News from State Senator

Eric Buckson

Serving the 16th Senatorial District

April 28, 2023

Senate Resolution 12

Tuesday afternoon, the Senate unanimously passed Senate Resolution 12 (SR 12), which respectfully requests the President of the United States posthumously pardon John Hunn.

Mr. Hunn was a farmer and Quaker abolitionist, and is widely regarded as the architect of Delaware's Underground Railroad. He partnered with many other Underground Railroad heroes like Samuel Burris. Both he and Mr. Burris were wrongfully convicted of crimes relating to their work in trying to free slaves.

Mr. Burris was pardoned in 2015 by former Governor Jack Markell, but Mr. Hunn was convicted of a federal crime, thus requiring the pardon of a U.S. President.

I thank my dear friend, La Mar Gunn, for bringing forth the idea of this resolution and for his work in seeing that John Hunn's name be cleared.

Joining us in the Senate was Mr. Gunn, former Representative Donald Blakey and his wife, Dolores, Steve Cox, Jalika Saidy, and family members of Mr. Hunn.

Click here to read the resolution and for more information.

Delaware State Police 100th Anniversary

Friday morning, I attended the Delaware State Police 100th Anniversary ceremony at Legislative Hall. In attendance were U.S. and state elected officials, former and current DSP Troopers, and officers from municipal, county, and out-of-state agencies.

Thank you DSP for the outstanding work you do and for keeping our communities safe!

United States Senate Youth Program

Thursday morning, Sen. Kyra Hoffner and I had the pleasure of meeting with Carl Rifino and Joshua Donophan, Delaware's two student delegates for the United States Senate Youth Program. We had a great time meeting and conversing with these two young men, and I am excited to see what their futures hold!

The Senate Floor Podcast

On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously passed Senate Resolution 12, which requests the President of the United States posthumously pardon Underground Railroad hero John Hunn. La Mar Gunn and I sat down and discussed the significance of pardoning Mr. Hunn on our caucus's podcast, The Second Floor.

Check out the episode on your favorite podcast app!

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Green Beret Project

Last week, I visited with leaders and volunteers of the Green Beret Project, a local organization that "offers at-risk youth dynamic programming after school and on weekends."

Learn more about the organization and their mission here.

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