Donorosity is a blind database initially created for small-to-medium mailers that might not be able to use an individual list due to lack of volume or selectability. As Donorosity has grown, the depth and breadth of this powerful collection of responsive names makes it attractive to all mailers.
The key ingredient is a focus in which all of the database participants are non-profit donors, members and subscribers. However, since the file has grown in volume, the usage has expanded into the consumer marketplace.
The file has been enhanced with hundreds of lifestyle and demographic elements which has proven invaluable to non-profit and consumer mailers alike.
Commercial Mailer Continuations include Guideposts, People Magazine, Vogue Magazine, New Mexico Magazine, and Arizona Highways.
Some of the key selects for consumer advertisers include: Reader interest by category, Religious/ Inspirational/ Devotional, Pets, Sweepstakes interest, State/SCF/Zip and more. Since the file updates quarterly, new names are always being added and recency is selectable.