The Brilliance Buzz
May 2022 | Issue 11 | For Community Partners
Help Brilliance Win $10,000!
The Plain Dealer is giving away money to local nonprofits! Help Brilliance win the contest by voting for us daily until May 4. Visit to cast your vote!
Explore Our FREE Summer Camp!
Are you, your friends, or your family members looking for FREE summer camps and enrichment for your children? Check out Camp Brilliance!
Camp Brilliance is a fun, hands-on way to love learning this summer!

WHO: All children entering grades K-8 (approx. ages 5-14)
WHAT: Full days of reading and math enrichment, outdoor activities, arts, field trips, entrepreneurship, and more!
WHEN: June 13 - July 22
WHERE: The Brilliance School (10608 Penfield Ave, Garfield Hts, OH 44125)

Seats are limited! Sign up today!
Click below to share this message with anyone you know who's looking for Daycare and Summer Camp:
Education Corner: Summer Learning
Summer vacation. School closures. Remote learning. What happens when kids aren't in school?

The Problem
With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic still showing in our lives, the phrase "learning loss" has become a buzzword in education. According to the Glossary of Education Reform, learning loss is any reduction in skills or knowledge or reversal of academic progress, most commonly due to a gap or discontinuity in a scholar's education. The National Summer Learning Association finds the following information about the negative effects of summer learning loss:'

  • Most students lose 2 months of math skills every summer.
  • Summer learning loss directly contributes to the achievement gap between low-income children and their middle-income peers.
  • Nine out of every ten teachers spend at least 3 weeks re-teaching lessons at the beginning of the school year.

The Solution
These statistics can seem scary and overwhelming. However, the amount of conversation and research on learning loss also leads to many potential solutions! Here's what you need to know to prevent learning loss and close achievement gaps this summer:

  • Voluntary summer learning programs are proven to be effective for growth in math and reading for elementary school children!
  • To gain the benefits of a summer enrichment program, scholars must attend regularly for at least five weeks.
  • Summer programs help build key foundations for future learning, such as vocabulary, fluency, work habits, and reading efficacy.

The Results
What happens after a child attends a summer program? Here are results found in a meta-analysis by the Partnership for Children & Youth:

  • Decreased likelihood of chronic absence the following school year
  • Increased enjoyment of school in about 85% of participants
  • Stronger relationships between children and their teachers
  • Stronger social skills and friendships between children and their peers

Yes, summer vacation can seem daunting, especially due to the buzz around learning loss. However, there are solutions! We can not only prevent learning loss but also increase outcomes for next school year through high-quality summer learning experiences.

Looking for a high-quality summer camp for your child? Check out Camp Brilliance! Visit to learn more today.