Volume 1, Issue 7
July 8, 2022
Fresh Start Khabar
Khabar, "news" in farsi, is Fresh Start's monthly newsletter. Have a story or photo of Fresh Start members making an impact? Please share them with our team and it will be included in the next issue.

Your generosity has given Fresh Start the ability to help over 375 individuals with direct resettlement efforts, employment search, and skill building initiatives. We would like to thank you for the continued support that has made this possible. We hope to continue these efforts as we strive to develop and implement more programs with our partners for the evolving resettlement needs of Afghan families. Whether you can help with linguistic needs, create resumes, line up jobs, or provide transportation, Fresh Start needs you! Visit our website and sign up to become a volunteer.
Community Education
Nova RAFT & Fresh Start ESL classes at William Ramsey Rec Center
The ESL Program’s first participants have graduated! Congratulations to 44 students who completed the six-week in-person ESL courses. During a graduation celebration, each student was awarded a certificate for reaching a milestone on their journey to independence. The ESL program’s second class has already started. Interested students can inquire about the program using the link on our website. Thank you, to the William Ramsey Rec Center in Alexandria, Virginia for hosting the ESL program. We also want to thank our partners at NoVa RAFT for working so hard to make this program a success.

RISE Mentorship
Seventeen Afghan clients have been paired up with RISE mentors all across the world. Mentors have been helping with English language tutoring, skills-building, and career planning for clients of all ages. The goal is to build long-lasting friendships all while helping each individual focus on their long term professional goals and sharpen their skills.

Community Engagement

Target 5, Global Impact committee of the Alpha Beta Alpha Omega chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc donated gifts cards ranging from $25-$50 to Walmart, Target, Giant. The gift cards have been donated to Afghan families in need of basic groceries and household items. The community members are thankful for the generosity and kindness of the Alpha Beta Alpha Omega Chapter.
World Refugee Day
June 20th was World Refugee day and Fresh Start honored those who have been displaced by conflict. We admire the resilience and faith these individuals display every day as they work through challenges and trauma to rebuild their new lives. Visit our Instagram page to listen to an interview with a beloved Afghan family; With your generous donations and volunteerism, the family is now thriving in a safer and healthier living environment.
Calling all Interns!
Fresh Start Refugee Center is expanding.
We are looking for an intern to join our communications and social media team. Interested candidates can send us a message using the link on our website.
Please consider donating to Fresh Start Refugee Assistance Center