Week of May 9-15, 2022 | Vol. 81 Issue 19


by Dennis Foust

Do you remember the collapse of that 13-story apartment building near Miami, Florida last summer? Investigations revealed foundation problems. Warnings had been issued for several years. People ignored the signs of foundational weakness. 

During these early days of our second century, think FOUNDATIONS. I am discerning God's Spirit guiding me to focus our worship themes and my preaching ministry on the foundations upon which we build healthy faith to be a healthy church. 

For the next three Sundays, our worship will be expressed through two foundational verses from The Gospel of John. "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." {John 13:34-35}

Loving one another is a foundation of healthy Christian faith. 

This Sunday, we will focus on LOVE ONE ANOTHER ON PURPOSE. Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another." Our handbell choir will present beautiful offerings. And we will also celebrate with Natalie and Durning Moore as they dedicate themselves to nurture faith in James and Anne. These commitments by Durning and Natalie are foundational in the spiritual growth of their children. 

Beloved, throughout this first year of our second century, let us strengthen our spiritual foundations. If you are able to be with us, please gather with your church family in the sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30. Regular participation in public worship is a foundation to strengthen Please note Psalm 133:1 - "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for God's beloved to gather in unity."

Congratulations, Graduates!

Last week in worship, we celebrated our 5 high school graduates: Abby Adams, Nick Vavra, Wilson Gray, Aluel Nyuon, and Scarlett Goodson. 

We are so proud of each of them!

Click here to view the service from last week online!

Jazz Mass on May 21

Do not miss out on this spectacular and FREE event happening right in our Sanctuary on May 21 at 7PM. On this special evening, singers and musicians from across the country will raise their voices to sing the traditional mass set to the Jazz music, composed by our own James Kevin Gray and Rick Bean.

The choir will be led by Maestro Sonja Sepulveda, a nationally known and loved choral conductor, and will feature soloists Dawn Anthony and Herbert Johnson.

This same group will be joined by several other choirs on June 25 at Carnegie Hall to give this work its New York City debut; but you will have heard it first!

We hope to see you there!

An Afternoon at the Charlotte Knights Game!

Join us for an afternoon at the Charlotte Knights game on Sunday, May 22!

Just a few more tickets remain for the game that are guaranteed to be with the group. More can be purchased if needed. After worship that Sunday, some of us will take the trolley to Truist Field together.

Buy your tickets by clicking below! We will have a great time and would love for any and all to join us!

Charlotte Knights Tickets

All deacons are invited to meet THIS Sunday, May 15, on the front steps of the Sanctuary at 9AM for photos of each panel plus the whole group for the upcoming Centennial Book.

Maggie Bond and Linda Crowder are in charge of this opportunity and we are thankful for their service.

A Thank You Note from Allison Benfield

Dear St. John's family, 

Thank you for the generous love gift and for all the other kindnesses in the days leading to my departure from you. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind, but your kind words and well-wishes have been deeply appreciated. 

I'm getting settled in at Providence and have been welcomed into my new church family with so much love. 

Thank you again for all of the love you have shared with me over the years. 



A Thank You Note from Lia Benton

Dear St. John’s family,

“Thank you” can only begin to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me (and my family) as I pursued my MDiv at Union Presbyterian Seminary. Thank you for the monetary support each semester, and for your continuous prayers and words of encouragement. I could not have done it without our wonderful church family.

Thank you also for the amazing surprise Sunday. (I was genuinely shocked when Dennis called me to come forward!) The three books will form the foundation of my library—literally as they are significant in every way.

With deep appreciation and gratitude,

Lia Benton

Refugee 101 at St. John's on May 18

On May 18, at 11:30AM, the volunteer coordinator at Refugee Support Services will come to the lounge at St. John’s to provide their one-hour Refugee 101 orientation session.  


Plan to come to the lounge, bring a lunch, and learn the latest about refugees arriving in Charlotte and how we can help extend a welcome to them. Whether you plan to volunteer for direct contact or merely want to find out more about the RSS programs and other ways to support the work of this organization, mark your calendar now and plan to join us for an interesting and informative session! 

Please email either Nina Phillips ([email protected]) or Beverly Hester ([email protected]) to let us know that you will be there. Thanks!

Serving a Monthly Meal at Roof Above Men's Shelter

Are you ready to go back?

For 33 years St. John’s served the meal for the Men’s Shelter on the third Friday of each month. 

COVID messed up our record!

In recent weeks, we have talked with several people who are willing to serve again. So, here are your mission service opportunities:

  1. Food Gathering & Delivery
  2. Serving Dinner: We need 4 servers at the shelter from 5:30 until 7:00 on the third Friday of each month. (You can sign up to serve each month, once a quarter, or twice per year.)

Check your schedule and look for a signup soon for May 20.

If you have any questions, Joy Jarrett will be glad to answer: [email protected]

From the Heritage Room

Please visit the 1940’s display in the alcove outside Dr. Foust’s office and in the hallway across from the office. Among the items are:

  • A picture of Church Homecoming in 1945—please note the Community House in the background (the best picture we have of the entire building)
  • An interesting letter from March 1940 to Dr. Amos Bumgardner informing him that since he did not attend the Board of Deacons meeting, he was elected as Chair
  • Church Bulletin noting that day as being “Baby Day”—Ashley Hogewood Jr. listed as one of the babies
  • Photos of VBS, Children’s Sunday School, Ridgecrest, and Choir
  • Family News announcing that due to the polio epidemic, children under 15 were not to come to church by order of the Health Department
  • Programs from the opening of the Church Library, the first Youth Week in 1947, the 25th Anniversary Celebration which included a play about the history of the church, and the kick-off for the building campaign for a new addition—the present Chapel/Lasater hall Building
  • The first edition of the Family News along with a publication announcing the selection of the name “The Family News” proposed by Elizabeth Gardner, mother of Betty Thompson
  • Two pictures from the Church Camp which was located somewhere near the present Albemarle Road. (Land was originally donated for a camp on the west side of town)
  • Copy of “The Messenger”—a newsletter sent to members from 1944-1946 (unknown why it was discontinued) and “Sunday School News”- the only editions in Heritage Room are for 1940-1041
  • Acceptance letter from Dr. Broach of call to come to St. John’s
  • Copies of selected worship bulletins during the World War II years-the servicemembers from the church were listed in the bulletin each week along with a prayer list and addresses, and excerpts from letters received from the servicemembers
  • Photo of a plaque erected at the end of World War II in honor of those who served and in memory of the five men from St. John’s who were killed in the War
  • WMU Yearbooks- one of the yearbooks shows a rotating schedule for the twelve circles of the church for responsibilities including Sunday School Suppers, Men’s Fellowship Suppers, Church Nursery, and Church Visiting
  • Sunday School promotion certificate and Certificate of Baptism for Maire Wakeham, mother of Kim Allen
  • And as history repeats today, in 1949, a newspaper article about the women of St. John’s preparing for the arrival of refugees from Latvia driven from their homes by the Russians

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations

  • Shirley Ballard, Kathleen Bumgardner, Tish Philemon, Jerry Stephens, Don Swofford

  • Sympathy to Ed Turner and family in the passing of his beloved wife, Dee Turner, on Monday, May 2. The service to celebrate the life of Dee Turner will be held in the Sanctuary on May 16 at 1PM with a receiving to follow.

Financial Ministry Plan Report

  • Week of May 3-9: $6,871
  • Income through May 9: $452,973
  • Annual 2022 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,135,000

Ministers On-Call Schedule

  • May 9-15: Lee Gray
  • May 16-22: Dennis Foust
  • May 23-29: Kevin Gray


Staff Contact Information

  • Jenny Godfrey, Administrative Assistant - 704-333-5428, ext. 11
  • Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
  • Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
  • Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
  • Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20
  • Mallory Brown- 704-477-3349 (cell)

Deacon Offering Schedule
Usher & Greeter Schedule
Church Calendar
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