Fraternal Leader Advisory
Breaking News | Reminders | Resources | Recommendations
Welcome to the new Fraternal Leader Advisory. Periodically, the Fraternal Mission department will update you with all you need to know as a Fraternal Leader. Below, you will find important links, updates to fraternal operations, membership growth, member engagement, and Faith in Action. You will also find action items for your role as a district deputy, grand knight, or financial secretary.
Survey of the Month - May 2020
Please complete this brief three-question survey to let us know how your council is operating during these trying times. Thank you.
Star Council Award Adjustments
Due to the unprecedented impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on social interactions, the Supreme Council has adjusted the Star Council requirements for the 2019-2020 fraternal year.
This is a one time change for the current year only
- Columbian Award (Programs). Conduct 10 programs; At least 2 in each category of Faith, Family, Community and Life; At least 2 additional in any category; Specific programs are no longer required
- McGivney Award (Membership). 40% reduction in quota
- Founders Award (Insurance). 50% reduction in quota, or host a benefits seminar with field agent by June 30
- Star Council Award. Achieve the revised Columbian, McGivney, and Founders awards; Payment of Supreme assessments and per capita are not required for this year; All other Star Council requirements (reports, safe environment, etc.) remain in effect
Upcoming Online Exemplifications
We need men, now more than ever. Many of our brother knights are not able to leave their homes because of age and health restrictions, yet there is much work to be done. We need to lead our families, churches, and communities in service and faith during this global pandemic. Invite men to join our brotherhood by registering for one of the upcoming online exemplifications.
- Thursday, May 7 – 7:00 AM EDT, 2:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM EDT and 10:00 PM EDT
- French: May 9 – 10:00 AM EDT and May 13 – 7:30 EDT (Registration to follow)
- Spanish: May 13 – 9:00 PM EDT and May 17 – 9:00 PM EDT (Registration to follow)
Councils must file a form 100 for all new members attending an online exemplification
While council leadership should frequently check in on their membership, COVID-19 presents a unique opportunity to re-engage members if engagement efforts have grown stale.
- Participate in the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative and report activity here.
- Update contact information for members
- Consider a phone tree, personalized emails, or texts to members
- Check in on the member’s well-being, and the well-being of their family
- Make sure all members are aware of upcoming digital meetings, charitable outreach, opportunities for fellowship and prayer, and the Into the Breach video series.
It is vitally important during this unique time in our history that the lines of fraternal communication are working effectively. Schedule a remote meeting with your Grand Knights and cover the following topics:
- Make sure Grand Knights are receiving emails from the Supreme office. If not, have them update their contact information at fraternalmission@kofc.org.
- Review the remote operations resources with your councils and answer any questions they may have on virtual meetings and elections.
- Review the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative with your councils and encourage them to join their brother knights across the globe in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are looking for 100% council participation. Council reports are filed here.
- Review the 2019-2020 revised Star Council criteria and help each council craft a plan for earning the award.
Your leadership at the council level is critical at this time in our history. You should establish your council as a resource for your members, parish and community.
- Work with your officers to contact every member of your council to check on their well being. If you don’t have accurate contact information for your entire roster, form a task force to gather this data.
- Familiarize yourself with the remote council operations resources. Organize council elections for the new fraternal year.
- Work with your Membership Director to get prospects approved by the council and registered for one of the many online Exemplifications.
- Report your council’s response to the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative here.
Familiarize yourself with the new online Form 100 available on
Officers Online
at the Candidate Tab. A
training video
will help you get the most out of this time saving tool. You must file a Form 100 for each new or transferring member that attends an online Exemplification hosted by the Supreme Council.
Leave No Neighbor Behind Reporting
When crisis strikes, Knights respond with care, compassion and charity. It is time for all of us to step into the breach – and
leave no neighbor behind
Many councils are doing heroic and extraordinary work and we are compiling the collective impact. Complete this
short survey
so we can include your council in our reporting.
You may also report council activity as Food for Families and/or Helping Hands using their respective reporting forms.
Rosary Program
Looking for a way to strengthen your Brother Knights in prayer during this time of coronavirus? Schedule a remote Rosary program!
Free Throw Championship
The 2019-2020 Free Throw Competition has been cancelled for the year as we have decided to end it at the state level. As a result, there will be no supreme level winner this year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we do thank you for your understanding.
2019-2020 KCIC Winners
While this pandemic has cast a shadow over much of what is “normal,” there is still a need to recognize outstanding achievements like the incredible creativity and talent shown in this year’s International Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest.
to view the first-place posters for each age group and a listing of all winners in the International Contest.
Supporting Local Pregnancy Centers
Archbishop Lori’s May Challenge addresses the urgent need for Knights to support local pregnancy centers. Read this
from the Manager of Life Programs to learn how your council can get involved.
To read the Supreme Chaplain’s May Challenge, please click
Revised Criteria for Council Awards - April 30, 2020, 8:00 PM EDT
This webinar briefly reviews recent key changes to fraternal operations and issues that councils need to factor into plans for the coming year. Details on revised criteria for council awards in the current year are also covered.
Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email
This e-mail was sent to state deputies, district deputies, grand knights, and financial secretaries in the United States, Canada, and Philippines.
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