A Free Ballistic Calculator from Gunwerks!
Free G7 Online Ballistic Calculator Click Here
" In a trophy hunting situation, it's important to have the equipment and preparation to ensure that you can make the shot at that once-in-a-lifetime trophy, even at 800 yards! Part of that preparation is understanding, in simple terms, the external ballistics of a typical long range shot. External ballistics covers everything that happens during a bullet's flight between the muzzle of the rifle, and the target." - Aaron Davidson
This online Ballistic Calculator will help you prep for and understand your external ballistics. It allows you to customize the shooting conditions to mimic the ballistics performance of your favorite load in various shooting and hunting environments. The program also has the ability to save your loads and print small drop charts for use in the field.
Three Instructional Segments on the Ballistic Calculator
Instructional Segment 3
Find more information and instructional videos for the ballistic calculator on our website by clicking HERE
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