Hoffman Newsletter: August 2015
hoffman... When you're serious about change


Photo credit: Nico
For many people who do the Hoffman Process, the moment that they're able to forgive those involved in their past story is the moment they find the key to their personal freedom. 
Actress Naomie Harris (pictured right) most recently seen in the films  Skyfall and Southpaw has spoken about how the Hoffman Process helped her 'become the best human being I could be'. Read her article below.


Also, in this month's issue, Hoffman graduate Julia Pitt explains how finding forgiveness on the Process after an acrimonious divorce changed not only her life but that of her son.   


If you're just finding out about Hoffman, you can attend our Information Evening in London on Tuesday August 11. For a more practical experience of the Process, come to our Introduction Day in London on Saturday September 26. Do bring a friend too. 


If you're interested in booking a place on the Hoffman Process, we recommend you do so by August 31st to take advantage of the current price. See below for details and dates.


Hoffman Process Graduates can connect together at our London Support evening on Friday September 18, and you can also get tips on using Emotional Intelligence at work on our Support Call on Wednesday September 23. Finally, remember to check out our Hoffman Top Tip for the month of August.  

With love from  The Hoffman Team  

Julia and Son
For Bermudian success coach Julia Pitt, the famous triangle more accurately described a tricky relationship between her young son, herself and her ex-husband. Then in June 2013, she flew to the UK to do the Hoffman Process and got to the bottom of the mystery. What disappeared was a lot of ill feeling - what emerged was a healthier family dynamic...

"So often, we treat forgiveness as an intellectual exercise. We rationalise, empathise and 'understand' the other person's position and we think we've forgiven them. But true forgiveness comes from the heart and it's only when we allow ourselves to feel the feelings that are poisoning us, that we can find peace in our relationships. Tracing our patterns back to early childhood and examining our fundamental needs and how they have or have not been met was like finding a corner piece of the puzzle.

My biggest breakthrough came from the work we did on the Process on vindictiveness and compassion. As someone who had intellectually decided to be compassionate about the painful marriage and acrimonious divorce I'd been through, I thought I was 'over it' - but how wrong I was..."


Actress Naomie Harris speaks out...

Naomie Harris
Photo Credit: Nico
Hoffman Graduate and Bond girl, Naomie Harris has spoken  to Net-a-Porter's weekly digital magazine, The EDIT, about the Hoffman Process while promoting her film Southpaw (also starring Jake Gyllenhaal & Rachel McAdams) which came out on  July 24.


"I did the Hoffman Process recently, which is all about learning re-parenting, because so many of us come from dysfunctional parents, and we get trapped in negative patterns that stem from that. To break those patterns you have to be in a space where you can recreate what you went through and deal with it." 


So why did she undergo the Hoffman Process?

"Because I want to fully become an adult... Most of us operate as if we are adults, but we aren't emotionally mature at all..."   

Admitting that she stays in touch with people she met on the course, she added:

"I spoke at length last night on the phone to someone who had reached out to me, and in the same way I'll be able to reach out to them when I need to. I just want to be the best human being I can be."


We are grateful to Naomie for reminding people how important it is to take steps to create a better life for yourself and for those around you. You can catch Naomie as Miss Moneypenny in the upcoming 007 film Spectre, released later this year.


Read more on the Evening Standard website here 

 Or on Net-a-Porter here  

Hoffman recommended in Red...

Philippa Perry
Red magazine's resident psychotherapist Philippa Perry has recommended the Hoffman Process.

Responding to a reader who is struggling with anxiety and issues with work and relationships, Philippa advises:

"At the moment, it sounds as if you fear your emotions. But I want you to learn to use them as pointers, helping you decide what to do next. I even want you to make friends with your needs and vulnerability so you don't dread having time with yourself. When you can do that, you give yourself the chance to feel closer to others and therefore more secure in your life.  Go on a therapeutic holiday, ideally with group therapy, either with your partner or without him. I recommend the hoffmaninstitute.co.uk"

Time to cancel those flights to Thailand...


Read more on the Red Magazine website here


New to Hoffman..? newanchor

Information Evenings
Information Evenings:  
Tuesday August 11 & September 22 (London)
Tuesday September 8 (Dublin) 
This event provides the opportunity to meet Hoffman teachers and Process participants, ask questions, hear people's experiences and decide if the Process is right for you. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Regent's University, London NW1 4NS 
The event is free and there's no need to book.
More Info

Introduction Day:
Saturday September 26 (London)
Led by members of the Hoffman teaching team, this 'stand alone' workshop is for people curious to learn about the Hoffman Process and what to expect from this week-long residential course.The day is experiential and you will hear about the origins of the Hoffman Process and learn several Hoffman techniques. The day costs £85 which is deducted from the Process fee on registration. Booking is essential as places are limited. There is no charge for Hoffman graduates attending with family or friends.  

Information Phone-In
Information Phone-Ins:  
Tuesday August 4 & September 15
Join our free monthly Conference calls to find out whether the Process is right for you. Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm.  
These calls are led by a member of the Hoffman team and often include previous course participants who can help answer your questions. You can call from anywhere in the world with a local call charge.
For any questions about the Hoffman process, call 01903 889990 or  email us 

Next Process Dates Processanchor

Life is not set in stone

From September 1, 2015, the Hoffman Process price will increase from £2,700 to £2,950.


Any bookings for 2015 will be offered at the current rate of £2,700 if confirmed before August 31, 2015. 

It's a good idea to book before the end of the month!


August 1-7, Dunford House, W. Sussex  (FULL)

August 22-28, Florence House, E. Sussex (FULL) 

September 12-18, Florence House, E. Sussex

September 26-Oct 2,  Florence House, E. Sussex

To book online, or for further dates, click here.
(FULL = Wait list in operation, call the office for updates.)  

To read articles about the Hoffman Process, click here.
To order a Hoffman magazine, click here.

For any questions about the Hoffman Process, call 01903 88 99 90 or email us.

More for Hoffman Graduates  Gradsanchor

Reconnection Day
Reconnection Day: Saturday September 12 
Rekindle your vision, clarify your direction and remind yourself how the Hoffman tools can be used on a daily basis. Invite members of your Hoffman Process group and reconnect the Hoffman way.
Time: 10.00am - 5.30pm
Venue: Art Workers' Guild, London, WC1N 3AT
London Support Evening: Friday September 18
Led by a member of the Hoffman team, the evening will give you the chance to release some Hoffman energy, revisit some tools and meet up with other Hoffman graduates. 
Venue: Battersea Yoga Centre, London, SW11 4TA
Time:  7.45-9.45pm
Support Call
Support Call: Wednesday September 23
Emotional Intelligence at work
Ever had the feeling that just under the skin of your adult self lurks a hurt 8 year old? 
This call will be led by supervising Hoffman Teacher Matthew Pruen.
Time: 7.30pm
Q2 Refresher Q2 Refresher: October 23-25
3 days to remind yourself of your Process
The Q2 allows you to build upon your Process work, providing an opportunity to explore some of the areas, relationships or challenges that need a bit of tidying up. 
You can come alone, or with members from your Process. 
Use the weekend to reconnect and set new visions and intentions for the future. 
Led by Tim Laurence
Venue: Florence House, East Sussex 

The Hoffman Journal The Hoffman Post Process Journal 
A handy journal that provides you with a reminder of the Hoffman tools and techniques 365 days of the year. Start any time and keep Hoffman with you by your side.
Find out more and order here

For any questions on the Hoffman Process, please call 01903 889990 or  email us 

The Hoffman App 

The Hoffman App Over 1,000 Hoffman Apps have been sold around the world since our launch. The feedback has been wonderful. Don't miss out, download your App today!
The Hoffman App gives you the chance to stay connected to your Hoffman experience. You can work through the tools, express how you feel and receive ongoing Hoffman support and encouragement. Almost like having a Hoffman teacher in your pocket! 
Fancy being led through a Quad check each morning? Or why not try  out the 'Feeling Wheel'. Beat your Dark Side and use the Wiffle Bat to get rid of some pent up energy! 

We are now able to provide you with an App that gives you 'Tools at your Fingertips'.  Share your thoughts with your friends. 

Hoffman Monthly Top Tip

Cool Cat Are you prone to anger? Or is anger an emotion you forbid yourself because you are a 'peaceful' person? What do your friends and colleagues think? 

Anger needs to be expressed in a safe and constructive way, otherwise it shows up in indirect, passive aggressive anger or even vindictiveness.

It might be time to do some cathartic exercise. Find a space where you can feel safe releasing some anger. Put on some loud music! If you have a plastic Wiffle bat then use that, or alternatively find a cushion or another physical way to release any build up of anger.

When you're done, breathe, take a moment to fill your body with compassion and love - and then chillax!

Until Next Month...
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