Did You Know?

Click on certain images throughout this email for details, sign-up's, etc.!

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You may have noticed that this email is so jam packed with information that it cuts off at some point. Make sure to click on the "View Entire Message" at the bottom where it cuts off to keep seeing what else is going on around Normandale!

This Week's Message from Pastor Maria:

February 2, 2025: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany - The Rest of the Story

Highlight from This Week's Video:

"This coming Sunday, we get the rest of the story that began last Sunday. There's a sudden shift in the congregation's response to Jesus's words and they try to run him a cliff. Why? Why the big shift? Why the change and what does Jesus' message to his home congregation, all those years ago, have to say to us today."

Please Join Us for Worship, sumner: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (9:30am)


Pastor Maria Pederson


Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Psalm 71:1-6; Luke 4:21-30

Join worship via livestream!

Community Meals

Grab your families, loved ones, and maybe a few friends, and come enjoy a delicious dinner in the middle of your week!

For anyone 16 and over, these meals will only be $8! For our younger friends ages 3-15, it'll only $5, and 3 and under are free.

Tonight's Menu

Here's what this evening's menu will feature:

  • Lasagna (meat and vegetable)
  • Bread and butter
  • Roasted vegetables
  • Fresh salad
  • Fresh fruit platter
  • Fresh baked cookies

We can't wait to see and break bread with you there!

2024 Giving Statements

Keep an eye out in your email inboxes for 2024 giving statements! Check your junk or spam folder to make sure they don't get stuck in there.

We respectfully ask that you look through them to ensure the accuracy of your donations for the previous year; should you have any questions, please contact Director of Operations and Finance Brent Malcom.

Normandale Preschool & Blessing Place

Plus, registration is now open for the 2025-2026 school year!

Normandale Preschool and Blessing Place serves children ages 16 months to 5 years old, and we’d love to share more about our programs with you!

As part of our ongoing effort to build enrollment and bring new families and children to our special community and with the tremendous support from Normandale Foundation, we are launching a new scholarship program that will provide 50% tuition discounts for families with a demonstrated financial need. This is a wonderful opportunity to welcome more children and families into our care.

For families applying and registering, now is the time! Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and these scholarships are exclusively available to families of Normandale Lutheran Church until February 15 for children who are newly enrolled in either our Blessing Place or our Preschool.

We are also asking for any and all donations towards this extraordinary scholarship program. The opportunity to give is now available online -- either through this special form or through the church's regular giving option -- just find "Preschool Scholarships" in the drop-down menu!

Hear Preschool and Blessing Place Director Kari Warnke talk more in detail about this initiative from our January 26 worship service.

Come for a Fun, Family Evening!

Join us for a fun-filled evening of books, pizza, and family-friendly activities!

Normandale Preschool and Blessing Place is excited to invite you to "We Love to Read Night" on Thursday, February 6th from 5:00-6:30pm.

Enjoy arts and crafts! Explore our open gym!

Shop at the Scholastic Book Fair! Enter our exciting raffle!

Pizza available for purchase

This event is designed for families with young children, but all are welcome!

Don’t miss out on the fun—mark your calendars and join us for an evening of reading, laughter, and community!

See you there!

Lutheran Disaster Response

Support Victims of Wildfires in Southern California

Multiple wildfires have broken out across Los Angeles County in California, with tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders. Sparked by dry conditions, strong winds, and a limited water supply, these fires have destroyed homes and businesses and have led to injuries and loss of life. News is still unfolding about the full impact as firefighting efforts continue.

Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California SynodPacifica Synod, and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. They are working with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities for months and years to come.

Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip them to respond to communities affected by wildfires and related disasters. You can send help to Lutheran Disaster Response directly through Normandale Lutheran Church. Please go to normluth.org/give and designate "One-Time Gift" and "Emergency Response" on our online form.

Mission & Outreach

Last Few Days to Help Build Our Snow Fort!

For these last remaining days of January, help our high school youth build a “snow fort” out of toilet paper & paper towels as they aim to help make dignity delightful through fulfilling an fundamental and important need for our neighbors.

Our goal is to cover the north-end wall of the Fishbowl with these much-needed paper products to then pass along to our VEAP partners. You'll see we have already started building it up and will continue to do so through next Sunday, February 2.

Help us cover the wall up and provide sustaining help to those in need!

Interested in This Transformational Trip? Come to the Information Session Next Sunday!

You are invited to an extraordinary opportunity for transformational travel to Guatemala through our partners with Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry, featuring our host Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM) Executive Director Dan Ruth.

We will travel to Guatemala and the Community Cloud Forest Conservation Center (CCFC). The CCFC focuses on children's education, young women's leadership development, environmentalism, teaching sustainable (and more nutritious) agriculture, as well as health education (employing and half led by local young women). This is not a service trip so much as a learning experience with relationship-building and thoughtful investment in community.

Founded in 1995, LPGM is a leader in providing access to quality education for people at the margins — especially women and girls​. Their mission is focused on local partnerships and built on mutuality, where relationships transform boundaries. Part of their work includes providing international travel opportunities that transform travelers’ self-understanding as world citizens and global neighbors.

  • The expected cost for this incredible experience is $1850.
  • Airfare is not included in this price.
  • Your spot can be secured with a $300 deposit. 
  • The overall registration deadline is March 31, 2025.
  • Anyone age 7 and up is invited, so families can experience this trip together!

Willing to register for the trip now? Scroll down to the horizontal purple banner that says "Ready to Join?" and click the two (2) buttons there for the registration form and to submit your deposit.

Curious for more information about the trip? Check out this LPGM-produced video that provides some details and images.

Any questions? Email or call Kim Sannerud today!

In Remembrance of Our Beloved

Pastoral Care Ministries

Lectio Divina and Living with Illness: Reading the Sacred Text of Your Body

Final Two of Three Session Series: 

February 5 and February 19 from 10:30am - 12:00pm

Lectio Divina, the Benedictine practice of reading and savoring Holy Scripture, guides many of our prayer practices and the spirituality of our daily lives through the stages of silencio, lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio.

What if we were to extend that practice to our own bodies? What if we were to acknowledge that our bodies are a sacred text and that we can learn from them by slowly “reading” and deeply listening to our bodies, meditating on their messages to us and then lifting our body’s pain and suffering in prayer to God?

Facilitator is Sheryl Rose, Spiritual Director and Oblate with additional presenters: Sister Paula Hagen, a long-time enthusiast of Lectio Divina and Julie Kelly, MSN, a healthcare practitioner whose patients live with chronic illness.

Missing the first session doesn't mean you can't participate in the final two sessions! Since this is an online offering, feel free to join us from your home!

Lectio Divina and Living with Illness: Reading the Sacred Text of Your Body

Interested in Becoming A Stephen Minister?

So Many Chances for You to

Engage, Give, & Learn, sumner!

Check Out What's Coming In the Weeks Ahead...

... And These Happen Every Week!

Join us in our chapel every Tuesday morning for a simple and timely service of piano, prayer, and reflection.

Bring your Bible; topical study guides for $10 per copy. 

Also available via livestream on our Facebook page.

2025 Annual Meeting

Choir Rehearsal Schedule

Cherub Choir

TONIGHT (1/29) from: 5:00 - 5:45pm

Children's Choir

TONIGHT (1/29) from: 6:00 - 6:45pm

Normandale Choir

TONIGHT (1/29) from: 6:30 - 8:00pm

Normandale Bells

TOMORROW(1/30) from: 5:45 - 6:45pm

Children, Youth, and Family (CYF)

Last Call to Build the Wall!

Regular CYF Wednesday Programming

5th and 6th Graders!

MEET TONIGHT from: 6:45pm - 7:45pm

7th and 8th Graders!

MEET TONIGHT from: 6:45pm - 7:45pm

9th - 12th 


MEET TONIGHT from: 8:00pm - 9:00pm

Sunday School from 10:40-11:20am

Save the Date for This Summer!

Giving and Connecting

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