Forwarded by the Connecticut Clearinghouse Prevention Listserv
Learn practical tools and essential knowledge to change
the course of your children's lives.

Wednesday Evenings 7-8:30 PM
The Pressure to be Perfect and Its Unintended Consequences
Presented by Dr. Alicia Farrell

We are raising our children in complicated times where performance is valued over character. In such a competitive world, parents, educators and leaders are unwittingly passing on to their children pressure to be perfect. In turn, our children are feeling inadequate, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, scared and tired. This talk is designed to address how we arrived at this place and what we can do about it. You will learn:

• The pressure our kids are under to be perfect and how we got here.
• How we counterbalance this pressure to ensure well adjusted children with grit and resilience.
• What the difference is between stress and anxiety. How to recognize each in our children and tools to support them as they learn navigate these emotions.
• When and when not to seek professional help. When and when not to use medication.
• What the relationship is between the pressure to be perfect and the nationwide increase of anxiety disorders, addiction, and suicide in our children

It is time for change. Knowledge is key. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn!

Weeding out Fact from Fiction: Marijuana, Alcohol, Nicotine & More
Presented by Dr. Alicia Farrell

Parents have the greatest influence over whether their kids use drugs and alcohol. Knowledge and Communication is key! In this talk you will learn the following:
• At what age should you start talking to your children about drugs and alcohol. How do you do it at different ages and stages of their development.
• What to do if your child is already using drugs/alcohol.
• What drugs are more dangerous for your child to experiment with and why.
• Is there such a thing as age-appropriate experimentation?
• Marijuana, Alcohol, Vaping, Opioids, Cocaine and other drugs in a nutshell.
This talk is full of practical tips/resources and is relevant for parents with kids or young adults of ANY age as well as for grandparents, teachers, administrators, community leaders, and counselors.

The Negative Influences of Screen-Time and Content on Children's Development and What We Can Do About It
Presented by Dr. Alicia Farrell

With the advent of technology and its rapid dominance in our lives, our children are learning more about the world, life and themselves on a screen than through interactions with us. This dynamic is having unprecedented effects on our children’s wellbeing. Want some help? Join me for a talk that will cover the following:
• Age-specific guidelines for screen time, getting a smart phone, access to social media and more.
• How to establish and communicate reasonable boundaries for technology use and what to do if your child pushes back.
• What the difference is between good content and bad content based on your child’s age.
• What we know about the effects of screen-time and content on our children’s brain, cognitive, social and emotional development.
• The importance of a backbone as we make decisions without a lot of experience and knowledge.

Boots on the Ground Parenting: Raising Children with Grit and Resilience Presented by Dr. Alicia Farrell

Our primary and overriding responsibility as a parent is to raise children so they can thrive without us. Ever feel like you don’t know what you’re doing? Join the crowd! These are difficult and unprecedented times that require a boots on the ground mentality. We need to pay more attention to what we know and less to what we don’t. We know a lot much of which we have lost sight of in this crazy mixed-up world. Come ground yourself in the basic of parenting and learn practical tools you can apply immediately to positively change the course of your children’s lives. This talk will cover:

• What parenting style you currently use and what might be its long-term consequences.
• How to set, communicate and implement healthy boundaries and expectations for children of all ages.
• How to let children make mistakes, take responsibility and learn without shame while building grit and resilience.
• The secret of collaborative problem solving instead of punishment to influence children’s choices and behavior.
• How to let go as a parent without losing control.

This talk is relevant for parents, grandparents, school administrators, counselors, teachers, community leaders and more. Come be inspired to take charge!