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January Webinar: Best Practices of Standout Councils

Join us on Thursday, January 25 at 8:00 PM EST, for an informative fraternal webinar entitled Best Practices of Standout Councils.

In this webinar, we will showcase best practices and success stories from councils that are on track to hit Star Council this Fraternal Year. We also will discuss important focus areas for the next 6 months.  

And remember, if you can't join us live, it will be available on-demand afterwards. In either case, sign-up to get the link for this important webinar. Click on the button below to register.

Register Now

Important Reminders for Fraternal Leaders

District Deputy

  • If you have not held your district midyear meeting, now is the time to gather your council leaders and share plans for the spring, using our recommended agenda and notes as a  guide.
  • Remind every council to submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31, 2024 regardless of the amount of dollars and hours donated. Follow up to ensure timely submission.

Grand Knight

  • Build a strong leadership bench by identifying future leaders of your council, empowering them to run initiatives, and mentoring them on fraternal operations.
  • Complete and submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728) by January 31. The form can be completed digitally by grand knights and financial secretaries. This short training video explains the simple process of online submission.

Financial Secretary

Fourth Degree

  • The next quarterly District Master training will take place virtually on January 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM CST, and will focus on the District Master's upcoming Biennial Meeting for 2024. The link to the meeting will be sent out in January to all Vice Supreme Masters and District Masters. Any questions can be directed to: Michael J Porter, 4th Degree Director of Training, at:

U.S. Councils – Register Today!

A Council Account with Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund (KCCF) can help your council fundraise more effectively to support fraternal programs and grow your charitable assets. 

This webinar will be co-hosted by KCCF team members Dennis Gerber and Evan Holguin along with Drew Dillingham, Director of Programs. 

Click on the button below to register.

Register Now

Online Training Schedule

Online training sessions are conducted by experienced Fraternal Trainers, and are available to watch on demand after the live viewing. Give all members an opportunity to enhance their ability to make a difference in their community! 

Encourage members in your jurisdiction to register for upcoming online sessions or on demand training by visiting, or by clicking on the links below.

Note: All Times are Eastern


January 16, 2024, 8:00 PM.........Membership Retention

January 23, 2024, 8:00 PM.........Officers Desk Reference

January 24, 2024, 10:00 PM.......Navigating Council Forms

January 29, 2024, 8:00 PM.........Programs for Lent/Easter

Life Fest 2024

Join, Share, and Promote within your parish, diocese, and community the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life for Life Fest 2023:

WHAT: Morning rally featuring dynamic speakers, music, Mass, and more!

WHEN: 6:30-10:30 a.m., Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, right before the March for Life

WHERE: D.C. Armory, Washington, D.C.

For tickets and more information, visit or click Life Fest Flyer 2024 to download your printable version today! 


Meet Us at the National March for Life!  

The Knights of Columbus Supreme Office is seeking volunteers for the March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 19, 2024, and its related activities. Volunteers will meet the morning of the March on the National Mall. All volunteers will receive a special item for participating. Any amount of time you can volunteer is welcome! 

 Click here to sign up! 

Hockey Challenge   

As the weather gets colder, what better time than now to plan a hockey challenge in your community? The price of 14-packs of plaques for champions is now only $50!  Act fast while supplies last. Those and many other items, including hockey medals, balls, pucks, etc. can be purchased on Supplies Online. For more information on how your council can host a hockey challenge, visit

Take Our Mini Survey: Rosary Program

This week we are focusing on the Rosary Program. Please complete this survey to help us gauge the health of the program. It will take less than a minute.

Please complete the Rosary Program survey even if you haven’t done the program. Your reasons for not participating are just as valuable as responses from those participating.

Click on the button below to complete the Rosary Program survey. 

Complete Survey

**If you missed last month’s survey on the Consecration of the Holy Family Program, you can still complete it using the link here! **

Employment Opportunities

The Knights of Columbus Fraternal Mission Department has a fantastic job opportunity. Please feel free to forward to any members who may be qualified:

Coordinator of Hispanic Program Engagement

The Coordinator of Hispanic Program Engagement will coordinate the development and implementation of Hispanic programs, initiatives and special events. The coordinator assists with all aspects of Hispanic programming and engagement including communications, resource development, and operations and administration.


The ideal candidate for this position is a college graduate and member of the Knights of Columbus. Experience as a council officer is desirable. Fluency in Spanish is required, both oral and written, as is a deep understanding of Hispanic-American and Hispanic-Immigrant cultures. The position is hybrid (remote Monday and Friday, in the office Tuesday – Thursday) and located at the Supreme Council Headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut.


Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Important Links

Membership Benefits

Celebrate McGivney



Fraternal Operations

Training & Webinars


Inviting Men to Join

Engage Your Members


Thank you for your service to the Order. If you have any questions or suggestions during your term, please email


To view the FLA Archives, please click here.

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