Open 11AM-9PM
Everyone may pick out three comics
from our special FCBD selection.
Gotham City "loans" us some characters!
Scheduled to appear are Two Face, Riddler, Bane, Nightwing and
Photo ops and meet and greets from 2- 4 PM
inside and in front of the store.
Come dressed as your favorite character!
Cosplay encouraged and there will be prizes for our costume contest judging at 3PM!
First 20 people through the door get a "bonus bag" with TWO Marvel Comics Hard Covers, two free comics and six Free Comic Book Day books. (No line saves.)
The internet talk show DeLOL will live stream from 1 PM until 3:30 PM so you can be internet famous!
The Keith's Comics 24th anniversary sale continues with over 30 Marvel Comics Hard Covers on sale for 76% OFF!
Jason's Deli is offering FREE ICE CREAM!!!!!! 12-4PM