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VOLUME 84 September 21, 2023 | KOFC.ORG/FORMEMBERS

September Webinar:

Getting Serious About Programs and Growth

Join us tonight at 8:00 PM EDT, for an informative fraternal webinar entitled Getting Serious About Programs and Growth.

Programs and membership growth go hand in hand. In this webinar, we will provide useful tips and strategies to bring your programs and membership recruitment initiatives to the next level. Learn how to utilize Faith in Action to help strengthen your membership and grow your council, while also providing a service to your parish or community. This is the time to get serious about programs and membership growth.

And remember, if you can't join us live, it will be available on-demand afterwards. Be sure to sign-up to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. Click on the button below to register:

Register Now

Officer Training Sessions

New and seasoned council officers will benefit from officer training sessions. Register now to get the skills you need to run a successful council and make a difference in your community. View our Online Training Schedule or click on the training topics below to register:

Note: All Times are Eastern


September 25, 2023, 10:00 PM...Church Recruitment Drive

October 5, 2023, 10:00 PM..........Working with your Pastor                              

October 11, 2023, 9:00 PM......... Conducting In-Person Exemplifications


Training sessions are recorded and made available to view on demand after the live broadcast. Click here to view the complete list of on demand training videos.


March for Life – Start Planning Your Council’s Support!   

Visit for dates of national, state and local marches taking place during the fraternal year. A limited number of event dates have been announced thus far. Sites will be added as they are announced. Please reply with any updates or missing events so they can be added!

Start planning your council’s participation well in advance, such as sponsoring a bus. The Order’s iconic “Love Life, Choose Life” signs are available for free on Supplies Online. March for Life-related apparel and items can be found at or  

Food for Families

As food prices continue to rise, an alarming number of people worldwide require assistance and rely on food pantries or soup kitchens to help feed their families. Encourage your council to get involved with our Food for Families program, which provides councils with a refund of $100 for every $500 dollars or 1,000 pounds they donate up to $500 per fraternal year. For more information, please visit

Cor – Marketing Assets Now Available

New Cor marketing assets, such as customizable posters, social media graphics, sample pulpit announcement text, and much more, are now available on Supplies Online.

Whether your council has already started running Cor or you’re still planning for your first Cor session, these materials will help make Cor more widely known in your parish communities.

As a reminder, other start-up resources are already available on Supplies Online and on the Cor webpage,

Men’s Bible Study Available on Online Supply Store

You can now order Men of the Word, a bible study for Catholic men, on Supplies Online. Bulk discounts are available for councils that order at least 10 copies. Greater discounts are available for councils that order at least 25 or 50 copies.

Remember that Men of the Word can be part of the formation content in your council’s regular Cor gatherings. You can learn more about Men of the Word at

Council Chamber Portraits

During September and early October, two portraits will be mailed to Financial Secretaries in the United States and Canda. The mailing will include a portrait of Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly (Photo by Michael Collopy) and the official beatification image of Father Michael J. McGivney (Painting by Chas Fagan © Knights of Columbus) for use in your council chambers.

Traditionally, council chambers display portraits of the current Pope, Supreme Knight and Supreme Chaplain, as well as our Founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, and namesake, Christopher Columbus.

If your council would like to order additional portraits, framed or unframed, Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries may do so through Supplies Online, which is accessible through Officers Online.

United in Charity

"And behold, I am with you always...” The ministerial priesthood and the sacraments that flow from it are a critical part of God’s plan for salvation. Every family has a great need for well-formed priests. Your support of our United in Charity Annual Appeal helps us invest in priests, providing support for vocation scholarships and much more. Please encourage your members to donate to our United in Charity Annual Appeal to support programs like this and much more. 100% of donations go directly to helping those we serve.


Important 2022 Tax Information for US Councils, Assemblies, & Chapters

Review the memo from our Legal Department explaining the tax filing obligations of all councils, assemblies, and chapters in the United States. 

Take Our Mini Survey: Disaster Preparedness

It’s storm season and Knights find themselves on the front lines assisting communities impacted by natural disasters. The Disaster Preparedness program allows Knights of Columbus councils to be prepared in wake of a natural disaster, so they can be ready to help their neighbors. Please complete this survey to help us gauge the health of the program. It will take less than a minute.

Please complete the Disaster Preparedness survey even if you haven’t done the program. Your reasons for not participating are just as valuable as responses from those participating. Click on the button below to complete the Disaster Preparedness survey. 

Complete Survey

**If you missed last month’s survey on the Building the Domestic Church Kiosk program, you can still complete it using the link here! **

District Deputy Corner

Council Officer Corner

Grand Knight

  • The Semiannual Council Audit (#1295) was due on August 15. If you have not submitted it yet, please do so as quickly as possible.
  • Review the Public Relations and Publicity Guide (#2235) for tips on promoting the good works of your council and attracting new members. This is a great way to expand the impact your council can have in the parish and community.
  • Review the Faith in Action Program Forms Reference Guide (#11172) for form submission details on all programs. Please note that RSVP and Food for Families applications should be submitted as soon as possible after donations are made.

Financial Secretary

  • Verify and update member contact information on the Member Management application available at Officers Online. The grand knight might have the most current email addresses for all members, but it is important that any changes in member phone, address or email should be recorded at both the local and the supreme council level.
  • View the short training videos on how to get the most out of Member Management and Member Billing.

Employment Opportunity

The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Mission Department has fantastic job opportunities. Visit to find one that matches your skills and goals.

Please feel free to forward the following to any members who may be qualified:

Member Engagement Coordinator (Bilingual in Spanish)

The Bilingual Member Engagement Coordinator manages the development and implementation of programs for Spanish-speaking members and councils.

The ideal candidate for this position is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a college graduate, and has at least 1-3 years of related experience. Fluency in Spanish is required, both oral and written. The position is located at the Supreme Council Headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut.

Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Important Links

Membership Benefits

Celebrate McGivney



Fraternal Operations

Training & Webinars


Inviting Men to Join

Engage Your Members


Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email


To view the FLA Archives, please click here.

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