The Weekly Announcement Page
Friday, November 5, 2021


Generosity 2022
Sunday worship: revised pandemic protocols.
Food Pantry Donations for Thanksgiving.
Pennies For Heaven Good Shep Flea is just a week away.

Here's what's happening.
Visit our online calendar for dates, times, links, and information on programs and ministries of all kinds. Just click on the event to see details or registration forms.
Generosity 2022 in 3 Steps
As we approach Giving Sunday on November 14, the day we will bless incoming estimates of giving (pledges) for 2022, we ask that you do three things to discern the relationship between gratitude and generosity in your life.
  1. View our giving podcast series entitled “Giving 101.”
  2. Read Promise and Purpose, our 2022 Narrative budget.
  3. Return a pledge card by mail or online. (Pledge packets went out this week.)

Visit the Giving Page for complete information including online pledge forms and giving FAQs.
In-person Sunday worship at 8 and 10.
Masks optional if vaccinated and required if unvaccinated.
Love Thy Neighbor
In-person worship every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM (Rite I) and 10:00 AM (Rite II).

The 10:00 service will livestream. Access the service from the Livestream page. Please note, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy when attending a streaming service in person. There is no livestream at the 8:00 service.
Morning Prayer
Live weekdays at 9:00 am.
Now exclusively on Zoom, or watch it later on our web site, Facebook or YouTube channel.

  • Print or download the bulletin for each day on our Prayer page.
Holy Eucharist and Healing
Wednesdays at 10 AM in the chapel (in-person only)

An intimate mid-week service with a focus on those who suffer for any reason, featuring a special healing liturgy and the reading of individual names for intercessory prayer. 
Sunday Ready Podcast
Posts mid-week
Be ready for Sunday services with this informal discussion about the appointed readings. Click HERE for this week's discussion.

Watch past recordings on YouTube.
The Good Guys Breakfast
Fridays from 8-9

Good Shepherd's men's fellowship breakfast will meet off site next Friday, November 12. To get the meeting information contact Paul.
GriefShare Hybrid In-person/Zoom Meeting
Monday, November 8 at 6:30pm
Do you know someone who is grieving the recent loss of a loved one? Connect them with a community of those who understand.

GriefShare Join us in person on Mondays at 6:30 in the library of the Ryon building. Please register online and receive program materials in advance or call 561-746-4674

To attend the special session Surviving the Holidays, please contact the Registrar. This is a one-time session from 6-8, on November 15 in person.
Clergy Blogs
The Episcopal Way
An Introduction to Life in the Church

This is an introductory class on the history, worship, and mission of the Episcopal Church.
Part I: Sunday, November 7, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Part II: Sunday, November 14, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Both parts will meet in the library. Anyone may attend.

Clergy Bible Study
An Invitation to Prayer
A Six-Week Introduction to the Book of Psalms
Begins October 13

Compiled in ancient Israel over the course of hundreds of years, the Psalms have been the primary hymnal of the Jewish and Christian peoples for millennia. From lamentation to celebration, from liturgy to patriotism, from thanksgiving to condemnation, the Psalms cover the vast expanse of human emotion and experience. It’s no wonder they have sustained the faith of so many! Join Fr. Derek in this exploration of the Psalms and how they teach us to pray in every circumstance.

Visit the Study page for Zoom link for 2 PM** session.

** Note all Zoom sessions will be at 2 PM for this Bible Study.
Adventure Kingdom for Kids Pre-k - 5th Grade
Every Sunday morning in-person at 10:00
Meets in the Parish Hall. Doors open at 9:50; children will join their families in church for communion
Adventure Kingdom is an engaging way for children to discover their own special place in Christian community. Read more.
Youth Group meets on Wednesdays in "The Barn"
Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to Good Shepherd's program for teens. You will LOVE our new youth rooms!

See the full Fall Schedule.

If interested in volunteering, please contact Jo Wood: phone, 561-746-4674,
email [email protected], or in person after services on Sunday mornings.
Pennies For Heaven

Pennies for Heaven, Good Shepherd's on-site thrift shop, is open and offering great deals on everything from clothes to housewares, jewelry to furniture. Thanks to everyone who supports this important ministry!

REGULAR HOURS: Tuesday through Friday, from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm. We are accepting donations during these hours, too! Like us on Facebook!

Remember that we also have a new phone number:
561-406-2923. Give us a call!


Or, from any browser, you can search 'Ebay Stores' and enter 'Pennies For Heaven Thrift' to find us!
Food Pantry News
"For I was hungry, and you gave me food." - Matt. 25:35

This week, we served 34 families and an estimated 120 individuals. Your food donations make a real difference: you are helping real people, many of whom never expected to ever have to ask for assistance. Remember: needs change rapidly!

Your cash and online donations to the Food Pantry help to sustain this ministry when we are low on certain items. We are so grateful for your generous gifts.

Supply request of the week:
  • Canned fruit; chili / corned beef hash / stew
For a full list of needs, check out our stop-light encoded supply list.

In addition, we always welcome:
  • Reusable cloth bags to distribute food
  • Publix gift cards in $5 amounts help folks supplement with milk and eggs, too!

Your faithful support of this ministry is truly a blessing. Please keep our team of dedicated volunteers in your prayers.
Notice: The Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays only from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Food Donations may be left with an attendant during those hours OR may be left at Pennies for Heaven during their business hours of Tuesday through Friday, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm, OR just bring items to church on Sunday!
Standing Notices

In accordance with Diocesan guidelines, continuation of improved metrics, and acceptance of our Reopening Plan, the following are scheduled:

In-person Worship
Sundays, at 8:00 am, Rite I

In-person Worship
& Livestream Worship for ALL
Sundays, at 10:00 am, Rite II

Office (limited hours)
Weekly Schedule: Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Pennies For Heaven Thrift Shop
Weekly Schedule: Tuesday - Friday, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Beware of phone and internet scams!!
PLEASE be alert to telephone and internet scams. We have received information about a few phishing scams that send emails to parishioners as if Fr. Doug has written them. He has not. Fr. Doug will never ask you to buy gift cards or other items for him because he's too busy. To be sure a message is from the real Fr. Doug, always look for the and not Gmail, Comcast, Yahoo, or any other email server.

AND...also be careful about phone calls you receive from callers identifying themselves as the IRS or Social Security. They will never call you either. And they certainly will not ask for credit card information or bank account numbers. Don't worry about being polite. Just hang up.
Church Online
Each Sunday, the worship service broadcasts live on our website, YouTube, and Facebook at 10:00 am. There is no livestream of the 8:00 am service. Visit our website at the link below. You can find weekly services, resources for daily prayer, service opportunities and other important updates about how we can stay connected during this time of social distance.

Morning Prayer
We gather online weekdays at 9:00 a.m. for live Morning Prayer on the Prayer page (under the Worship tab) of our website. You can access an Order of Service for Morning Prayer there, too. Can't make it at 9:00? Watch the recording on our You Tube channel, Facebook, or on our site at 10:00.

Online Giving
Your continued giving allows us to bring church into your living room each week. We are still working to bring you digital content, community support, fellowship, and pastoral care. Even if you are not utilizing digital resources fully, know that in this uncertain time, people everywhere are hungry for spiritual connection and are visiting Good Shepherd from around the country and around the world. Please visit the Giving Page on our for ways you can be a beacon of faith, hope, and love.

Office Hours
Church offices are open 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday, as part of our LEVEL TWO reopening plan. Outside of these hours, the staff will work remotely from home and will continue to check phone messages and e-mails daily.

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School
The Very Rev. Dr. Douglas F. Scharf, Rector
The Rev. Derek Larson, Assistant Rector
