January Webinar: Council Preparations for Lent & Easter
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Join us on Thursday, January 16, at 8:00 PM ET for an informative fraternal webinar entitled Council Preparations for Lent & Easter.
Lent is a period of deep reflection as we prepare for the most sacred celebration, Easter. In this webinar you will learn how to make the most of these holy seasons with a robust calendar full of prayer and service for your parish and community. Join us as we explore the tools and resources available to help your council have an impactful Lent and Easter.
And remember, if you can't join us live, it will be available on-demand afterwards. There is still time to sign-up to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. Click on the button below to register.
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Important Webinar Re-Broadcast Now On Demand: Clear Talk About Leadership Roles | |
A council requires ongoing attention. This means encouraging fellow brothers to step into leadership positions and passing the baton from one generation to the next.
As the fraternal year enters its second half, it is time to identify council members who can take on leadership roles and encourage them to view the on demand re-broadcast of Clear Talk About Leadership Roles. This is an opportunity to hear from successful leaders and learn what their experiences have taught them, including the most valuable attributes of a volunteer leader, how to navigate issues like time management or uncharted territories, and how stepping up can positively impact your personal and professional life.
Your council’s health depends on a strong succession plan. This webinar is the first step to leaving your council in good hands for years to come.
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January Per Capita Levies | |
Each council must pay its Supreme Assessment bill to avoid being suspended. Each council’s bill is easily found in the Reports tab in Officers Online. The current assessments for Per Capita, Catholic Advertisement and Culture of Life were levied on January 1. Paper invoices will not be sent. | |
Use our online training to help you lead your council in the new year! Conducted by experienced Fraternal Trainers, these hour-long sessions provide practical guidance and useful tips to enhance your skills and keep your council running successfully. They are tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future.
Register for upcoming online sessions by clicking on the links below.
Trainings are also archived after each live session, and can be found in our library of on demand training.
Note: All Times are Eastern
January 14, 2025 8:00 PM........Completing the Columbian Award Application
January 21, 2025 8:00 PM........Financial Officer Training
January 23, 2025 10:00 PM......Conducting In-Person Exemplifications
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Important Reminders for Fraternal Leaders | |
District Deputy
If you have note held your district midyear meeting, now is the time to gather your council leaders and share plans for the spring, using our recommended agenda and notes as a guide.
Remind every council to submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31 regardless f the amount of dollars and hours donated. Share this short training video for best practices. Follow up to ensure timely submission.
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NEW Special Training for Financial Secretaries: Producing Council Dues Assessments & Membership Cards - Now On Demand!
The Member Billing section of Officers Online provides an easy and cost-effective way for councils to process dues assessments. Using this tool can save your council time and money.
This on demand training is intended to guide Financial Secretaries through the member dues assessment process. This step-by-step walkthrough will answer all questions related to council assessments, producing statements, collecting dues, and printing membership cards.
Click on the button below to register.
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Fourth Degree
District Master quarterly training will be on January 27, 2025 at 8:00 PM EST: "Preparation for the NEW Fourth Degree Exemplification of Patriotism."
District Masters can email any questions to: Michael J. Porter, 4th Degree Director of Training: MJPKNIGHT9282@AOL.COM
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Volunteer with Supreme at the National March for Life
The annual National March for Life in Washington, D.C. will be held soon, on Friday, January 24, with the Knights of Columbus once again participating as a platinum sponsor. Thank you to all who will be representing our Order’s commitment to the dignity of life with your councils and families!
Supreme is seeking volunteers for the March for Life on January 24 from 9am to noon. Volunteers will distribute free K of C signs and hats on the National Mall. Any amount of time you can volunteer is welcome! Volunteers will receive free K of C apparel, sign up here.
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Special Olympics – Report Your Participation
The Knights of Columbus has been supporting the Special Olympics since it began in 1968. As part of our support, each state or provincial level Special Olympics organization in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Guam receives a donation from Supreme. To earn a larger donation from Supreme for the Special Olympics in your state or province, report your participation in Special Olympics programs through the online Fraternal Programs Report Form (#10784). State councils can report their participation here. All participation taking place in calendar year 2024 must be reported through the online #10784 by January 31, 2025, to be considered.
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Tickets on Sale for Life Fest | |
Is your Diocese or Parish planning to attend the National March for Life in Washington, DC? Let them know that all are invited to join the Knights of Columbus, the Sisters of Life, and the Diocese of Arlington at EagleBank Arena on Jan. 23 and 24 for Life Fest. Details and Tickets can be found at lifefestrally.com. | |
Evangelization and Faith Formation | |
Just as we keep Christ in Christmas, let us continue in the new year to keep Christ at the Heart of our councils and in everything we do! Cor is designed to do just this - to be the heart of our mission!
Exciting News: our first EFF Newsletter focusing on how to successfully run Cor is coming out next week. If you have completed the Council EFF Director Submission Form, your EFF Director will receive the newsletter. We will also provide your EFF Director with FREE access to Formed by the Augustine Institute, offering world-class formation content to be used in Cor.
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Order Vivat Jesus 2025 While Supplies Last! | |
The Knights of Columbus annual prayer planner is selling out! This is a great resource for you and your council to begin the New Year in prayer and enhance your daily prayer routine. Here’s what people said about last year’s book:
“Vivat Jesus has been a great resource. I especially like the monthly challenge by Archbishop Lori. I use those for our Council meetings. I also like the different feasts that are highlighted each month. I highly recommend Vivat Jesus.” – Fr. David. M.
“I have purchased 50+ Vivat Jesus books and the greatest joy I have is giving these to new members who join the order, whether they are online members or council members. I have extended an invite to "Pray with Us," and it has been such a rewarding experience.” – Ryan B.
To purchase single copies of the Vivat Jesus, visit kofc.org/shopcis. Use code VJ25 for 25% off. Council officers can purchase in bulk – 20 copies for $100.00 – through Supplies Online.
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Updates to Fraternal Supply Store (U.S. only) | |
The Fraternal Supply Store for US members will soon be relaunched with a new home page that features easier navigation. New and featured items will be placed on the home page and users can easily search between catalogs based on recruiting, programs, evangelization and faith formation and fraternal operations. More information on these changes will be shared once this goes live and a live demo on the new site will be featured on next week’s webinar. Users will continue to access the Supply Store through the icon in Officers Online. | |
Upcoming Fraternal Benefit Event – 2025 Economic Outlook webinar (U.S. only) | |
Do you have financial goals for 2025? Are you looking for insight into market trends and what that might mean for your investments?
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, your premier partner for Catholic investing, can help. Join President and CIO Anthony Minopoli for this annual event, the 2025 Economic Outlook, January 28, 2025, at 8 PM ET.
Learn from key members of the investments team as they discuss what transpired in the financial markets in 2024 and what they anticipate for the new year. Panelists will share remarks on areas of expertise, and the event will conclude with a Q&A session for attendees.
Reserve your spot today [Register here] and share with others who may be interested in attending. The event is open to the public.
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There's Still Time to Sign Up for the Fourth Degree’s 125th Anniversary Event in NYC! | |
You’re invited to a celebration commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Fourth Degree. Join us Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City as we hold a Fourth Degree Exemplification of Patriotism; dedicate a new statue of Blessed Michael McGivney; and attend Mass concelebrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, and Archbishop William Lori, our Worthy Supreme Chaplain and archbishop of Baltimore. Following the events at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, you’re invited to a celebration banquet at the New York Hilton Midtown.
On this milestone day, we will conduct, for the first time, the revised U.S. Fourth Degree Exemplification of Patriotism. This is an exciting opportunity for Fourth Degree members to witness the updated ceremony and for current Third Degree members to take the Exemplification of Patriotism. Please extend this invitation to Fourth and Third degree members in your council and help us make this celebration one to remember!
You can find more details, including ticket cost and travel information, on the event website. Please register soon as there are limited tickets and registration ends on January 20th! We can’t wait to see you at this historic event!
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Employment Opportunities | |
The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Mission Department has fantastic job opportunities. Visit https://careers.kofc.org/ to find one that matches your skills and goals. | |
Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email fraternalmission@kofc.org | | | | |