Voting members, please plan to attend the Voter's Assembly meeting for the purpose of passing the 2021/2022 fiscal year budget.
Printed copies of the agenda and the budget are available in the narthex for pick-up.
June 21st -25th

We are doing our VBS a little differently this year by teaming up with our school’s Summer camp to do VBS during the day for age groups K - 5!

We will be running from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm.

Volunteer sign-ups are open! There are volunteer options available for middle school, high school, and adults with spots available for one day or the whole week-we are flexible.

Join us for some fun and an opportunity to support our community!
Summer Fellowship Nights

Pastor Brad is working on planning some evening fellowship events throughout the summer and is looking for some help.
Some of the events include trivia nights, grill-outs, movie nights, and more. If you have an idea for a fun fellowship event or want to be a part of the planning process let us know! More to come soon!
Our preschool still has limited spots available for the fall. School starts on August 9, so don't delay if you are interested. Contact the school office to schedule a tour.

If you have friends or family looking for a school, we appreciate you letting them know about Mountain View Lutheran School. 
We are looking for a few folks to help organize and serve during our coffee hour fellowship time. If you have the gift of hospitality and would like to get to know a few more people at Mountain View, please consider serving in this capacity.
Are you wondering how you can serve God?
Here is a way!
We are looking for those wanting to serve before, during, and/or after service.

Prayer Card

We would love to pray for you!

Simply fill out our digital prayer card below so we may add your prayers to the list each week!
Are you new or visiting?
We would love to get to know you!
Please click here to fill out our Connection Card.

Lutheran Visitors
Are you considering transferring your membership from another LCMS congregation?
Please fill out the form linked here so we can get the process started.

MVLCS Offerings
Fiscal year
August 2020-July 2021

May Actual:

Fiscal Year to Date Actual: 493,269.53

Annual Budget:
Forward in Freedom

Confident Goal:

Courageous Goal:

Pledges Received:

Collected through May: