Hallway Update
It's no secret that the Fire Alarm Project has taken way, way longer than anybody thought it would (or wanted it to). The reasons are many: staff shortages, City inspection delays, reluctant residents (who wouldn't let workers into their units), added interior partition walls, and of course the ubiquitous "supply chain issues."
So let's review, and update:
The project encompasses three required Capital Improvements: Updating the building’s nearly sixty year old antiquated Fire Alarm System, installing a Digital Antenna Radio System (DAS) which provides communication capability for Fire Dept emergency responders, and the installation of new hallway lighting to meet City of L.A. Title 24 lighting requirements.
To accomplish these three projects in combination requires access to all building hallways, stairwells, and access to every resident's unit, plus opening hallway ceilings and installing equipment on the building’s rooftop & subterranean garages. This multi-project undertaking has been extremely challenging and follows a two year Covid Pandemic which created significant supply chain shortages for needed parts and materials.
Still, much progress has been made. Currently 75% of the Fire Alarm portion of the project is completed despite changes required by both the City and the Fire Dept. Progress with the DAS portion of the project has gone more smoothly and is 80% complete. Lastly, the hallway lighting portion of the project is 75% completed.
But, you're likely asking, when can the hallway ceilings be closed? The answer is unfortunately not until the Fire Alarm System is fully tested and passes final inspections by both the City and Fire Dept. The current overall project completion date is January of 2023.