News from Evangelist Mike Gendron                                                   July 2018

Four Progressive Steps into Apostasy

Throughout the 2000 year history of the Church, we have seen a continual departure of people and churches from the faith of the apostles. As incredibly tragic as this has been, it should not surprise us because Paul warned: "The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons"     (1 Tim. 4:1). Shortly after our Lord began building His Church, the apostle John records one of the first occurrences of apostasy. "They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us" (1 John 2:19). Since then, many other professing Christians, churches, denominations, and seminaries, who once upheld the truth and authority of God's Word, have drifted into apostasy. One of the interesting characteristics of apostasy is that it does not happen overnight. It actually develops over a period of time through a process that can be categorized into four steps. 

First Step into Apostasy
God's word is neglected as the supreme authority for faith and practice. Man's words and wisdom become as important as God's Word. Traditions and movements of men cause confusion and divided loyalties. People start following "Christian" personalities instead of the Word of God. Pastors discard the Lord's blue print for building His church and create their own strategy. Pastors win the approval of men for the size of their church, rather than their faithfulness and fidelity to God's Word. The power of the Gospel is weakened by compromise and made more inclusive to gain a larger following. Biblical evangelism is replaced by man's methods of conversion. Churches give people what they want instead of what they need. The pursuit of sanctification is neglected. Biblical warnings to expose false teachers are ignored. A little leaven in the form of heresy is allowed to circulate.  Contenders for the faith are labeled as divisive and intolerant. Women are allowed to teach men. 

Second Step into Apostasy
Scripture is twisted and distorted for self-serving agendas. Truth becomes subjective and relative. Doctrinal error and sin are tolerated by pastors who neglect their responsibility to protect the sheep. Satan sows his tares with little resistance. Pastors become more determined to build their own church rather than the Lord's church. The Gospel becomes more inclusive to attract more people. Expository preaching is replaced by topical messages. Biblical ignorance in the pew provides fertile ground for false teachers to prosper.  Trials and persecution expose dead and spurious faith. The exhortation to contend earnestly for the faith is ignored. People honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him.  "Infallible" men claim to be successors of the apostles and are embraced as brothers-in-Christ. Ungodly men creep in and turn the grace of our God into licentiousness. Contenders for the faith are asked to leave. 

Third Step into Apostasy
Entertainment, idolatry, liturgy and rituals have replaced the Lord Jesus from the central focus of worship. Pastors are more interested in entertaining the goats than feeding the sheep. Ear-tickling messages give people what they want instead of what they need. Sound doctrine and truth is suppressed for the sake of ecumenical unity. Hearts become hardened and love for God grows cold. Doctrinal error flourishes and is embraced with stubborn pride. There is no love for the truth and no discernment. People stand for nothing and fall for everything. A form of godliness exists, but it's void of power. Idolatry is practiced and encouraged. Sin and immoral lifestyles are tolerated. Women are ordained as pastors. 

Fourth Step into Apostasy
Teaching is heavily influenced by doctrines of demons. Jesus has been removed from the church. Deception is full-blown. Lying signs and wonders, including apparitions, are embraced as messages from God or Mary. Idolatry and prayers to the dead are encouraged. Those who proclaim the Gospel truth are condemned with anathema or put to death. Grace is turned into a license to sin. There is no longer any evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. God's grace and forgiveness are sold for a price. The church's lamp stand has been removed, and a certain terrifying judgment is now unavoidable.

Perhaps you are in a church or denomination that is drifting into apostasy. Will Jesus Christ use you to contend earnestly for the faith and protect the sanctity of His Church? In these last days of growing apostasy and deception, we all need to heed the warning of Peter and encourage others to do the same: "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position" (2 Peter 3:17). Will you defend the glory and honor of our great God and Savor and protect the purity of His Gospel? May God's Word exhort and encourage us to fight the good fight of faith!

God Has Destined Us for Glory

In a most encouraging message from Romans 8:18-25, Pastor Tom Pennington of Countryside Bible Church shares the future glory that awaits every believer. The uplifting message of God's grace and mercy provides us hope in our present sufferings. In fact our future glory far outweighs all of our present sufferings. They are not even worthy to be compared to the glory that awaits every believer. Watch the message here. 
Letters to Edify and Encourage the Saints

Mr. Gendron, I found your pamphlet Roman Catholicism; Scripture vs. Tradition on my car windshield after attending weekly mass. My concern is for the lack of courage of the person who distributed these pamphlets. He had the perfect opportunity to evangelize a very large group of Catholics and proclaim his (your) misguided notions of my church. The priest was present, the crowd was large and he had a captive audience. What more could he want. Only his cowardice prevented him from walking into the church and confronting the people as they prayed. What a pity. James Brown, Shrewsbury, PA

Dear James, You are right, he definitely had a captive audience that is in bondage to religious deception.The only way to be set free is by believing the truth of God's Word. Our dedicated evangelist was demonstrating the love of Christ and compassion for the lost when he sowed the seed of God's Word on cars in your church parking lot. I pray you will consider the blessing of this divine appointment with God's Word by repenting and  believing  the Gospel

Dear Mike, Thank you for your newsletter. I have learned so much about Catholicism through your teaching. My husband and I have been Christians since childhood and brought up our two boys in church. Our youngest boy, who is 47 now married a Catholic girl under the stipulation he convert to Catholicism when they married. She is very staunch in her religion and raising their 3 boys on the same road. They attend a Catholic school. All I can do is pray for them because we don't mention our faith in Jesus Christ alone. Our son knows better but isn't strong enough to be the leader in his home. My heart is broken because our time is getting so close to the Blessed Hope of our Savior. Would you have some advice for me in this matter? N.D., McKinney

Hi N.D., You are witnessing the stubborn power of religious indoctrination that can only be penetrated by God's Word and His grace. The Catholic Church has done a masterful job of teaching people ideas and attitudes that produce an uncompromising faith and loyalty to the religion. Catholics become so proud of their religion that the truth of God's Word will be rejected or deflected with irrational or illogical arguments. I suggest you challenge them by gently asking questions. This is what the Lord Jesus did when He confronted the apostate Jews. I have done something similar in my message: Hard Questions for Good Catholics that is available on DVD. Tell your son that if your positions were reversed you would want him to pursue you with the truth of God's Word. Eternity is forever, it is worth investigating. I would be privileged to talk with your son if he is open to a discussion.

Hi Mr. Gendron, Thanks for your love for Catholic people and for helping people like me who don't know how to witness to them. I have been conversing with the editor of the Catholic Education Resource Organization in Canada who feels the Spanish Inquisition is a myth. When I try to correct him he gets angry and considers my viewpoints as "malicious nonsense."  So why do certain folks dismiss these atrocities like they never happened? How do you witness to someone like this? Please help! Thanks, M.B., Internet

Hi M.B., The Roman Catholic Church attempts to rewrite history to show that they were not as brutally wicked as they were during the Inquisition. However, trying to win a discussion about history is not an effective way to witness. We must stay focused on Christ and Him Crucified and all that He accomplished when He finished His perfect, all-sufficient work of redemption (1 Cor. 2:2). We have some excellent evangelistic resources and Gospel tracts that show Catholics what the Gospel is and what it is not. Remember, it is the Gospel that has the power to save those who believe it (Rom. 1:16).

Good Morning Mike! First, let me just say that I am a fan of your ministry and I have thanked God many times for you and your work. Your materials are very helpful. I read a book called Rediscovering Catholicism which was issued to Catholics and I was interested in what author Matthew Kelly says about the Bible. He writes: "With the clear understanding of the history of the Scriptures, the Protestant theory of sola scriptura...self-destructs into the most monumental case of well-argued nonsense in the history of humanity" (p. 225). So, how do I attempt to defend Sola Sciptura with this counter argument? K.M., St. Paul, MN

Hi K.M.,The writer is correct that Sola Scriptua was a protestant pronouncement but he fails to realize that such a pronouncement was not necessary until the 16th century. It was then that the Council of Trent established the traditions of men to be equal in authority to Scripture. Up until that time it was understood that the inspired, inerrant Word of God was the supreme authority in all matters of faith. So, rather than defending Sola Scriptura, ask Catholics to come up with a higher authority for truth than God and His Word. We offer a DVD message on the Supreme Authority for Truth.
Vatican Issues Ramadan Message to Muslims

The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue appreciates the great effort by Muslims throughout the world to fast, pray and share the Almighty's gifts with the poor. Cardinal Tauran said, "The thoughts we would like to share with you on this occasion, dear Muslim brothers and sisters, concern a vital aspect of relations between Christians and Muslims: the need to move from competition to collaboration." He closed his message with these thought: "We all have the right and the duty to witness to the All-Powerful One we worship, and to share our beliefs with others. L et us work together and honor each another. In this way we will give glory to the Almighty and promote harmony in society, which is becoming increasingly multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural."   Read message.

We pray this newsletter will encourage and equip you to be faithful to the great Commission for the glory of our Great God and Savior and the salvation of your loved ones!

Mike & Jane Gendron
(817) 379-5300
2829 Veranda Lane, Southlake, TX 76092
Mike's Ministry Calendar 
Countryside Bible Church
Southlake, TX
July 11

Mike will teach the Wednesday night One28 Young Adults Singles from 7 until 8:30. 
Reformation Tour
Edinburgh, Scotland
Aug. 6-18

Mike will lead a tour of several  Reformation sites in the British Isles. He will focus on one of the most colorful men in church history and the impact he still has throughout the world. It was John Knox who played a significant role in Scotland breaking away from the papacy during the 16th century Reformation.
South Louisiana
Sept. 9-12

Mike will conduct a 3-day conference in four different churches in South Louisiana, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Sept. 9-12. Locations will include New Zion Baptist Church and First Baptist Church in Covington, First Baptist Church in Slidell, and First Baptist Church in Mandeville, LA. Stay tuned for more details. 
Calvary Christian Fellowship
Baton Rouge, LA
Sept. 16

Mike will preach the Sunday morning service at 10 am. For more information call 225-388-5448 or click here. 
North Richland Hills Baptist Church
North Richland Hills, TX
Oct 13

Mike will speak at a men's breakfast at 8 am on the subject of the need to evangelize Roman Catholics. For more information
click here. 
Apostasy Is Producing False Converts in the Church

Do you know people who profess to be Christians but give no evidence of being born again? Many have embraced a compromised Gospel that has no power to save souls. This DVD message will encourage people to test themselves to see if they have genuine faith.         (2 Corinthians 13:5). 
Sow the Seed of 
God's Word
The Ambassador Pack includes one set of Gospel Cards plus one pack each of our six Gospel Tracts, a total of 275 tracts to equip you for effective witnessing for a savings of 20%. Tracts include: Have You Ever Been Deceived?, Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition, The Greatest News Ever Told, True Faith or False Hope, Rome vs.The Bible, and Which Jesus Will You Trust? Order here.
Quantity Discounts Available
Mike's  book Preparing for Eternity
will equip you to make disciples as you witness to those lost in religion. It pleads with Catholics to work out their salvation with fear and trembling by testing their religious teachings with Scripture. Order here.
SAVE $16
Our Three Most Popular DVDs

Our most frequently ordered DVDs are now bundled in a set of three for greater savings. Order the three pack for a donation of $29. 

Mike Gendron 
to speak at your
church or event.
Call (817) 379-5300 

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