Local Sustainable Organic Sustainable Seafood Grass Fed Beef and Lamb Local Farm Eggs Spices ...... and more!
~ Flying Fish Company Portland ~
Wondering what we have before you come in??? We now have a direct number to the fish shack. 971-258-5212. There is no voicemail available on this number. Please call 503-260-6552 for questions and special orders. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring CASH OR CHECK. My credit/ debit fees are extremely high. That money could be used for my daughters college fund instead of paying big corporate America. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. Fresh local Columbia River Chinook Salmon. Springers have the highest oil content and are the most nutritious wild salmon available. They have even more healthy omegas than the Copper River salmon from Alaska. They are not suitable for sushi because they are caught in freshwater and must be frozen at sub-zero temperatures for 72 hours before eaten raw.
Oregon troll-caught Chinook Salmon. Fresh wild salmon hook & line caught in the ocean off the Oregon coast. Premium quality ready for sushi. Fresh Jumbo Sea Scallops. Chemical free/ dry pack. Wild from the east coast, USA. Dissolve in your mouth texture with a slightly sweet flavor. Fresh Grass-fed Beef & Lamb. No grains EVER. Full selection available including steaks, roasts, stew meat, and heart & liver. Ground Grass-fed Beef ON SALE!!! Almost $1.00 off per pound for ground beef. Only $5.89/ lb. Fresh Chicken arriving next week!!! Real pasture-raised outdoor chickens roaming around the fields of Providence Farms in Canby, Oregon. First batch of the season. Smaller chickens probably ranging around 3 pounds each. Goose eggs available. Use just as you would chicken eggs. Local Raw Honey Cured Smoked Salmon. Smoked Alaska Sockeye, Hawaii Yellowtail, and Smoked Washington Steelhead available. Do you want to know more about our plant based tray packaging? Click HERE for more info. Flying Fish Company NEVER DEFROSTS ANYTHING. My fresh fish means that it has NEVER BEEN FROZEN. Don't be fooled by the grocery stores cheap prices for previously frozen products that have been sitting in the cases for too many days. You can count on Flying Fish Company for consistently high quality seafood that is 100% guaranteed. If you ever have any problems please contact us and we'll be happy to take care of you. Depend on Flying Fish Company every time!!! Open 7 days per week 11am - 7pm All Grass-fed meats at Flying Fish are 100% grass fed & grass finished, never given any grain.
CASH or CHECK is always preferred. Visa/ Mastercard/ Discover Card and Food Stamps also accepted.
See you soon, Lyf (pronounced leaf) Gildersleeve Flying Fish Company- Sustainable Seafood 503-260-6552 photo by Ronit Photo.
Fresh - Never Frozen
What a selection!!!
 Price Guide- $ = under $10 $$ = $10-15 $$$ = $15+
Columbia River Chinook Salmon $$$ The King of salmon
Washington Skate wing $ Special new item
Jumbo Sea Scallops $$$ Chemical free/ Dry pack Wild USA
Hawaii Bigeye Ahi Tuna $$$
Sushi quality
Oregon Troll Chinook Salmon $$$ Sushi quality- Local
Washington Steelhead $$ Melts in your mouth. Sustainably raised
Oregon Rockfish fillets- Pacific Snapper $ Nice flavor, flaky white fish
Alaska True Cod $ Big, white, moist, and flaky
Manila Clams $ Washington
Penn Cove Mussels $ Washington
Petite Oysters $ Kumumoto & Skookam Washington
X-Small Shucked Oysters $ Willapa Bay, WA
Pickled Herring $ Made in Washington Local Farm Eggs- Chicken and Duck Eggs $
Local pasture raised Fresh Grass-fed Lamb $ Loin chops, Kabob meat, shanks, stew meat Fresh Grass-fed Beef $ Top sirloin, NY, Tenderloin, Chuck-eye, Flank, Flat iron, Brisket, Tri tip, Kabob meat, stew meat |
Flash Frozen - Never Defrosted
 Ivory King Salmon- $$$ Razor Clams $$ Hawaii Yellowtail* $$$ Halibut Cheeks $$$ Oregon Albacore Tuna Loins* $$
Jumbo Wild USA Shrimp- 16/20 per lb $$
Wild Oregon Salad Shrimp- cooked and ready to eat $
Alaska Sockeye Salmon * boneless $$
Alaska King Salmon* troll caught $$$
Oregon Troll Caught Chinook Salmon King $$$
Alaska True Cod Fillets- skinless/ boneless $ Pacific Snapper/rockfish skinless/ boneless $ Pacific Dover sole skinless/ boneless $ East Coast Jumbo Sea Scallops* - Chemical Free $$$
Ready to eat- Seaweed Salad * -No MSG $
Ready to eat- Squid salad $$
Gluten free Battered Cod $
* Sushi Grade |
Thank you for your support and for shopping local!
Lyf, Natalie, and Juniper Gildersleeve. Bonsai the Beagle, and of course the rest of the team - Bobby, James, Mark, and Tanna.
The Flying Fish Company began in Sandpoint, Idaho in 1979. I've been involved helping with the family business since I was a young kid. Additionally, I studied aquaculture at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in Florida. Flying Fish Company- Portland is 1 of 4 Flying Fish Company locations. Sandpoint, Idaho- Durango, Colorado- Park City, Utah & Portland, Oregon.
Opportunities available for additional locations. Please inquire for more information. 503-260-6552
Photo by Ronit Photo.
Hours & Location |
2310 SE Hawthorne
Open 7 days per week
11 am - 7 pm
Please call ahead for special orders!
Lyf 503-260-6552
Weekly Recipe |
Skate Wing with Black Butter, Garlic, and Arugula
Click HERE to view the recipe

Grass Fed Beef, Lamb, Buffalo, Elk, Venison, and Goat Pasture raised Pork, Chicken, and Duck
Hormone Free, Antibiotic Free, and Locally Raised
100% Grass Fed & Finished (unlike the grocery store)
Click on the colored titles to go to the farms website
Beef- 100% Grass fed- Hawley Ranch
Top Sirloin, NY, Ribeye, Sirloin tip, Chuck eye, T-bone, Roasts, Stew meat, Kabob meat, liver, and Ground
Lamb 100% Grass fed- Hawley Ranch
Loin Chops, Tenderloin, Rib chops, Sirloin, Ground, Boneless Netted Leg, Stew Meat, Kabob meat, Shanks & sausages
Buffalo 100% Grass fed
Ground, Sausages
Pork- pasture raised
Tenderloin, Chops, Baby back Ribs, Ground, and Stew meat
Elk 100% Grass fed
Ground, Stew meat
Venison 100% Grass fed
Ground, stew meat
Goat - White Diamond Ranch
Chops, Shank,Kabob meat, and stew meat
Local Sausages
Locally raised Pork, Lamb, Elk, Buffalo, Wild boar, Chicken, and beef
Additional varieties and cuts available with 1 week notice please. 
Additional Products |
Click on the colored titles to go to the farms website.
Local Farm Eggs - Chicken and Duck
Fresh, Free Range, Organic Feed, Hormone Free, Antibiotic Free, Multiple Local Small Farms.
Brenda's Heirloom Hens
The Country Egg
Providence Farm
Rainshadow El Rancho
Taylor Made Farms
Glass returnable bottles, non-homogenized, no hormones, no antibiotics, local
Delicious, Healthy, and perfect for cooking. Roasted garlic, key lime, & original.
Also Available
Panko Breadcrumbs
Cedar Planks
Food Inc. DVD
Free Recipe Cards
photo by Ronit Photo
What is sustainable Seafood?
Click the links below for more information |
Click HERE for the Seafood Low Mercury list.
Want to know more about Sustainable Seafood? Click HERE for more information from the Monteray Bay Seafood Watch program.
Also click HERE for more information about Marine Stewardship Council (MSC Certified Sustainable seafood).
Questions to ask about your fish.
What is the species?
Where was it caught?
What are the methods used to catch the seafood?
Are there additives or preservatives?

Help protect our ocean and all of its inhabitants
Around the world, many traditional fisheries are threatened with collapse, due to unsustainable fishing practices and habitat destruction. Some fisheries, however, remain healthy and productive due to successful management, responsible harvesting and advances in contained fish farming. You can help support sustainable fisheries with the choices you make at the restaurant or the seafood counter.