Care Packages For College Students
And Young Adults
One of the largest outreach projects will NOT be cancelled by COVID-19 and we need YOUR help to make it happen.
Between now and Friday, February 5, you're invited to drop off
non-perishable snack items at to the St. Thomas office.
Granola bars, fruit snacks, individually wrapped fun-sized candies, travel sized bathroom items, or even pens, pencils, or socks!
(please, no drinks or ramen)
If you could write a couple sentences
(no more than 2 or 3)
of blessing, love, grace, peace, on a small piece of paper, and we will photocopy it and place one in each box.
Then, on Sunday, February 7, the St. Thomas clergy and staff will stuff, wrap, address, and mail out all
FIFTY-TWO care packages
(keep scrolling down)