Parents, the attendance online absence form on the school website is for explaining absences. If your child has a disagreement about an absence on a particular day/period, please reach out to the teacher first.
Late arrival/Early departure:
If your student comes late to school, even if it's 5 minutes late, the parent and the student need to check in at the front office. Your written confirmation needs to be documented and a slip is given to the student to present to the teacher.
Same process for picking a student up early from school. Parent must come in to the office, present ID and sign the student out, to ensure the student is going home with an approved guardian. Thank you for taking a few minutes to help us maintain correct attendance and safely monitor our student's whereabouts.
Complimentary breakfasts and lunches are available every day in the cafeteria.
For safety reasons, we need to limit the number of visitors to school. If your child forgets his/her lunch, please do not bring it to him/her. They can eat from the cafeteria for the day. For the latest information please visit our SMUSD site here
Cell phones are not to be on or in student's possession from 8:00-2:50. Keep them POWERED DOWN and in the lockers.
Keep our campus clean:
Please remind your students to throw away their food wrappers/containers at snack break and lunch. Thank you for helping us keep our campus clean.
Students are responsible for the textbooks and Chromebooks they check out. If a textbook or Chromebook is damaged so it cannot be checked out anymore the student is responsible for the full price of the replacement, plus shipping and handling.
Computers may only be used in class at teacher's direction. Keep them locked in your lockers during lunch, away from the lunch areas and food.
Technical Support Contact:
Chat with a technology support team member at
Email technical support at
Leave a message at 626-299-7002