Mid-April Newsletter
TLC Caregiver Support Group
The TLC Caregiver Support Group will return in-person on Tuesday April 27th at 1 PM. Social distancing, masking, and hygiene practices will be required per Goodwill Community Campus policy. Join us in a supportive and safe environment to share, interact, listen, and learn with other caregivers and care partners of those with a memory loss disability. This group will run for 5 sessions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month and is specific to dementia caregivers. Registration is required.

April 27
May 11
May 25
June 8
June 22
Memory Camp - Registration OPEN!
Join us at Memory Camp 2021 as we relax and enjoy camp activities at beautiful Moon Beach Camp in St. Germain, WI. Because of the pandemic, we couldn’t have Memory Camp in 2020, but now we’re excited about upcoming our camp session, August 16-19, 2021.

Memory Cafés
It's Easy to Join us Online!
Join us on Zoom using the links below for online Memory Café opportunities. Check the calendar for which Cafes require RSVP.

We are using a new system for registration.
You must register for each café you would like to receive a kit delivery for. If you need help, please call 920-225-1711

CLICK HERE to learn how to register
April 16th @ 1:30 PM - Bergstrom Mahler Museum Exhibit Tour
April 20th @ 11 AM - Musical Jukebox with the McFaddens
April 23rd @ 1:30 PM - Classic Cars
April 27th @ 11 AM - "Tell a Story Day" Timeslips Session with Carrie
April 30th @ 1:30 PM - Canvas Painting with Alisa RSVP Here

All Memory Cafés in April will use this link:
Zoom ID: 836 8124 0190
Meeting Passcode: happyday
Kairos Alive! Wisconsin Connection Jam
Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 1:30pm
Zoom ID 83237020602
Password - kairos

Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 1:30pm
Zoom ID 89699930239
Password - kairos

On a Positive Note Chorus
The On a Positive Note Chorus continues to practice virtually on Zoom bi-weekly. Join us on the following Tuesdays 3 PM - 4 PM on Zoom.

April 13rd - Zoom
April 27th - Hybrid in-person & Zoom

New to On a Positive Note? Call Susan at 920-739-8695
or e-mail susan.h.mcfadden@gmail.com
Living Life 2021 Fundraiser
Do you like auctions? How about raffles? We have both coming up with our Living Life 2021 annual fundraising event.

Raffle tickets for sale until May 4th for $20 each with the chance to win a prize of $2,000, $1,000 or $500. Call 920-225-1711 or e-mail karen@foxvalleymemoryproject.org to purchase yours ASAP! Only 100 tickets are left.

Interested in the auction? Watch our website for the virtual silent auction to open up on April 30th
Resources from the Community

Men's Caregiver Support Group

Walt Zerrenner facilitates an independent support group for men who are caring for a spouse with memory loss. The group meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the CarePatrol office, 3701 E Evergreen Drive #280, Appleton. Appropriate social distancing measures are in place to ensure a safe, in-person setting. 

If you are interested in more information or would like to join the caregiver's support group, contact Walt via email at wzerrenner@gmail.com. 
COVID-19 Vaccinations

Starting January 25th, Wisconsinites aged 65+ are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more by clicking the link shared below by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Volunteer Needs
Fox Valley Memory Project couldn't put on the programming that we do without the help of our wonderful volunteers. This month we will be seeking folks to help with the following:
  • Delivering craft kits around the Fox Valley
  • Participating in Memory Café events
  • Picking up lunch for Mindworks and helping to serve
If these sound like things you can help with, please click below to let us know!