Dear saints,

As you may have heard, our merry band of 200-something saints who had planned on being at Kanuga for our parish retreat this weekend will not be making their way up to the hills of western North Carolina due to Hurricane Helene. Kanuga determined on Thursday morning that they needed to close down operations with the potential for loss of power and blocked roads and all the other challenges that could lie ahead. We pray for them, as of course we pray for all who have been in the path of the storm. 

If you were part of that Kanuga crowd, the invitation we are extending is to come on Sunday for a s'mores bonfire in the courtyard at 10:20 a.m. and plan on attending the 11:15 a.m. service, following which we will host a Kanuga-esque scavenger hunt on the block and then a simple lunch. You can take All Saints' out of Kanuga but you can't take the Kanuga out of All Saints'—or something like that. It will be a fun way for us to mark Kanuga weekend even as we look to reschedule our parish retreat up there for another time. 

Hurricane Helene was on our minds this weekend for other reasons as All Saints' hosted the truly excellent Climate and Democracy summit on Thursday. It's not a bad start to a day-long event to walk into Ellis Hall first thing in the morning, receive an invocation from Bishop Wright, followed by reflections offered by Andy Young, then Jim Wallis, founder and editor of Sojourners magazine, who moderated a panel that featured former Atlanta Mayor, Shirley Franklin, former U.S. Senator from Georgia, Saxby Chambliss, our very own Mary Margaret Oliver and Ed Lindsey, with the retired Bishop of California, Marc Andrus, finishing out the circle. And that was just where we got to by 9:30 a.m.! 

It was a privilege to be there as the person whose only input into what was an exceptionally engaging day had been to say "yes," to Amanda Brown Olmstead and Andy Barnett, the core organizers of the conference. All Saints' parishioners and staff were scattered across the room, including the co-chair of our new Environmental Stewardship task force, Maria del Mar Ceballos, whose remit is to help us see options for sustainability from the future of our block to how we go about coffee hour. 

The conference for me was book-ended by two great theological questions, related to one another. At the beginning, Jim Wallis asked the central ethical question of Christian theology: who is our neighbor? Toward the end, our own Naomi Tutu shared a Nigerian proverb that says, "In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, but the foolish build walls." A neighbor is someone who chooses to build bridges, someone who learns by listening, particularly to visions of reality different to their own. A neighbor is someone who when asked to choose one side of the political spectrum or another, instead chooses to go deep and build a bridge to the heart of the matters of most pressing concern for our time.

All Saints' is a bridge-building sort of place. I pray that it might be that sort of place for you—one place in your life where you bring your whole truth and your full self. I encourage you to use this election season as a time to truly engage one another, even and especially in your divergent views of the world. When the noise around you asks you to disengage the other, walk the other direction toward those different to yourselves. Build a bridge. Love your neighbor. Believe that God can and will make all things new.


The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring, Rector


Annual Canvass Video

2025 Annual Canvass Video - Introducing Jazz at All Saints'

All kinds of programs thrive at All Saints'. Virginia Schenck

and her Jazz at All Saints' Concert Series committee developed

a wonderful program this Fall. 

Virginia encourages everyone to:

"Find your passion and develop a group or

a program or a ministry at All Saints'.

Pledge now at 

All Saints' is a community like no other.

Make your 2025 Pledge to support this amazing church."


Thanks for being in That Number and making your pledge today!


Contact Canvass Co-Chair Rainey Woodward



Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 27

Weekly Service Times

  • 8:00 a.m. (Traditional Language, No Music) 
  • 9:00 a.m. (Contemporary Language, Choral Music) 
  • 11:15 a.m. (Contemporary Language, Choral Music) 
  • 5:00 p.m. The Welcome Table (Contemporary Language, Contemplative Music) 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our annual retreat to Kanuga Conference Center will be postponed as the venue has cancelled all conferences for the weekend. This change is due to severe weather anticipated in the area as Hurricane Helene makes landfall. Our staff is working with Kanuga to identify an alternate date for our parish retreat—we will contact registrants directly to share those dates and next steps. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: We have returned to our usual service times: 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Children’s Church, Formation for Children and Youth have also resumed in the Pritchett Center.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The live stream of our Sunday worship services is now available at, and on Feel free to join us via your preferred platform and be sure to give us a follow! 

ANNOUNCEMENT: The church office is closed on Fridays. The administrative staff will work remotely, however, on that day of the week.

PARKING: Overflow parking is available at the Bank of America—please enter on North Ave. Please request an additional validation ticket from an usher in the church narthex upon arrival or exit. Use both validation tickets upon exiting the Bank of America parking deck to park free of charge. Be aware, also, that on Sundays in Midtown Atlanta, street parking is free. 

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Sundays, from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Ellis Hall

Join us for a delicious breakfast and fellowship with the saints before Sunday services in Ellis Hall. The cost is $10 for adults and $8 for kids.

S'mores Bonfire in the Courtyard

Sunday, September 29 from 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Kennedy Courtyard

Come in your Kanuga garb to a Campfire and S'mores at 10:20 a.m. (sweats, flannels, water boots, shorts, t-shirts, mountain clothes)!

The “Transformative Power of Music” with Director of Music Scott Lamlein

Sunday, September 29 from 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Ellis Hall

Join our Director of Music, Scott Lamlein, as he explores the “Transformative Power of Music.” He will share about his journey and what he has planned for our Music Department and Adult Choirs.

Scavenger Hunt on the Block followed by a simple lunch

Sunday, September 29 from 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., Kennedy Courtyard and Ellis Hall

We will have a Scavenger Hunt right after the 11:15 a.m. service—meet in the courtyard! We will enjoy a light sandwich lunch while we wait for the judges decision on who won the scavenger hunt!

The Welcome Table: Sunday Evening Worship Service and Dinner  

Sundays at 5:00 p.m., In the Chapel and Ellis Hall  

Before your busy week begins, the Welcome Table is a place to join with others and find rest and refreshment. Come to the Welcome Table: a service of piano and singing, prayer (together and in ways that speak to us individually), and communion. A community dinner for all participants follows the service. 

Photo of the Week

Greetings, saints! This past Sunday at All Saints’, we continued our program year schedule! We held four worship services at our Midtown Atlanta campus: at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. with choral music and at 5:00 p.m. (our evening The Welcome Table service). 

The Rev. Dr. Andrew Barnett in his sermon asked us to consider, “What constitutes greatness?” This pursuit of greatness causes all kinds of distress in our world. Even the disciples argued about who was greatest. Scripture shows us that this concept of greatness is not necessarily what God is looking for. We serve a God that elevates humility. The greatest thing to do is to serve. In scripture, we are asked to consider the least powerful person in the room: a baby.

What does this mean for us? Barnett closed his sermon with an anecdote: In previous work with a partner church in Haiti, he witnessed children raise money and empower peers to build a school. The leadership of children realized the project. At All Saints’ we see our youth in action—serving as acolytes, singing in choir and participating in service projects. How can we be like them and how can we uplift them in their discipleship? 

Our Sunday morning formation continued with Hope Is Here. Dr. Luther Smith, in the final of his three-session course considered the content of his latest book, “Spiritual Practices for Pursuing Justice and Beloved Community.” As we begin a new program year in the middle of a contentious election season, Dr. Smith demonstrated how hope might become the interpretive lens through which we see reality and act faithfully in our corner of the world. Thanks to all of you that participated!

Our 2025 Annual Canvass continues. Join in our number via a pledge today! This Sunday, we learned about our exciting new concert series, Jazz at All Saints’! For more information, visit

After the service, we hosted the first Faith & Justice Collective luncheon. This series offers parishioners an opportunity for fellowship, learning and engagement with justice work within and beyond our church community.

We love meeting newcomers! Our community looks forward to you joining us for upcoming services and events throughout the year! For more information visit and to watch our services online and please visit us at during service times! You can also view recordings of services and community events at 

Classes and Groups

  • Novel Theology >> Meets one Wednesday a month on Zoom from 7:00-8:00 p.m.. Click the link above to learn more and register.

View all upcoming events


Pet Blessing in the Park 

Saturday, October 5, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Piedmont Park near the Farmer’s Market 

We'll celebrate God's beautiful creation in Piedmont Park as we gather near the Farmers' Market and offer a blessing of the Animals for our Midtown neighbors.  VCA Pets are People Too will join us this year, and we invite you to bring your pets for an outdoor blessing. The nearest entrance is on 12th Street and Piedmont Ave. 

Blessing of the Animals at All Saints’ 

Sunday, October 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., in Ellis Hall 

Bring your friendly animals to church as we celebrate creation's glory and God's call to steward "this fragile Earth, our island home." We will gather for a Eucharist service in Ellis Hall, with music led by our children's choirs. All animals that play well with others are invited to join us for a blessing at communion. 

Annual Diocesan LGBTQ+ Commission Pride Eucharist

Sunday, October 6, 5:00 p.m., St. Luke's Episcopal Church

The Commission on LGBTQ+ Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta invites you to the annual Pride Eucharist, a celebration of love, acceptance, inclusivity and unity. This service is open to everyone, regardless of who you are or where you come from. We extend a warm welcome to all! All Sorts will meet at St. Luke’s at 4:45 p.m. 

Jazz at All Saints’ Series Begins October 11 with Pianist Gary Motley 

Friday, October 11 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the Church 

Join us for the inaugural Jazz at All Saints’ concert on Friday, October 11, featuring the acclaimed Gary Motley Quartet at 7:00 p.m., followed by a reception in Ellis Hall. Experience the soul-stirring jazz of Gary Motley, celebrated pianist, composer and Emory professor. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for students at

Director of Music Scott Lamlein’s Recital at The Cathedral of St. Philip 

Sunday, October 20, from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., Cathedral of St. Philip 

Our own Scott Lamlein is featured on the weekly pre-Evensong recital series on the Aeolian-Skinner organ at the Cathedral of St. Philip on October 20 at 3:15 p.m. Join in person or online at: 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr. Barbara A. Yankey is a seminarian at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in the Episcopal and Anglican Studies Program, and is currently posted to All Saints' Episcopal Church for her Contextual Education and Spiritual Formation. She is also a Clinical Associate Professor at Georgia State University’s School of Public Health, where her research focuses on cardiovascular disease prevention, and she teaches courses in epidemiology, public health statistics, and chronic and infectious diseases. Dr. Yankey holds a PhD in Public Health, an MPH, and an MPA from Georgia State University, as well as a Master's in Clinical Pharmacy from Kharkov State University in Ukraine. Known as "Hello-Barbara," she is passionate about Eucharistic Adoration, community peace-building, and fostering loving communion among families and communities.

Ushering for All Saints 

All Saints' Usher Ministry invites volunteers to serve our church. We offer hospitality and assistance to all worshippers. Ushers distribute bulletins, collect offerings, provide counts and assist with communion. If you would like to serve, contact Charlie Rigby at 770-330-9370 or at


Jesus on the Front Page 

Sundays, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., Parish Hall 307 

In this weekly Sunday morning discussion of a current news story, participants reflect on how we are called to live as faithful people. In a nonpartisan reflection, we explore how we might be called to pray differently, think differently or act differently in our private and public lives. We ask where God might be found in this story and learn to name our lament as well as our hope. E-mail Clark Lemons ( if you have questions! 

The Journey Bible Study  

Weekly on Mondays, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., on Zoom 

The Journey (Bible Study) continues, led by The Rev. Karen Evans, Parish Priest Associate. Starting in September, we will resume our journey through the Book of Revelation. The only requirements are a Bible and a willingness to learn. E-mail for additional class information. 

School of the Spirit: “And It Was Good” with the Candler Foundry 

Each Wednesday in October, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., on Zoom 

Join the Candler Foundry for a five-session course exploring our responsibility for "this fragile earth, our island home." Taught by leading scholars and theologians, the course explores ecological care through the intersecting lens of theology, spirituality, and ethics, and leads participants to respond to shifting realities in hopeful and generative ways. All Saints' parishioners may register for free using the promotional code “AllSaints24” at check-out with this link: 

The “Get to Know Sacred Ground” Lunch 

Sunday, October 6, from 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., Shaffer Room (P301) 

Sacred Ground is a dialogue series on race and faith and new Sacred Ground dialogue circles are forming now! For new circle members & SG curious parishioners, there will be a "Get to Know Sacred Ground" lunch. The first circle gets going via Zoom on Monday, October 21 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Contact more information. 

Adult Inquirer's Class - Fall 2024 

Wednesdays in fall, beginning October 9 

Adult Inquirer’s Class is a five-part introduction to the life of faith at All Saints’. Meetings are on Wednesday nights, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The first four meetings are on Zoom with the final session in person over dinner at the church. Participants are asked to commit to all five sessions. Additional Adult Inquirer’s classes will be held in winter and spring. Upon completion of classes, confirmation and membership will be available. For more details contact Simon Mainwaring at ( or Tracey Sage (


Wednesdays @ All Saints' 

Wednesdays throughout the year, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Ellis Hall 

Join us for Wednesdays @ All Saints' (aka Wednesday Night Supper). Grab a friend to come enjoy a meal while connecting with the community. Please note, we have new pricing: 

  • Adults - $14 
  • Kids (5-18) - $7 
  • Kids under 5 – Free
  • Students – $8

Faithful Advocates’ Voter Education and Registration 

Sunday, October 6, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Ellis Hall Foyer 

The Faithful Advocates group will host a voter education / registration table outside of Ellis Hall. The table will be available following the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services. The registration deadline is October 7 for the upcoming general election. 

Men's Fellowship Relaunch 

Sunday, October 6, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Courtyard / Ellis Hall 

Join us for a rare opportunity for a "meat and greet." Hosted by the legendary Trav Carter and Hank Harris, you know it will be well-done. On Sunday, October 6 we'll gather in the courtyard to grill steaks. Please join us for fellowship and dinner, beginning at 6:30 p.m. After dinner, we’ll learn what other churches offer for men’s groups, and ask what we’d like to begin here. Contact Trav Carter at for more details. 

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ All Sorts’ Pride Celebration 

Sunday, October 13, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., Kennedy Courtyard 

All Saints' is celebrating Pride Sunday with food and fanfare in the courtyard after the 11:15 a.m. service. Everyone is invited to help celebrate this annual event with food and festivities. Please join us. Following this event, participants will join the Annual Pride Parade. 

Diocesan Commission on LGTBQ+ Ministry Joins the Atlanta Annual Pride Parade

Sunday, October 13, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., MARTA Civic Center Station to 10th into Piedmont Park

The parade kicks off from the Civic Center MARTA Station at noon. Look for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta’s sign and march with us in celebration! There are limited spots available—up to 200 marchers will be permitted this year, so don't miss out—reserve your spot here to march alongside us. Register at Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Registration

Novel Theology October Meeting 

Wednesday, October 16, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Ross Room 

On Wednesday, October 16, Novel Theology will discuss “The Netanyahus” by Joshua Cohen. Please join us in the Ross Room or on Zoom! Contact Laura Trott at to join the mailing list and for Zoom information!


Weekly Children & Youth Formation 

Nursery/Little Saints: Birth-Pre-K, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 1st floor of the Pritchett Center 

Children’s Church: K-5th grade, 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., 2nd floor of the Pritchett Center 

Children Formation: K-5th grade, 10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., 2nd floor of the Pritchett Center  

Youth Formation: 6th-12th grade,10:20 a.m. - 11:05 a.m., The Attic (3rd floor of the Pritchett Center) 

Playdate for Nursery Families 

Saturday, September 21, from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., on the Playground 

Nursery families, join us on the playground for fun, snacks and fellowship. The kids can play while the adults chat! Bring a water bottle and a blanket to sit on. I will have snacks for the kids and beverages for adults. RSVP with our Director of Children’s Ministries, Kathy Roberts, at

Register for 2024-2025 Children & Youth Ministries
Read the latest children's newsletter
Read the latest youth newsletter


Bridge of Light Service Event

Saturday, October 19, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., The Atlanta Capitol Building

Join us in our work with Bridge of Light, providing services and dignity to individuals experiencing homelessness in Atlanta by utilizing mobile resource centers to offer showers, hygiene kits, and clean clothing. For more information, please contact Tasia Blair, our Young Adults Coordinator, at

Young Adults’ Brunch & Bible Study 

Sunday, October 20, 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., The Ross Room 

Come enjoy a delicious catered meal, lively conversation and Bible study with the All Saints' Young Adults'. All are invited—whether you're looking to connect for the first time, reconnect after a long while, or keep connections going! Childcare is available upon request. Please contact Tasia Blair, our Young Adults Coordinator, at

Young Adult Fellowship Online! 

Are you in your 20s or 30s and interested in fellowship, discipleship and service? Reach out to Tasia Blair at to receive our monthly newsletter, get added to the WhatsApp group chat and find out what events we have coming up! 

Read the latest Young Adult newsletter


View all opportunities to serve

Calling for The Giving Tree Volunteers 

Are you interested in helping organize the Giving Tree this year which runs from November 24 -December 22 and supports five organizations in holiday giving and relationship building? If so, please contact our Director of Refugee Ministries, Louisa Merchant, at, for more information.

Midtown Assistance Center (MAC) is Calling for Volunteers 

MAC is looking for Volunteers to serve our community by meeting with clients, packing grocery bags, office maintenance, and more! Please contact MAC to schedule a shift. We also need essential donations such as laundry detergent, food, and hygiene items. Thank you for helping us serve our neighbors in need! Please contact Savanna Keo at for more details and to schedule a volunteer shift. 

We Need You! Volunteer Receptionists  

Become a volunteer receptionist at All Saints’! Our volunteers work on a bi-weekly schedule covering a four-hour shift. If interested, please contact Marie Louise Muhumuza at or Tracey Sage at

Threads Welcomes Families for Shopping 

Threads welcomes families for in-store shopping Thursdays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Interested in volunteering? Contact Marcia Mayfield at

Current Needs:

  • Tween boys shirts in sizes small to extra large 
  • Tween boys' pants in sizes 6, 8, 10 
  • Tween girls' tops and pants in sizes 12, 14, 16 

You may purchase items please via the Threads Amazon Wishlist: 

Read The Faith and Justice Collective's

September Newsletter

The September issue includes the following highlights:

  1. F&J Luncheon spotlights legislation affecting Core Ministries
  2. Faithful Advocates providing voter registration assistance
  3. Climate and democracy conference at All Saints'
  4. Atlanta Race Massacre remembered
  5. New Sacred Ground opportunities

Click here to sign up and receive the newsletter delivered to your inbox

Read the September Newsletter

Click the image above to view our "thank yous" to parishioners from various staff members. We appreciate the ways you serve our parish community!

Photo Sharing at All Saints’ 

The Communications Team invites you to submit photographs of All Saints’ events via e-mail for inclusion in forthcoming publications, newsletters, monitor feeds and on social media accounts. If you have content to share, please send photographs via e-mail to in .JPG or .PNG formats. 

Facebook            Twitter            Instagram            

Connect with us on Realm!

Learn more >> Don't forget to join Realm, our new platform for online giving, directory, and event registration.

Questions? Please contact Betsey Gibbs at






Want to request an announcement or plan an event at All Saints?

Learn more and submit a request >>