Weekly E-News - Friday, October 15, 2021
A look ahead at upcoming events and announcements by the Dubois Chamber of Commerce and our Members
Chamber and Member Announcements, Events and Webinars by Date:
WHF Monthly Wellness Screen (Blood Draw) this WEDNESDAY, OCT 20 at Dubois Medical Clinic, 7 - 10 a.m. Appointments available at https://whf.as.me/dubois or by calling 1-800-979-3711
Help Support Our Education Mission!
National Bighorn Sheep Center Supporters,

As you may know, our ED, Sara Bridge, has been in the hospital with a life-threatening illness for several weeks. Thankfully she is making significant improvements and is doing well! This coupled with the spike in Covid cases caused us to re-think our fundraiser this year and we decided to cancel our Bighorn Bash. All of this equates to a large financial hit to our organization for two years in a row, However, we are still moving ahead with our Big 4 Raffle. This will be our biggest fundraiser this year and we are relying heavily on you to help us meet our fundraising goal by purchasing tickets and sharing this information with as many people as possible. One ticket will give you a chance to win any one of our 4 amazing prizes that have been generously donated by our sponsors. Visit this link to view the prizes and purchase your tickets!

For those of you who are new to our organization, we focus on providing education and outreach for the national conservation of wild sheep, wildlife, and wild lands. So far this year, we've reached nearly 3,000 students, welcomed over 4,000 guests into our museum, and hosted 30 special events! We are working to reach as many people as possible with this raffle in order to hit our $10,000 fundraising goal and continue our education mission.

Tickets are available for purchase on our website www.bighorn.org , or you can call, drop by or mail in the form below.

Thank you for your continued support!
General Announcements by the Chamber and Our Members:

Welcome to the Chambers newest member!!!

Fagnant, Lewis & Brinda, P.C.
185 South 5th Street
Lander, WY, 82520
Phone: (307)332-4545
Fax: (307)332-3271
Your Health Means Everything – Protect It by Getting Vaccinated for Flu Season

By Jennifer Burrell, Infection Preventionist at SageWest Health Care

Shorter days and cooler temperatures are tell-tale signs that autumn has arrived. Unfortunately, another sign of the season is the beginning of increased flu activity. Flu season can last from autumn to as late as May – peaking between December and February. According to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), last year’s flu cases were historically low, thanks in large part to widespread practice of safety measures to combat another widely-circulating respiratory illness – COVID-19 – including school closures, mask wearing and social distancing. With less common practice of those measures over the past several months, we could see an uptick in flu cases similar to prior years’ levels. That potential – along with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic – makes it even more important that we each do what we can to minimize our risk, protect our health and protect the health of those around us. Getting vaccinated against the flu is a vitally important way to fight it.

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses and can cause mild to severe illness and even lead to death in certain situations. Everyone is susceptible to the flu, but individuals with a greater risk of developing complications from these viruses include children younger than five years old, adults 65 and older, pregnant women, residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, and those with certain medical conditions like asthma, heart disease and blood disorders.

At SageWest Health Care, one of the essential ways we’re Making Communities Healthier is making sure that our neighbors understand how to fight preventable diseases like the flu. As we have all learned during this time, our health means everything and it has never been more important to protect it. And there are a few key ways you can protect yourself, your family and our community; prevent the flu from spreading; and even speed up your recovery if you do become ill.

First – and most importantly – get vaccinated. As we have witnessed this year with the safety and success of COVID-19 vaccines in protecting us from that vicious disease, flu vaccination is the single-best way to protect yourself from influenza viruses. While it is still possible to contract the flu after getting vaccinated, studies show that flu vaccinations can make your illness less severe if you do get sick. Getting vaccinated also affords you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself against the flu.

The CDC recommends annual flu vaccination for everyone six months and older, with any age-appropriate flu vaccine. If you are considering a nasal spray flu vaccine, it is important to know that this option is approved by the CDC for use in non-pregnant individuals, ages two through 49, and that there is a precaution against this option for those with certain underlying medical conditions. You should talk with your healthcare provider regarding which flu vaccination method works best for you.

Like COVID-19 vaccines, flu vaccines can take approximately two weeks to become fully effective, so you should plan to receive your flu vaccine before flu activity begins in your area. A good rule of thumb is to get vaccinated no later than the end of October.

And while we’re on the subject of COVID-19 vaccines, if you have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19, there’s no better time than now – especially as COVID-19 cases continue to spread and the potential for flu activity increases. You can even conveniently get both vaccines on the same day, to save yourself time. If you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 yet, ask about getting it when you get your flu shot. Being vaccinated against both viruses is your best defense against becoming infected with one or both of these diseases.

You can visit the Fremont County Pubic Health, a walk-in clinic or pharmacy, or your primary care provider’s office to receive a flu vaccination. If you don’t have a provider, we can connect you with one. Visit our website, and browse our Find a Doctor tab SageWestHealthCare.com or call 856.4161 or 332.4420.

In addition to getting vaccinated, there are other simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family, and help prevent the spread of flu and other infections like COVID-19 during flu season and year-round, including:

Washing your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, or using a hand sanitizer that is at least 60 percent alcohol-based
Wearing a face mask in indoor, public spaces
Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Avoiding sharing food, cups or eating utensils
Regularly disinfecting your home and belongings, such as doorknobs, light switches, children’s toys and play areas
Staying home from school or work if you are sick to prevent the spread of germs
Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a tissue, your sleeve or elbow, and NOT your bare hands
Calling your primary care provider with any questions

At SageWest Health Care, we’re taking additional steps to help prevent the flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses from spreading by:

Implementing universal masking for patients, providers, employees, visitors and anyone entering our facility.
Setting up stations stocked with alcohol-based sanitizers, tissues and hands-free trash cans throughout our facility.
Continuing stringent cleaning and disinfection protocols
Encouraging all patients, staff and visitors to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
Limiting visitation hours to help limit the spread of infection

If you or someone you know notices symptoms including coughing, sore throat, fever or other upper respiratory symptoms, please see your healthcare provider right away. Many of the most common symptoms of flu are consistent with COVID-19, so it may be hard to tell the difference between them. Testing may be needed to help confirm a diagnosis. Don’t ignore your symptoms. Limit your contact with others as much as possible when symptoms appear, and stay home (or keep your child home) for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone, except to seek medical care (If you test positive for COVID-19, you may need to self-isolate for a longer period of time).

The good news is that when you act on your symptoms, visit a provider and flu is detected early, prescription antiviral drugs can often help treat the illness and shorten the time you are sick by one or two days.

If you have any questions or concerns about this year’s flu season, we can help. Simply call 856.4161 or 332.4420.

For additional information about the 2021-22 flu season, visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/flu or contact the Fremont County Public Health at 856.6979 or 332.1073.
Roundup Classifieds & Employment Opportunities:

Looking for a job?
Wyoming at Work has a website with available jobs here in Wyoming. Updated on a regular basis.

For further information, please contact:
Jared Whitehead
Workforce Specialist
POWER Case Manager
WIN Case Manager
Riverton Workforce Center
422 E. Fremont
Riverton, WY 82501
307-856-9231 phone
307-856-3468 fax
Resources and support available to businesses and nonprofits:
ServeWyoming promotes collaborative efforts among private, non-profit and governmental organizations that advance community service, volunteer programs and activities in each Wyoming community. We also collaborate with other Corporations for National & Community Service programs such as AmeriCorps*VISTA and Senior Corps. ServeWyoming gives every citizen an opportunity to help solve our biggest challenges in disaster, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, veterans and military families.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, or to list your organizations volunteer needs, visit the website at: https://www.servewyoming.org/
We have recently expanded our current advising team with supplemental experts in every field of entrepreneurship as part of the The Wyoming SBDC Network CARES Act Recovery Program. Armed with first-hand small business experience, our expanded team of advisors are pulled from all areas of interest and come from a wide variety of industry backgrounds. View their specialties on our resources page and contact your local Wyoming SBDC Network advisor to start creating your response and recovery plan today.

Visit our COVID-19 Resources page to learn more about these new supplemental advisors and to find up to date loan and grant guidance for small businesses.
Attention Chamber Members!! Let us help you promote your business or event!!
Don't forget to email us your announcements for any upcoming events, promotions or special offers you have!! It's one of your member benefits. Take advantage of it! Please email information by 5pm on Thursdays to:
Chamber Member Benefits:
The Dubois Chamber of Commerce supports our 125+ Chamber Members with a professional marketing mix including our website, social networks, E-news, maps, calendars, and more. We work diligently with our Members to network and gain visibility within the community and beyond.
 We support the Dubois community in events that allow our member businesses to gain visibility. These major events include the 4th of July Parade, Airport Appreciation Day, Halloween events, Holiday Dubois Delights. We also publish branded events calendars and a map of the Town of Dubois.
 The Dubois Chamber of Commerce creates business referrals and networking opportunities for our members through in-person meetings, phone calls, networking events, ribbon cuttings, social networking, and content and links throughout all of our electronic marketing.
 The Chamber of Commerce acts as a source of reference and information for new businesses and families relocating to Dubois.
The Dubois Chamber of Commerce is committed to stimulating the economic health of its partner businesses through promotional activities and services while promoting the unique advantage of the Dubois area as a desirable destination for new businesses and residents.
Please let us know how we can support you and your business!! 
This enews is made possible by a grant graciously provided by the
Wyoming Community Foundation.
Dubois Chamber of Commerce
708 Meckem Street, Dubois, WY 82513  |  P.O. BOX 632
[email protected]  |  (307) 455-2556