Join us at 9:00 AM
We're worshiping in person and online. Join us!
We are now requiring all unvaccinated people to
wear a mask in the building.

There's space enough for distancing.
ADVENT and Christmas
This final Sunday of Advent we're teetering on the edge of Christmas....
I invite you to take time this Sunday morning to step out of the holiday whirlwind, to breathe and pray a bit, before it arrives full force.
Thank you to all of you who are working so hard to make meaningful, joyful things happen here! Thank you to all those who planned and participated in Gingerbread and Jazz (see below); to the many friends of Tucker House who brought their residents some holiday cheer; to the tireless hands and hearts that make our worship services happen every week-- altar guild, ushers, acolytes, readers, coffee hour volunteers, children's chapel leaders, nursery workers, choir members, our faithful livestream operators; thanks to the staff in the office; the Vestry and various Committees that guard our finances, look in on those who are sick or in crisis, or lead us forward to serve our neighbor...
As the Book of Common Prayer reminds us, "our common life depends upon each other's toil."
I want to stop and give thanks for our shared work and for all you do.
May God give rest to the weary, soothe the suffering, shield the joyous, and open the hearts of his people in love and gratitude.
Gingerbread & Jazz was a huge success!
Thank you to our Party planners - the Parish Life Committee:

Walker Shivar            Elizabeth Hope                     Dee Roberts            
Candy Brown            Hillary Dunigan                    Beth Williams
Lynn Cobb

Elizabeth Shumadine, Bobby Garris, Eliot Seatherton, Rolf Williams, Keith Hope, Ross Hope, Bob Suter, Ben Blanchard, the musicians and the confirmation class helped in a variety of ways to make the event a success.
We collected $617 in votes. The Outreach Committee voted unanimously to put a "1" in front of that so Good Shepherd is now donating $1,617 to Norfolk Street Choir Project
The project is heavily involved with the Norfolk homeless on a daily basis. They are a 501(c)(3) and provide a shower trailer, EVMS medical services, Art Therapy, Breakfast on Tuesday and Friday, and sometimes on other days.
Unofficial Awards:
Blitzen Best All Around - Ben Blanchard
Rudolph Fun and Games - Reilly family
Comet Out of this World - Michelle Townsend
Dancer Kick Up Your Heels - Short Family
Prancer House We Could Actually Live in - Margaret Ayscue
Cupid Lots of Love - Berkeley Family
Dasher Dashing Good Work - Thomas Little
Donner/Donder Works Anyway You Spell it - Hope family
Vixen Fierce Spirit - Jacqueline and family
Thank you again for such a great event
that will directly help so many in Norfolk.
Our musicians and singers were great too!
Click here to see our little singers!
GINGERBREAD & JAZZ ornaments available.
If you didn’t make it to the event and would like a Gingerbread & Jazz 2021 Christmas ornament, you can pick one up in the Narthex on Sunday or contact the office and we will save one for you.
Christmas Memorials and Thanksgivings: Donation envelopes are in the pews and in the Narthex for your poinsettia orders.
Envelopes are due in the office by end of day on December 20th. Please be sure to include your contact information!
ALL children are invited to participate in the Christmas Pageant. Children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, neighbors and friends! ALL are welcome!

Thank you to Keith and Eric Hope for sanding and polishing and bringing the Children’s Chapel pews back to life!
They are spiffy and ready for many years of chapel fun. 
Good Shepherd Confirmation Pilgrimage
Please keep those youth and adults traveling to New York for the confirmation pilgrimage in your prayers. We are headed out at 5:00 am Saturday and will return December 23rd just in the St. Nick of time for the Christmas pageant on December 24th! 

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve those who travel, in particular Charles, Richard, Sam, Nancy, Bennett, Cooper, Emma, Billy, Rick, Kathy, Ben, Ryan and Ramsey; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. BCP

We look forward to sharing stories of our journey with you when we return. 
CONGRATULATIONS to one of our newer church members, Brittany Raffin! Brittany, Co-Author and Illustrator of the children’s book recently published for preschoolers: Chicks Bee Heroes. Raffin is an architect, artist, and mom. Combining the joys of parenting with her creative background, Raffin teamed up with two amazing teachers, Jazmyn McGhee and Emily Porter, to create an early education adventure story.
To learn more about Brittany or purchase her book, click here.
Sunday services and sermons are recorded and available on YouTube each week. Please click the link below to watch previous services and sermons. You can subscribe and share them, too!
(Outdoor services are not recorded)

Good Shepherd YouTube is here.
Pastoral emergencies, please call the office at 423-3230, option #7
Robert Taylor is missed around Good Shepherd but we are happy to report his surgery went well and he is recovering nicely. If you would like to send a get well card or a Christmas card to him, you may drop them off in the office and we will be sure he receives them.
Testing, testing…is this thing on?
From an iPad in the center aisle, to a 2-camera livestream; to say it’s been an adventure would be an understatement. COVID-19 had a drastic impact on how we have lived our daily lives since March of 2020. For the Church of the Good Shepherd, it shuttered our doors. It cut us off from our community, and kept our pews empty. Thanks to technology and some ingenuity, however, we weren’t cut off for long. What started with a couple mobile devices, turned into a full production. We now have 2 cameras, several microphones, and a specialized video switcher. Now, no matter where you are on Sunday mornings, you can watch the service live, and even participate through the chat feature. If you miss it, head over to our YouTube channel where you can watch the entire service, or just the Sermon. 
We may have stumbled across many technical hurdles, and there are certainly more to come, but we finally have a consistent Livestream from week to week. With Jade Hines at the helm each Sunday morning, our goal is to continually improve your at-home experience. We know watching virtually will never be the same as being with us in person, but we hope to bring you a service that is enjoyable and interactive. If you have questions about how to access our weekly services online, or if you have any issues accessing it, please don’t hesitate to contact the office. 
 ~submitted by Ryan Dunigan, Junior Warden

Watch us live!
Catch up later!

Vestry minutes are here. Click here to get to know your vestry.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 19, 2021
The Rev. Dr. Jacqueline R. Soltys
Online service is here.
9:00 AM Bulletin is here.
The readings are here.
Good Shepherd YouTube is here.
Sunday services and sermons
are available on YouTube.
Coming Up: December
18th-23rd Confirmation Pilgrimage
24th, Christmas Eve service with pageant, 4:00 pm
25th, Christmas Day service, 9:00 am
Click here for full parish calendar

Pastoral Care
Dec 20-26, Jen Minks