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August Webinar:

Issues and Solutions at the Two Month Point

Join us on Thursday, August 17 at 8:00 PM EDT for an informative fraternal webinar entitled Issues and Solutions at the Two Month Point.

In this webinar, we will identify where your council should be at the two month point of the Fraternal Year. We will also identify the common issues we see councils run into at this point in the year. Finally, we will provide you with simple solutions to right the ship and get your council back on track for the year ahead.

Click on the button below to register for this important webinar.

Register Now

2022-2023 Council Award Winners

Congratulations to our Council Award winners. On behalf of the many lives you touched this year, we thank you and your brother knights for the hard work represented in achieving this goal.

New Officer Training Sessions Upcoming!

We have added new officer training sessions, conducted by experienced Fraternal Trainers, to be held in August and September. Click on the training topics below to register today:

Note: All Times are Eastern


August 7, 2023, 9:00 PM............You Are Your Programs                             

August 9, 2023, 8:00 PM............District Deputy 201                         

August 10, 2023, 10:00 PM........Council Officer 101                         

August 16, 2023, 9:00 PM..........New Council Development           

September 5, 2023, 9:00 PM......Member Experience                       

September 12, 2023, 9:00 PM....Council Growth                               

September 13, 2023, 8:00 PM....State Disaster Relief                                              

September 25, 2023, 10:00 PM..Church Recruitment Drive 


Can’t make it to one of the dates scheduled above? Missed the sessions in June and July? These trainings are recorded and available to view on demand after the live broadcast. Click here to view the completed trainings which are available on demand.

Supreme Convention

Today concludes the 141st Supreme Convention in Orlando, Florida. This year’s Supreme Convention brought brother Knights from all over the word under the theme “First in Faith and Charity.” To watch or learn more about the Awards Presentation & Welcome Concert, Convention Masses, the Supreme Knight’s Address or the States Dinner, please visit

Later this month, we will provide a Post-Convention Toolkit to help you take the key messages and initiatives from the Supreme Convention and turn them into action in your councils and parishes.

Take Our Mini Survey - Silver Rose

The Silver Rose program plays an important role in unifying the Order. Please complete the Silver Rose survey to help us gauge the health of the program. It will take less than a minute.

Please complete the Silver Rose survey even if you haven’t done the program. Your reasons for not participating are just as valuable as responses from those participating.

Click on the button below to complete the Silver Rose survey. 

Complete Survey

**If you missed last month’s survey on the Coats for Kids program, you can still complete it using the link here! **

Fraternal Operations

NEW - Fraternal Benefits Event Council Report

We have made significant improvements to the process for reporting council fraternal benefits events. These updates will make the lives of fraternal leaders and general agents much easier. Click here to be taken to the simple online form.

Grand knights will submit this form at the end of each event. It will be simultaneously delivered to the Supreme Council and General Agent. Councils will receive immediate credit for their submission. The general agent will have the option to dispute the submission, and if he does, the council will be notified so they can rectify any outstanding issue. A video tutorial on how to complete the form will be provided in the next Fraternal Leader Advisory.

NEW Founders’ Award Requirements

For the 2023-24 fraternal year, all councils must host / promote at least two Fraternal Benefit Events during the fraternal year. The required sum total attendance of members, or member eligible men, at these events must equal or exceed:

  • 10 for councils with 99 or fewer members
  • 14 for councils with 100 or more members

These events are coordinated in conjunction with your local field agent. In order for the council to receive credit, the grand knight must submit the new online form #11077 within seven days of the seminar.

District Deputy Corner

Council Officer Corner

Grand Knight

Financial Secretary


Faith in Action Program Guide Sheets

Every Faith in Action program has a guide sheet that includes simple, step-by-step actions your council can take to carry out a program. Use these guide sheets to help plan for your program and learn what other resources you should order, such as prayer cards, prayer booklets, and posters. More detailed guidebooks are also available. Visit to access these resources. 

Employment Opportunities

The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Mission Department has two fantastic job opportunities. Please feel free to forward to any members who may be qualified:

Fraternal Trainer (Bilingual in Spanish)

The ideal candidate for this rewarding position is an experienced fraternal leader that has successfully served as Grand Knight and District Deputy (State officer/director experience is a plus). He is a college graduate (preferably with an emphasis on training/education, communications, and/or marketing) and has at least 3-5 years of public speaking, marketing, or presentation experience. Fluency in Spanish is required, and a native speaker is preferred. 

The Bilingual Fraternal Trainer develops and conducts training in Spanish at the State, District, and Council levels on all aspects of the Order, including, but not limited to, membership, programs, member engagement, and officer duties and responsibilities. Trainings will be virtual and in person. This position will also be involved in the creation and production of videos and webinars for our Spanish-speaking membership.

Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Member Engagement Coordinator (Bilingual in Spanish)

The Bilingual Member Engagement Coordinator coordinates the development and implementation of the Spanish-speaking online & affiliate member journey. This position will coordinate all aspects of the Spanish-speaking online & affiliate member experience, including onboarding campaigns, digital engagement, and assisting with transitions of members to/from online/affiliate and local council membership.

The ideal candidate for this position is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a college graduate (preferably with an emphasis in business, English, communications, and/or marketing) and has at least 1-3 years of brand representation or equivalent experience. Fluency in Spanish is required, both oral and written. The position is located at the Supreme Council Headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut.

Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Important Links

Membership Benefits

Celebrate McGivney



Fraternal Operations

Training & Webinars


Inviting Men to Join

Engage Your Members


Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email


To view the FLA Archives, please click here.

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