Freedom High School
Community Brief
Monday, February 17, 2020

Welcome to Freedom High School where learning is our top priority and our focus is on literacy, rigor and relationships. Our school's pillars of honor, excellence and tradition continue to be on display on a daily basis by our students, staff, and community.

OCPS Parent Survey Link
We are full speed ahead in the third marking period! Parents, in my last message I asked if you could please take the time to complete our Annual OCPS Accreditation Survey. I wanted to extend this invitation to you if you did not have the opportunity to do so. This survey is important to me, as your input will help me in our school growth. Please note that all responses to this survey are anonymous. Please click to access the parent survey. Be sure to select our school before beginning the survey. As always thank you so much for taking the time to help improve our school goals.

I hope you have a wonderful three day weekend and enjoy our President's Day holiday tomorrow. And as we transition from our winter to spring calendar, I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming performances and sporting events.

In Patriot Pride, 
Ms. Cheryl Neely
Pictured very top: Congratulations to our five student athletes that signed their letters of intent on National Signing Day.
  • Emily Staples -Girls Golf - University of Missouri
  • Braylie Thompson - Volleyball - New Jersey City University
  • Demorie Tate - Football - Florida State University
  • Kalani Rivas - Wrestling - Limestone College
  • Joseph Ouellette - Volleyball - Kean University
Upcoming Events 
Feb. 18    Varsity Baseball (vs Winter Park) 4:00 pm
Feb. 19    JV Baseball (vs East River) 4:00 pm
Feb. 19    Girls Lacrosse (vs Winter Park) 6:00 pm
Feb. 20    Girls Lacrosse (vs Colonial) 6:00 pm
Feb. 20    Boys Volleyball (Pre Season Classic) 6:00 pm
Feb. 22    Saturday School 9:00 am
Feb. 22    Varsity Baseball (vs Kennesaw HS) 11:00 am
Feb. 24    JV Baseball (vs Lake Nona) 4:00 pm
Feb. 24    Girls Lacrosse (vs Celebration) 6:00 pm
Feb. 25    Varsity Baseball 4:00 pm
Feb. 25    Flag Football (Pre Season Classic) 6:00 pm
Feb. 27    Boys Volleyball (vs Dr. Phillips) 6:00 pm
Feb. 28    Varsity Baseball (vs Lake Nona) 4:00 pm
Feb. 29    Saturday School 9:00 am
OCPS 2019-2020 Calendar

Featured Department
Physical Education  

Bottom left to right: Ms. McFerren (Dept. Chair), Mr. Farley (BLA), Mr. Hageman.
Middle row: Mr. Steele, Mr. Bush, Ms. Lansing, Ms. Clark, Mr. Hutchinson.
Top row: Mr. Mahoney.
Patriot Spotlight
FHS Environmental Team
Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
FHS Environmental Team 
First place at Regional Envirothon Competition   
On February 6th, Freedom High school students competed in the Annual Regional Envirothon Competition at Leu Gardens. For the first time ever, Freedom students placed first in Orange county beating out many other high school teams. The team will go onto the state championships in April for the opportunity to go onto Nationals!!  Congratulations to our winning team and the hard work they put in.

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) 
OCPS Teacher/Intern Symposium 
Lucca Fogaca, Aedan Casey, Jabri Smith, Haseeb Zuberi
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) provides transformative learning experiences for high school students within the United States. Freedom High School PLTW teachers create engaging hands-on classroom environments. They also empower students to develop in-demand knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the field of engineering. Last spring, Freedom High School PLTW students were offered the opportunity to apply for the Lockheed Martin Internship program. Sixteen PLTW students were selected. Lucca Fogaca, Jabri Smith, Aedan Casey, and Haseeb Zuberi, our Lockheed Martin Interns, participated in the first annual OCPS CTE PLTW Teacher Symposium. Their segment highlighted their experiences with PLTW and how the curriculum prepared them for their current internship opportunity. The interns spoke with the audience and engaged in conservation with Dr. Dave Dimmett, PLTW Senior Vice President & Chief Engagement Officer. Lockheed executives were also in attendance including Steven Botwinik, Director of Advanced Programs.  
Special Recognition
Ms. Stacy Walsh
AXA Staff Member of the Month

Left to right: Ms. Stacy Walsh with AXA representative Mr. Kenny Swift

FHS would like to recognize and congratulate our AXA Staff Member of the Month, Ms. Stacy Walsh. As our school's only registrar, Ms. Walsh displays strong work ethic on a daily basis handling the enrollments and withdrawals of FHS, the largest school in the district.
Rigor Around Campus
Aerospace Engineering with Mr. Hellmund

Rigor in the classroom is demonstrated in Mr. Michael Hellmund's aerospace engineering classes. Last week, Mr. Hellmund's aerospace engineering students launched their second model rocket project of the year. These are scaffolding lessons to their final project: Launching an egg (our representative astronaut) and recovering it without breaking the egg. Click to see this lesson in action.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.
Student Services
Counselor Assignments 
School Counselor alphabet assignments have been updated. To view the Updated Counselor List click on the link.

Course Requests 
Rising 10th and 11th graders will be selecting classes. Use the following links to assist with the process:
Course Details (Use OCPS login.)
Video ~ Programs
Slideshow ~ Programs (Use OCPS login.) 

Tutoring at FHS 
Click for tutoring opportunities available to our students.
Visit the FHS Athletics Website at for up to date information including athletic physical forms.
Stay Connected! is your window into the PATRIOT NATION. From schedules, to scores, news updates, and photo galleries of our phenomenal Student-Athletes in action - offers you everything you need to keep up with your favorite athletes, teams, and coaches at Freedom High School. As an added bonus for our fans, we are getting ready to launch Rapid Replay - featuring highlights of some of our favorite moments for you to enjoy and to share.

VNN Sports, our web provider, offers area businesses the opportunity to support Freedom Athletics by purchasing advertising on the site. averages nearly 12,000+ views a month, and will soon be one of the Top Ten High School Athletics websites in Florida. To learn more about our sponsorship opportunities, contact Athletic Director Robert Rego at

Stay in the know on all things Freedom Athletics, and visit today!


Men's Soccer

Congratulations to our men's soccer team for winning the district championship. The championship game against rival Cypress Creek was intense, tied 0-0 after 80 minutes of intense soccer. In the first overtime Cypress Creek scored, then Freedom's Tomas Yriarte tied the game for the Patriots in the second overtime. At the round of penalty kicks Freedom's freshman goalkeeper, Andres Olivares, stopped the second kick while all five Patriots scored to win the District Championship. 
Metro Conference Champions (for the sixth consecutive time)

Our FHS men's and women's wrestling teams once again had a strong showing at the Metro Conference Wrestling Championships. The women's team had a tight battle with rival Dr. Phillips throughout the whole tournament. They came up just short (10 points) of winning the championship. But they return a young team that has them set up for metro and state championships in the future. The men's wrestling team continued their dominance by winning their sixth straight championship, which included 5 individual champions. Next up for the men's team are the regional championships followed by the state championships.

Winter Sports at FHS 
Below is a list of our winter sports at FHS along with their respective head coach. Feel free to contact the head coach for tryout dates and other pertinent information.

* Boys Basketball - Dustin Leonardo         
* Girls Basketball - Robert Caraballo
* Comp Cheerleading - Chani Mills
* Boys Soccer - Juan Baquero
* Girls Soccer - Keith Hageman
* Girls Weightlifting - Robert Mahoney
* Boys Wrestling - David Bush
* Girls Wrestling - Lynzie Doll

Athletic Director - Bobby Rego
Asst. Athletic Director - Maurice Allen
Asst. Athletic Director - Nathan Kallal
Athletic Trainer - Joe Gonzalez
Athletic Trainer - Terri Charlock
Athletic Trainer - Peterson Francois  
Senior Class of 2020 Dates and Events
Feb 24 - 28 - Grad Bash Ticket Sales (online only)
Online ticket sales on SchoolPay for Grad Bash. Tickets are $100 each, FHS seniors only, no guests allowed, must not have any obligations.

Mar 2-6 - Grad Bash Ticket Sales (cash only)
Cash only ticket sales for Grad Bash after school in the media center. Tickets are $100 each, FHS seniors only, no guests allowed, must not have any obligations.

April 18 - Prom
Rosen Plaza Hotel. Prom questions should be directed to Ms. Fierle -

April 24 - Grad Bash 2020 at Universal Orlando Studios and Islands of Adventure
Attendees (FHS seniors only) will meet in the cafeteria at 4:30 pm to board buses (you must ride bus; no student driving) then return to FHS by 2:30 am. Attendees must ride the bus to and from Universal. No exceptions.

April 27 - Senior Common Formative Exams Periods 3 & 7
April 28 - Senior Common Formative Exams Periods 1 & 6
April 29 - Senior Common Formative Exams Period 5
April 30 - Senior Common Formative Exams Periods 2 & 4

May 1 - Senior Decision Day
9:00 am in the FHS gymnasium

May 11 - Senior Device/Textbook Check-in/Cap & Gown/Tickets Pick-up (last names A - M)
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the media center. Each senior will receive 15 tickets at no cost. (must be clear of all obligations)

May 12 - Senior Device/Textbook check-in/Cap & Gown/Tickets Pick-up (last names N - Z)
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the media center. Each senior will receive 15 tickets at no cost. (must be clear of all obligations)

Senior Walk-Out during 6th period
Traditional event when senior class of 2020 will walk out of Freedom together, as a class, for the final time.
Senior Assembly in the gym during 7th period
A senior assembly in the gym will immediately follow the walk-out.

May 15 - Senior Awards Night
7:00 pm in the PAC

May 18 - Final Device & Textbook return/Obligations clear/Ticket pick-up last names A - M
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the media center. Last chance to turn in devices, textbooks, clear obligations, and pick up tickets.

May 19 - Final Device & Textbook return/Obligations clear/Ticket pick-up last names N - Z
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the media center. Last chance to turn in devices, textbooks, clear obligations, and pick up tickets.


For updates and info, visit the school information tab on the FHS website at then click on "Seniors."

Our cap/gown and announcement company is Jostens. Any questions regarding orders can be answered at or call them at 407-894-3131.

Mandatory graduation rehearsal date has not been released by Amway. Stay tuned for the mandatory rehearsal date and time.
Monday's Motivational Moment at President's Day
Abraham Lincoln's birthday Feb. 12, 1809
Abraham Lincoln Didn't Quit

Probably the greatest example of persistence is Abraham Lincoln. If you want to learn about somebody who didn't quit, look no further.

Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business and suffered a nervous breakdown.

He could have quit many times - but he didn't and because he didn't quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.

Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up. Here is a sketch of Lincoln's road to the White House:
  • 1816 His family was forced out of their home. He had to work to support them.
  • 1818 His mother died.
  • 1831 Failed in business.
  • 1832 Ran for state legislature - lost.
  • 1832 Also lost his job - wanted to go to law school but couldn't get in.
  • 1833 Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year he was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt.
  • 1834 Ran for state legislature again - won.
  • 1835 Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken.
  • 1836 Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months.
  • 1838 Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated.
  • 1840 Sought to become elector - defeated.
  • 1843 Ran for Congress - lost.
  • 1846 Ran for Congress again - this time he won - went to Washington and did a good job.
  • 1848 Ran for re-election to Congress - lost.
  • 1849 Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected.
  • 1854 Ran for Senate of the United States - lost.
  • 1856 Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention - gets less than 100 votes.
  • 1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost.
  • 1860 Elected president of the United States.

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Copyright Notice 
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Freedom High School is forbidden without written consent.  Thank you for your support of OCPS - Freedom High School and the Orange County Public Schools. Please contact Charles Youtz at with any questions or for further information.