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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 4, Issue 3 (April 21/16)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

WPH announced four exciting projects for 2016-17

production_illustration.jpg Workforce Planning Hamilton is pleased to announce four new projects for the coming fiscal year.  
1. Soft Skills Research, Phase 2
Following a highly successful Soft Skills project last year, this project will work with employers and service providers to develop a strategy and tools and resources to help employers identify and build appropriate soft skills in their workforce. A tool kit will be developed for employers, with a focus on the service industry. 
2. EmployerOne Survey
This vital online survey will be delivered in January 2017 as WPH partners with agencies and organizations to distribute the link and to promote the survey across industries in Hamilton.
3. Employer Access to Tools & Resources
We will develop an online hub for employers to host employer-focused resources and create a one-stop shop for information on employer supports in the community. We will work with employers to identify their needs and potentially host a forum to launch the platform.
4. Manufacturing Day
A career forum will be held in October 2016 for students and community members to aid local employers in promoting the many careers in the advanced manufacturing sector. The day long event will include interactive employer displays and guest speakers.
WPH is always looking for partners for our projects. If you would like more information, or would like to be involved with any of the above projects please contact Judy Travis, Executive Director at 905-521-5777, or by email: judy.travis@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
Labour minister says sweeping review of federal jobs grant system underway

The federal government is reviewing every grant program designed to help groups provide skills and job training to make sure they help workers actually get jobs, the labour minister says.

There are thousands of employment grants handed out annually to groups across the country that, for instance, help connect workers with multiple university degrees to available jobs, or provide literacy training for older workers.

Labour Minister MaryAnn Mihychuk said the requirements for funding grants are going to change to mesh with the Liberal government's priority to create jobs for young people and aboriginals.

Read the rest of the article.
Employers: All you need to know about evaluating your hiring process

A 2015 Leadership IQ survey found that only 19 percent of new hires achieve great success in their first 18 months, while 46 percent utterly fail.

Instead of screening out bad hires, the hiring process is letting them right on through. Then whether it's a month or a year later, you have to repost the job description, and you're right where you started.

If you want to make your hiring process more efficient, it's time to start identifying where the problems are. Here are four hiring experts' tips for evaluating and improving your process.
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca