Welcome to the Summer of Eclipses
Celebrate with our eclipse gifts
 Yes, welcome to the gift of deeply transformative growth that Eclipse Summer 2020 offers all of us. Transformation is a powerful and effective response to the changing energies around us and to celebrate these generous blessings we have expanded our gift offerings.
As you probably already know, eclipses allow light into our shadow sides illuminating the old and the hidden to be seen and released.
These old and the hidden that eclipses help open, may have been the source of past limited circumstances, losses, or way less than optimal results in areas of your life. We can often surmise they are in there from the clues that life has given us, but when we looked to see, well, it can be way too dark to see clearly into the shadow side.
Successfully clearing them and then opening ourselves up to unconditional love, living in the light and joyful co-creation is what many of us are here for.
This week our Living in Changing Times Gift is Hidden Issues . We will add a bottle to every order this week. You do not need to include it in your order or enter a code to receive it.

Hidden Issue's excellent ability to partner internally with the external energy of Eclipse Season could make this season the most fertile for transformative growth you have ever had.
Hidden Issues is one of our deepest acting catalytic formulas, especially designed for getting to deeper energies inside ourselves. Like an eclipse, it helps emotions, memories, decisions, thoughts, structures, fears and conclusions that may not serve you anymore become easier to see and release.
Hidden Issues works well alone or with other flowers to support your process. It is often used with other supportive and balancing formulas that help treat each of the layers that come up. We call that the Well and Circle technique.
Hidden Issues and the eclipse energies dig the well down to release the memories and emotions and judgments held within, while other well-chosen remedies for stress, anxiety or other strong emotions wait to be called in to help smooth out the differing energy waves of the releasing process.
For more on Catalytic blends and this particular technique go to our Advanced Page .
Click here to go to the Flower Essence Formulas page for more about Hidden Issues and supporting blends.

We are now communicating more through our Social Media pages and you can view this and previous offers through the handy links at the bottom of the newsletter or www.Botanicalalchemy.com/giftoffers.htm on our website.

Free Flower Essence Consultations

Our second Living in Changing Times Gift is only offered through the newsletter and you do not need to place an order.

We are offering 5 free Flower Consultation each of the next 3 weeks for anyone who would like some guidance on which flowers to choose, how to combine them or take them to maximize their help.
These consultations are focused on your flower blend choices but may also include homeopathic suggestions or other tools.

If you would like one of these this send us an email indicating your interest, our email address is [email protected]

Adding a contact number and even your thoughts about your circumstances and the flowers you are currently drawn to can increase the depth we can get to in the time we have. Allow 20-30 minutes.

Be patient with yourself and others during this time, especially with us if it takes us a while to get back to you or schedule a session. We will be following our guidance if there is a large number of requests, and some people might have to wait more than others.