Serving as a Director is more than an honor, and includes the legal duties to care, to show loyalty, to adhere to governing regulations and to maintain accounts for ADSOEF.

Link to Information About the Director Candidates

Explore ADSOEF, Your Educational Foundation! 

You are invited to join the current ADSOEF Directors at their OSO Convention breakout session to learn more about ADSOEF!  Discover the benefits for both members and non-members.  See examples of projects that have been funded by ADSOEF.  Offer suggestions, get your questions answered, understand our Mission, and learn how you can be part of this rewarding organization.  Be in the know about this opportunity for all members! Please bring your phone or tablet.

ADSOEF Ticket Auction

The return of our beloved state convention means the return of the popular ADSOEF ticket auction. The auction is just one of the fun ways to support the work of the Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation. Members may purchase tickets starting on Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon for $1.00 for one or six for $5.00.  With all the great prizes available, we know you will want more than one. Anyone with a ticket can win, but always remember, the real winner of our fun ticket auction is ADSOEF and the recipients of awards. 

P.S.  Bring along address labels to save time and writing on the back of each ticket you purchase.  See you at convention!

Birthday Luncheon on Saturday

at OSO State Convention

In honor of the 85th Anniversary of the founding of Ohio State Organization, which in my heart will always be called Alpha Delta State, the ADSOEF Fundraising Committee set $8,500.00 as the goal for the year. With generous donations from individuals and chapters that total has been realized, yet let’s keep the celebration going.  The birthday luncheon during the convention will give another opportunity to Open Your Heart for the Future of Education.  Envelopes which list each ADSOEF fund will be available for your contribution.  It is always possible to make your gift in honor or in memory of a special person. So please bring a check or cash with you to the luncheon on April 15.  Let’s celebrate our OSO birthday and the continued success of ADSOEF!   

The Fundraising Committee members include: Diane Brogan-Adams, Delta Kappa; Debbie Van Arsdale, Mu; Jackie Thase-Burch, Alpha Upsilon;  and Barb Zirke, Alpha Psi.  Beth Archer, Chairman, Alpha Psi.

Important ADSOEF Dates to Remember

March 20, 2023

ADSOEF Board of Directors Meeting

March 25, 2023

ADSOEF Presentation to Chi and Gamma Xi Chapters

April 14, 2023

ADSOEF Annual Meeting

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Dublin Embassy Suites

April 14-16, 2023

OSO State Convention

Dublin Embassy Suites

April 15,2023

Foundation Matters Arrives in Your Email

May 15, 2023

ADSOEF Board of Directors Meeting

June 19, 2023

ADSOEF Board of Directors Meeting

Your generous contributions are adding up!  By the end of February, $8,713.52 was the total received for Open Your Heart for the Future of Education.  Please note the progress on the graphic.  

Each heart represents $500.00.  Our hearts continue to expand.  

Did we meet our goal of $8,500.00 in celebration of OSO’s 85th Anniversary?

YES, we did!  Let’s go higher!

Your support is appreciated!


Dr. Norma Kirby

In memory of Arlene C. Ackerman

Delta Delta Chapter

Julie Bains

In honor of Sandy Royer

Marlene Vorher

In honor of Jane Pittman

Beta Upsilon Chapter

J. Michael Evans, Attorney at Law


Holly Buente, Gamma Pi

October 2022-June 2024

Marketing Committee

Debra (Debbie) Frazier, Beta Rho


Donor Relations Committee Chairman

Dr. Lois Harkins, Alpha Lambda



Millie Holzer, Beta Zeta


Finance Committee Chairman

Dr. Norma Kirby, Alpha Delta


Marketing Committee Chairman

Karyn Kern Lazear, Gamma Phi


Governance Committee Chairman

Nominating Committee Chairman

Sue Loader, Alpha Psi


Scholarship Committee

Sandy Royer, Delta Kappa


Chairman Board of Directors

Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa


Vice Chairman

OSO Scholarship Committee Chairman

Christine (Chris) Snoddy, Alpha Lambda



Educational Services Committee Chairman

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon


Ex-officio Ohio State Organization Liaison

OSO President

ADSOEF Website
OSO Website
ADSOEF Facebook 
ADSOEF Directors
ADSOEF Gift Giving
ADSOEF Educational Opportunities
ADSOEF/OSO Applications