July Author News!
This is a great time to invite readers to enter a contest, read a sneak peek in your book, and buy your book. Let us help you get in front of them and learn about you and your books.

Take advantage of our free promotions today!

  • Do you have a book video trailer? Friend us on YouTube. Then send us a quick note and let us know what genre your book video trailer. We will get that added so readers can see it.
  • Sign up for our Coffee Time Romance – Author Services Sale Notifier & Promotional Opportunities Alerts eMail list to receive information about Author Services going on sale and promotional Opportunities that we have going on to help you promote your books.
  • Do you have a Steampunk book? We have a Steampunk area. We have an active community and a fun place to get all of the news, find out about new (and old) books, and a great blog!
  • Want to schedule a day on our blog? Or an event? Looking for blogs for your blog tour? New to blogs but would still like to have an event? We can help! eMail Bonnie
  • Show it off Saturday – (Facebook Event) – We have something fun for you! Saturdays, we will be hosting 2-3 authors per day on our Facebook page. You provide the information, we do all of the work! This is fun way to get your book and author news out to readers. Set up your date here!
  • Interested in scheduling an interview with one of our wonderful interviewers? Contact our Interview Coordinator, to set a date!
  • We have a place to list your author name and your web site. If you will send us your full author name and the URL address for your web site, we will add that to the listing.
  • We also have reviewers who can review your books and we post them on the site upon completion. The guide lines and submission information is listed here and you can contact our Review Coordinator with any questions.
  • Want free advertising? Every month, we pick authors for a month of book cover advertising. Click here
  • NEW – Join our Instagram

We have more services listed here. And some other contact information is listed here. If you need anything else or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Other Nifty Things to help out..

Chat announcement check sheet made available to you from Marketing for Romance Writers. Join the group here. Tell them we sent you (wink)

MFRW’s motto is “Seek, teach, share, learn, succeed.” MFRW is open to the literary community. We teach members marketing and publicity, and work together to provide opportunities. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and now Coffee Time Romance. We brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and find others for mutual promotion. We are associated with www.marketingforromancewriters.org The group was founded in 2006 by author Kayelle Allen, and has a staff of over a dozen volunteers. All our training is free. Join us! Great group created by Kayelle Allen
Newsletter Promotional Ads
We are now taking new author clients for:

  • Website maintenance
  • Website hosting, and
  • Newsletter services

Publicity for your books - UK Radio Show Interview

Hi, authors!

I just wanted to let you know about an excellent opportunity to promote your books. With the Ian Johnson & Ron Clark show on  Chat and Spin Radio , you'll have the ability to go on air and talk about one of your books.

I did this recently as well for one of my titles, and they are not opposed to follow-up visits. If you're interested, you can send private message Ian through their Facebook page, or even add a comment to this post thread.  Facebook - Chat and Spin

You may also email them directly at the address below to get booked for a spot:

The above is a free promo opp, but they'll ask you for a donation, so be prepared.
In case you're wondering how the interview plays out, you can check out mine at the link below:
Visit our Book Blog
Every month we choose a couple of authors to win a month of free book cover advertising. Do you want to enter to win? Its easy, you can do that here

Congratulations to July's Winners
Do you have a Steampunk book? We have a Steampunk area .

We have a fun place to get all of the news, find out about new (and old) books, and a great blog! Contact us
Personalized Marketing

Personalized Marketing Inc provides customized services tailored to each client’s needs. We pride ourselves in having satisfied clients, which some have been with us for several years. We believe that knowing the clients helps to ensure a higher success rate, while continually learning gives an updated approach based on current trends. Contact us today to begin! #PMinc @PMnP

All Coffee Time Romance clients and authors will receive a special discount. Email us prior to ordering at Contact@PersonalizedMarketing.info