November 2023

Welcome to Foundations, an e-newsletter focused on keeping our community updated on upcoming levies and bonds and also how their tax dollars are supporting student learning and achievement, while keeping our school buildings modernized and maintained.

Project Highlight:

Kentwood Performing Arts Center Remodel

The extensive remodel of the Kentwood Performing Arts Center (PAC) exemplifies how impactful local funding can be for our students. This remodel was a combined capital project, funded using a combination of bond and levy dollars. The project supported not only the thespian aspect of the school but also the CTE program that teaches students the fundamentals of carpentry, sound and lighting support, logistics, and time management. 

The staff and especially the PAC manager, Chad Taylor, were an integral part of the planning and were supportive throughout the project. This space is also a formal meeting location for large KSD gatherings, staff meetings, and training. 

With the newly remodeled PAC, combined with our KSD students' talents, the community is able to experience shows and productions that are entertaining without spending hundreds of dollars for similar experiences in a Seattle theater.

These are just a few projects that were completed in the PAC:

  • New stage flooring and pit cover
  • Remodel of control room with all new cabinets and countertops, added power and new sound devices - rough in only
  • Moving walls to create a walkway through the back of stage
  • All new sound doors in lobby
  • New ceiling and paint in lobby
  • New paint exterior
  • New paint interior
  • New house lamps (LED) and wall sconces
  • All new carpet in the PAC Lobby and in the PAC / Beresford Floors
  • All new production lighting.
Learn More

Photos from the Kentwood Performing Arts Center remodel. Thanks to Dave Bussard for providing information about this project.

KSD 2023 Levies

Replacement Educational Programs & Operations Levy

The EP&O Levy is specifically designed to provide funding for educational programs and operations in our schools. The levy would fund a range of programs including special education, advanced learning, and multilingual education. It also funds student athletics, music, art, and drama.

Capital Projects & Technology Levy

The Capital Projects and Technology Levy would provide funding to modernize safety systems, including intrusion alarms at every school. In addition to safety system modernization and the continuation of the district's technology 1:1 program (this means student laptops/tablets), this levy funds improvement of cybersecurity and technology infrastructure.

2023 Levies
Tax Information

Levy FAQs

Please visit the Levies FAQs page on our website containing answers to important questions that our community is asking about the levies.

2023 Levies FAQs

The 2022 renewal EP&O Levy continues to pay for established educational programming. This includes paying for staff positions, such as teachers, nurses, mental health counselors, career readiness, safety and security staff, professional development for teachers, and classroom and educational needs in our schools that the state can’t meet.

The 2023 renewal EP&O Levy follows in much the same way, providing funding for the following:

  • Over 190 (FTE) positions, including classroom teachers and classroom aides.


  • 75% of our safety and security personnel; the state only provides funding for 25% of these positions.

  • Nearly 20 (FTE) positions above the state allocation formula for school health & support services (including nurses, social workers, & psychologists).

  • Levy dollars support every employee group. 
Learn More

Student Safety is the Key to Achievement

Jamell Goree

Jamell Goree is a school safety officer who believes that when students feel safe, they have the ability to reach their goals and achieve their dreams. We're proud to call him Team KSD and to feature him this month!

Tell me a little about yourself in a personal as well as a professional capacity. 

I am a proud father of 5 beautiful children. I have been in the Fire/EMS field since I was 19 years old and served my community full time and as a volunteer. I have always had a calling to serve others. I moved from Eastern WA to Western WA, and utilized those EMS and fire skills at McNeil Island Special Commitment Center as an EMT and guard and part of the McNeil Island Fire Department prior to coming to KSD.   

How long have you worked for the Kent School District and what's the journey that brought you here?

I started with the Kent School District in 2019. I was hired to work at Meeker Middle School and have been with the district now for a little over four years. I have always wanted to work in a school district as a safety officer. Working in a confinement facility was not fulfilling for me as I could not make the impact I wanted to make with the population I was working with. I knew I could make a difference working with the youth. I remember the school staff, school resource officer, and safety officer that impacted my life and guided me in the right direction. It was those relationships that helped me become the person I am today. 

In your opinion, what attributes or qualities should a school safety officer possess and how do they translate into your daily operations?

The best safety officers are consistent, attentive, communicative and caring. I try and apply this with every interaction I have with the students I contact every day.   

In your experience, what would you say is the biggest reward in being a safety professional for students?

My biggest reward being a safety professional is seeing students grow in their journey through high school and develop into productive young adults and graduate with a high-quality education. 

How does safety impact student success?

I believe safety has a direct effect on students’ academic performance and overall experience in high school. If students don’t feel safe, they can’t receive the education they deserve. 

Looking forward, what are you most excited about this school year?

I am most excited about building new relationships and making positive impacts on students. I am not just a school safety officer, I am a mentor, and I can’t wait to assist where I can.

Bond & Levy Project Completion Reports

Our Capital Planning & Facilities team has been hard at work for our students this past spring and summer. They have created updated lists of 2016 Bond projects and the 2018 Technology and Capital Levy projects that have been completed or are in progress.

2016 Bond Project Report
2018 Levy Project Report

For more information, please visit our website.

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Do you have a student or staff member that should be featured in Foundations?

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