In this E-News
Webinar May 26 Co-ops in the Digital Age: Digital maturity, data & transition
- Panel May 6: Innovations in Creating and Measuring Impacts of Social Economy
New case study research: the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS)
- Apply by May 31 for online Master's, Graduate Diploma and Certificate programs
- Thanks to donors: Co-operative Management Education Bursaries
- April's Operationalizing Co-operative Identity course a success!
Participate in the ICA Survey on Co-operative Identity
- Applications open for Cooperative Leaders & Scholars Program
- Sonja Novokic celebrated by NCBA-CLUSA
- Student, Chloe Williams, receives 2022 Co-operators Young Leaders Award
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Register for Webinar on Co-operatives in the Digital Age | |
On May 26, 1 pm ADT (Atlantic/Halifax), join us for a panel on co-operatives in an age of digital maturity.
Deborah Moore (MMCCU), Director of Digital Transformation at Celero Solutions, and Bob Yuill (MMCCU), Deputy Chief Executive at the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society and Managing Director of Ltd, will share about digital transformation and member experience from a co-operative perspective.
Themes of data use and data sovereignty will also be explored.
You are invited to share your experiences of digital transformation in the co-operative and credit union space.
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Innovations in Creating and Measuring Impacts of Social Economy | |
ICCM Academic Director, Sonja Novkovic, will be presenting on a panel "Innovations in Creating and Measuring Impacts of Social Economy: New Models of Supply Chain and New Indicators for Social and Solidarity Economy" on May 6 as part of the Social Economy, the future of Europe event.
May 5-6, Strasbourg: The Social Economy, the future of Europe will convene social economy actors, networks and institutions to explore the role of the social economy in meeting social and environmental needs as well as strategies and innovations to scale impact.
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Case Study Research: Scottish Agricultural Organization Society | |
The Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS) is a co-operative federation (or secondary co-op) of some 56-primary agricultural (farm and rural) co-ops. Established in 1905 under the influence of Anglo-Irish agricultural reformer Horace Plunkett, SAOS aided the spread and integration of agricultural co-operation across Scotland, serving many of the same member needs that still exist to this day. Federated agricultural co-ops collectively benefit from improved market access, reliable information, economies of scale, and political representation.
SAOS’s mandate has also widened over the years in response to evolving member needs, particularly as the broader agri sector has grown in size and complexity. The Society’s current activities are increasingly geared towards member education, managing consultancy, and future strategy, with an emphasis on “holistic” co-operative governance as a means to sustainable and resilient co-op development. In this endeavour, the federation must now assess potentials, pitfalls, and uncertainties surrounding the digital/tech revolution, supply chain collaboration, and various interlocking aspects of the environmental crisis.
The Centre's Working Paper and Case Study Series publishes research papers and reports in the field of co-operative management, economics and governance.
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Online, Part-time Co-operative Management Programs | |
Bursaries are available and applications are open until May 31 (or until full) for the Master’s, Graduate Diploma and Certificate in co-operative and credit union management designed for busy working professionals. Our online, part-time programs span 3 years, 16 months or 10 months in duration.
Excel in co-operative management, elevate your co-operative organization and join a global network of leading practitioners, educators and scholars in the co-operative economy.
What graduates say
- 100% of graduates surveyed would recommend their program
- 98% said their education provided knowledge and tools to improve the social, economic and environmental performance of their co-operative organization
Nearly 80% said the program significantly changed how they see, think about and do their jobs
More testimonials here.
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“Our programs are professional programs, designed for people working in the co-operative economy. The curriculum is firmly grounded in applied co-operative experience, set in the context of wider economic and social influences.
Our current students, alumni, as well as our Co-operative Management Education Co-operative board members, all influence our direction and curriculum, as we collectively ensure our education enables and equips our students to be critical thinkers willing to see beyond the status quo.
Our students and graduates are the proof of the value of co-operative education we deliver together. Considering how they are approaching their work and how they are putting the co-operative principles and values into play for the benefit of their members and communities, tells us we are succeeding.
Dr. Sonja Novkovic
ICCM Academic Director
Co-operative Economist
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Co-operative Management Education Bursaries | |
With the generous support of our co-operative community, we were able to provide nearly $70,000 in bursaries to new and current students in 2021. We want to thank
If you would like to join your co-operative neighbours by contributing to the bursary fund, please click this link to make a charitable donation.
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Two-day Online Course - Operationalizing Co-operative Identity
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On April 4 & 5 we convened 50 co-operators from 8 countries and 28 organizations for an online professional development course “Operationalizing Co-operative Identity - Strategy to Practice”.
We examined the transformational potential of the co-operative identity in practice: our purpose, values and principles combined with people-centredness, democracy, joint ownership and control. Co-operators were equipped with a rich set of frameworks, tools and strategies to apply in their co-operative.
Many thanks to course participants and guest presenters for sharing your brilliance.
Stay tuned for our next course offering or email to signal your interest.
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ICA Survey on Co-operative Identity | |
Applications Open for Co-operative Leaders & Scholars Program | |
Elevating the performance and impact of co-operative enterprises through customized business education and research. | |
International Centre for Co-operative Management | | @CoopMgmt
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The International Centre for Co-operative Management at Saint Mary's University is located in Mi'kma'ki, the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Mi'kmaq. The Mi'kmaq have stewarded these lands since time immemorial. It is covered by the 18th-century Peace and Friendship Treaties. | | | | | |