January 2023 | Volume 2, No. 6
Message from the President
The work of transformation calls congregational members to have a clear sense of who they are today and as they move into the future. Members of congregations reflect on how their charism and mission will look beyond the now and without its present members. The Franciscan Federation faces the same reality – a call to be transformed. The National Board is responding to this call with renewed energy. Over the past months, we have continued to listen to the voices of our members, and we have considered the final report of the Transformation Task Force. During the month of January, we wrote multiple drafts of a document describing the future of the National Board. As you will read below, restructuring is a work in progress. The National Board is committed to all that restructuring requires of us. We can create the future together.
The future belongs to all of us. As you continue to read the briefing, transformation is happening throughout the organization. Newer members are assuming leadership roles, there is an attentiveness to the needs of the Associate/Co-Journeyers needs, and collaboration with Franciscan organizations is happening. Finally, what began in conversation at AFC 2022 is becoming a reality with the Intentional Communities Group.
The members of the National Board offer their heartfelt gratitude to all our members who use their time and talent to take the Franciscan Federation into the future.
Convocation of Canonical Leaders
At AFC 2022, the Commission of Elected Leaders changed its name to the Convocation of Canonical Leaders. The change from Commission to Convocation was brought about as fiduciary responsibilities were given to the National Board. Recognizing that the Franciscan Federation was founded by Third Order Regular Religious Congregations, it was agreed that the National Board would have a conversation with the Canonical Leaders three times a year. The first of these conversations took place on January 23, 2023. Twenty-four canonical leaders gathered via Zoom with members of the National Board. The agenda of the meeting included a financial report by Frank Scornaienchi, TOR, Board Treasurer. Jeanne Bessette, OSF presented a draft of the restructuring of the National Board to the canonical leaders. The proposal presented was to consider a unicameral board model for the Franciscan Federation, rather than the two-tiered or bicameral board. Insights and clarifications were shared. Members of the National Board will consider the suggestions of the canonical leaders and refine the National Board restructuring proposal. The second meeting of the Canonical Members and the National Board has been set for April 24, 2023. The final proposal will be presented to the entire membership via Zoom meetings prior to AFC 2023 for an affirmation at the conference.
Franciscan Federation Commissions
The Commission of Life and Mission
The Commission of Life and Mission has made some changes in the way they function. Since most of the work of this Commission happens within the context of the three subcommittees (Formation and Education, Emergent Initiatives, and Associates) the executive committee will move from a monthly to quarterly meeting to free people’s time for work within the sub-committees. Susan Marie Pleiss, OSF has joined Margaret Carney, OSF in co-chairing this commission. After AFC 2023, Margaret will step down from this commission, and Susan Marie will step into the position of chair. In March, Sara Marks, Executive Director, will facilitate a conversation among the Intentional Communities group at Mt. Irenaeus. They hope that an in-person meeting will provide time and space to make some concrete commitments to move forward with this initiative that surfaced in the work of the first Emergent Group. Sara’s role as facilitator will provide continued support from the Federation. Notably, rather than taking on the work discussed in this group, the Federation will serve as the hub for networking and resource sharing. The Federation is providing space and support for the conversations and work to unfold.
Commission on Franciscan Life & Mission’s Subgroup on Associates
We are pleased to announce that, in response to the Franciscan Federation’s survey on Associates last year, we now have an opportunity for Associate directors and your Associates! At last year’s conference, Associate directors expressed a desire to have materials, resources, or events to support them in facilitating leadership qualities among their own Associates. Jeanne Connolly, the former head of NACAR, and Covenant Companions director for the Wheaton Franciscans, will be hosting the very first Federation-sponsored Zoom event in March for Associates and their directors. This 2-hour event, entitled Enlarge Your Tent: Leading Associate Communities in the Franciscan Spirit of Incarnational Leadership will be offered twice – once on a weekend and then repeated on a weekday – so that participants can choose the most convenient time. It is open to all Associate directors and Associates. There is no charge to participate. Click on the links below for more information and to participate.
The Commission of Member Engagement
With a clearer vision of their role as a commission, this new group is beginning their work in forming an executive committee and committed to ongoing conversation. The commission will be led by Meg Earsley, FSPA with the support of Camilla Wolfgram, OSF. The group will meet in February to plan the reorganization and goals of this commission.
The Commission of JPIC
JPIC Commission successfully partnered with the Franciscan Action Network during the fall to facilitate a series on environmental racism. The series was very well attended and provided our members with an opportunity to gather and meet with other interested individuals. They were inspired by some amazing people doing incredible work in the world of environment and social justice. The series was recorded and is now available on the Franciscan Federation Website.
The new year brings new life! Eunice Park has officially begun her role as Commission Coordinator and has started to meet and greet the chairs of the executive committees of each commission. Both Eunice and Sara Marks, Executive Director, are looking forward to the continuing evolution of the Franciscan Federation and are grateful for all the ways so many of you engage through the work of the commissions!
In many ways, it feels like we have just put Christmas away, but for Franciscans, the incarnation is at the heart of all we do! We announced the theme for AFC 2023 last month: Awaken Joy: there’s room for you in the crib. We are now happy to share our logo! This conference will lean into the incarnational spirituality so dear to Franciscans, as well as honor and celebrate the 800th anniversary of Greccio—when Francis brought us the living nativity. As the planning committee continues to make strides in our preparation efforts, we encourage everyone to keep an eye on the Federation website for updates.
As we move into the month of February, we are encouraged by all the GOODNESS that has been happening through the various areas of the Federation. We are heartened by the efforts to collaborate and the displays of patience during this pivotal transformational time for the organization. Thank you for your continued prayers, and presence! Peace and all good to all of you!
AFC 2023: June 9-12 in St. Louis, Missouri
Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF will engage us on the topic of the incarnation from a Franciscan theological perspective.
Ms. Gloria Purvis, host of the Gloria Purvis Podcast through America Media, will be speaking about incarnational spirituality through the lens of dismantling racism.
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