Fraternal Leader Advisory
Breaking News | Reminders | Resources | Recommendations
Survey of the Month - May 2020
If you haven't already, please complete this brief three-question survey to let us know how your council is operating during these trying times. Thank you.
Upcoming Online Exemplifications
Grand knights or financial secretaries invite eligible candidates for admission and advancement to participate by following instructions
Note that candidates for admission must be approved by your council. You may coordinate electronic voting for them using the temporary rules for electronic voting found here -
For your benefit, the ceremony schedule is as follows:
Please note the corrected date.
There will not be an English ceremony on May 17.
Star Council Award Adjustments
Due to the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on social interactions the Supreme Council has adjusted the Star Council requirements for the 2019-2020 fraternal year. Details on the new award criteria are located
. A
FAQ document
is available to answer commonly asked questions. A
cross reference table
has been created to help councils quickly identify their new membership and insurance goals.
A Valuable Resource for Councils
Council leadership often have questions about online members. In order to clarify any misunderstandings and to ensure that online members and fraternal leaders have a positive membership experience, here are just a few reminders about online membership:
- Online members are legitimate members of the Knights of Columbus
- Online members have membership numbers and membership cards
- Council leadership should not be hesitant to accept online members into their council
- Online members who transfer into a local council positively impact the membership quota by one
- Councils that have online members as prospects in member management should reach out to those members and encourage them to register and attend an online exemplification, and to consider joining their council
New Ways to Answer the Call
Daily life has been turned on its head, however, the mission of the Knights of Columbus remains constant. Invitations to eligible men must continue, even if by different means, so we can expand our work of caring for those in need.
- Did you have candidates or prospects who expressed interest in joining your council prior to the pandemic shutting things down? Now is the time to invite them to attend one of the many online Exemplifications being conducted by the Supreme Council.
- If your parish continues to send out regular emails, ask the pastor to include some of the spiritual resources the Knights have available. When men see the practical, spiritual assistance you’re providing to them and their families, they will also see the value in your council and join.
- The Into the Breach video series can be shared with men and then remote sessions held for fruitful discussion. These events should be open to all men in the parish. Invite nonmembers to join your council.
- Now, more than ever, people need human interaction. Reach out to people in your parish who might be alone or might need additional assistance. If they’re not Knights and they’re eligible, invite them to join and let them be a part of your fraternity. This human connection might help them get through this tough time.
Once a man accepts an invitation to join your council, have him complete the virtual admission process that your council has adopted. Once approved, communicate all upcoming
online exemplifications
– be it one run by the Supreme Council or one done locally. Encourage his family to watch with him. Follow up with him after the ceremony to see if he has any questions and to welcome him to our ranks.
Council and member participation in the
Leave No Neighbor Behind
initiative is of critical importance to assist brother, parish, and community. However, members are still encouraged to socialize – albeit digitally.
- Host a video conference available to all members of the council
- Avoid talking about business and charity
- Check-in with one another, socialize
- Personally invite members of the council you haven’t heard from in a while, especially men outside of council leadership
- Make sure each of your councils has a plan for holding officer elections. Remind them to submit the Report of Officers Chosen for the Term, Form 185 by June 30.
- Work with your councils and field agent to host a district wide in person or virtual benefits seminar. If councils promote and attend the event it will satisfy their requirement for the Founders Award this year.
- Star District requirements for 2019-2020 have been adjusted to reflect the revised Star Council criteria. The revised Star District Requirements are as follows:
- Membership – 70% of the combined total of all revised council quotas
- Insurance – 70% of the combined total of all revised council quotas (DDs will be credited with a council’s insurance quota if that council hosts an approved benefits seminar)
- At least one council in the district must earn the Star Council Award
- The quotas listed on Officers Online cannot be updated. Revised district quotas will be emailed to District Deputies shortly.
- Hold your council officer elections and submit the Report of Officers Chosen for the Term, Form 185 by June 30.
- Work with your council officers to finalize plans for earning Star Council. Use the cross reference table to identify your new quotas and contact your field agent to arrange a benefits seminar.
- Work with your Membership Director to get prospects approved by the council and registered for one of the many online Exemplifications.
- Report your council’s response to the Leave no Neighbor Behind initiative here.
Financial Secretary Report
It is vitally important to have accurate contact information for all members in your council. This is an opportune time to update those records. The Member Management tool in Officers Online can help. Review the training videos for the
Data Extract Tool
and the
Email Tool
. Make sure to submit a Form 100 for all new members joining your council via an online Exemplification.
Give a Pint, Save a Life!
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of blood drives have been canceled, resulting in a shortage of over 100,000 units of blood. To address this urgent need, Brother Knights and their families who are not already isolated due to illness, age or underlying conditions are encouraged to donate blood. Your donation of a pint of blood is the gift of life so many now desperately need. Organize your council’s response and
report the results
Leave No Neighbor Behind Reporting
Please be sure to report all activity related to the Leave No Neighbor Behind initiative
so we can include your council in our reporting.
You may also report council activity as Food for Families and/or Helping Hands using their respective reporting forms.
Rosary Program
Looking for a way to strengthen your Brother Knights in prayer during this time of coronavirus? Schedule a remote Rosary program!
Free Throw Championship
The 2019-2020 Free Throw Competition has been cancelled for the year as we have decided to end it at the state level. As a result, there will be no supreme level winner this year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we do thank you for your understanding.
2019-2020 KCIC Winners
While this pandemic has cast a shadow over much of what is “normal,” there is still a need to recognize outstanding achievements like the incredible creativity and talent shown in this year’s International Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest.
to view the first-place posters for each age group and a listing of all winners in the International Contest.
Supporting Local Pregnancy Centers
Archbishop Lori’s May Challenge addresses the urgent need for Knights to support local pregnancy centers. Read this
from the Manager of Life Programs to learn how your council can get involved.
To read the Supreme Chaplain’s May Challenge, please click
Post Coronavirus Operations and End of Year Actions -
May 14, 2020, 8:00 PM EDT
Join us as we discuss fraternal operations as pandemic restrictions are lifted, new fraternal training resources, council end of year actions, council success stories and best practices, and the new Fraternal Leadership Advisory newsletters
Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email
This e-mail was sent to state officers, district deputies, grand knights, and financial secretaries, council officers and directors in the United States, Canada, and Philippines.
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