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The Mission of the Family: New Video Series Available

Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family, which launched this past Friday, seeks to illuminate the truth and beauty of the Church’s teachings on marriage and family and inspire Catholics to live them in the modern world. This five part video series has an accompanying study guide and can be incorporated into Cor. Episodes of Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family, the study guide and other resources are available online at You can also read more about this new series in last week’s Knightline.

October Webinar:

Faith & Fraternity: Foundations for Success

Join us on Thursday, October 19 at 8:00 PM EDT, for an informative fraternal webinar entitled Faith & Fraternity: Foundations for Success.

Energize your council members and bring vitality to the men of your parish with a renewed focus on faith-based initiatives. In this webinar, you will learn about powerful new resources like Cor, the Men of the Word Bible Study, and the brand new Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family video series. These tools can be the foundation for your council to build a true brotherhood of men committed to strengthening Catholic families and building up the Church. Register today, and take your council to the next level of success.

And remember, if you can't join us live, it will be available on-demand afterwards. Be sure to sign-up to ensure you get the link for this important webinar. Click on the button below to register:

Register Now

Officer Training Sessions

Register now for officer training sessions to enhance your skills to run a successful council and make a difference in your communityView our Online Training Schedule or click on the training topics below to register:

Note: All Times are Eastern


October 5, 2023, 10:00 PM..........Working with your Pastor                              

October 11, 2023, 9:00 PM......... Conducting In-Person Exemplifications


Training sessions are recorded and made available to view on demand after the live broadcast. Click here to view the complete list of on demand training videos.


March for Life    

Start planning for your council’s participation in a national or state March for Life this fraternal year. Visit for a list of Marches for Life happening across the continent. Have a March to add? Contact to update the list. 

Hockey Challenge   

The Hockey Challenge program can be run at any time of the year, on ice/rink in the winter, or in a parking lot. For more information about this program, visit For Hockey pucks, street balls, plaques, medals, or hockey kits, visit Supplies Online via Officers Online. 

Family Fully Alive

Knights step into the breach by leading their families to live the faith at home with the weekly and monthly prayers, reflections, and activities of the Family Fully Alive Program. Visit for more information.

Take Our Mini Survey: March for Life

As state and national marches approach, the March for Life program is an opportunity to show public support for the right to life. Please complete this survey to help us gauge the health of the program. It will take less than a minute.

Please complete the March for Life survey even if you haven’t done the program. Your reasons for not participating are just as valuable as responses from those participating. Click on the button below to complete the March for Life survey. 

Complete Survey

**If you missed last month’s survey on the Disaster Preparedness program, you can still complete it using the link here! **

United in Charity

Where there’s a need, there’s a Knight. We are often the first to step in and the last to leave, offering humanitarian and spiritual support in times of disaster. Gifts to our United in Charity Annual Appeal allow us to answer the call when our neighbors need help, during disasters and so much more. Please encourage your members to donate to our United in Charity Annual Appeal to support programs like this. 100% of donations go directly to helping those we serve. 


Important 2022 Tax Information for US Councils, Assemblies, & Chapters

If your council’s tax-reporting year is July 1 through June 30, you are required to file your council’s 2022 Form 990 on or before November 15, 2023. Review the memo from our Legal Department explaining the tax filing obligations of all councils, assemblies, and chapters in the United States. 

New Virtual Fraternal Benefit Events (U.S. Only)

As your premier Catholic partner for financial services, we are pleased to announce a fall series of virtual financial webinars that will count as fraternal benefit events for your councils. Anthony Minopoli, President and Chief Investment Officer from Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, will speak about insurance, investment, and charitable solutions that align with Catholic values. No matter where a member is in his financial journey, he won’t want to miss this event.

Members and prospects can sign up for an upcoming webinar by visiting the registration page. Council leaders and members will soon receive individual communications inviting them to attend these events.

No purchase is necessary. This event is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, or legal advice. For important additional information, please visit the registration page.

Important Reminders

District Deputy

  • Make sure grand knights are receiving emails from the Supreme Council. If not, have them update their contact information at
  • Conduct a quarterly district meeting with council leaders to get a quick status report, discuss best practices and struggles, and provide support where needed.

Grand Knight

  • Meet regularly with your Pastor to discuss how your council can serve the parish and community.
  • Appoint a committee to work with the Financial Secretary on updating member contact information. It is essential that a council have a valid phone number and email address for every member on the roster. Use personal contacts, parish directories, internet searches, etc. to help gather the information.

Financial Secretary

  • If your council accounting period ends June 30, then November 15 is the deadline to ensure that your council submits the proper IRS form 990 (US Councils only). Ensure that this paperwork is filed.

Employment Opportunities

The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Mission Department has fantastic job opportunities. Visit to find one that matches your skills and goals.

Please feel free to forward the following to any members who may be qualified:

Member Engagement Coordinator (Bilingual in Spanish)

The Bilingual Member Engagement Coordinator manages the development and implementation of programs for Spanish-speaking members and councils.

The ideal candidate for this position is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a college graduate, and has at least 1-3 years of related experience. Fluency in Spanish is required, both oral and written. The position is located at the Supreme Council Headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut.

Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Important Links

Membership Benefits

Celebrate McGivney



Fraternal Operations

Training & Webinars


Inviting Men to Join

Engage Your Members


Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email


To view the FLA Archives, please click here.

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