

February 9, 2024

There are a few Sundays that feel like a Super Bowl to a pastor. Of course, Easter is at the top of the list! However, this Sunday is up there too, for a few reasons. First, we’ve got combined worship. Second, I’ll be casting vision for our church. Third, there will be 2 baptisms by profession of faith. Fourth, we’ll have folks from Jungle Kids for Christ with us. Lastly, we get to hang-out and eat chili. I can’t wait for Sunday, and I hope you can’t either. Let’s pray for Sunday’s service and fellowship, and expect God to move!

David Walters

Senior Pastor

Sunday Morning Schedule: Feb. 11

9 a.m. 

Combined Worship* (Sanctuary)

Pre-K – 3rd Grade Kids' Worship



10 a.m. 

Sunday School (all ages)

No Sunday School for Students due to Staycation.



11 a.m. 

Combined Worship* (Sanctuary) 

Pre-K – 3rd Grade Kids' Worship


* Watch Worship Services at 9 or 11 a.m. at

For the best viewing experience on a smart TV, watch on our YouTube channel,

Missed a sermon or a series? Click here.

Please pray for our students and adult leaders this weekend as they take part in their annual Staycation retreat!

To celebrate a special date or to honor or remember a loved one by dedicating flowers, please contact Sarah Humber.

Will You Sponsor a Jungle Kids for Christ Student?

This Sunday, Roberto from Jungle Kids for Christ (JKC) will speak during our worship services. Roberto will talk about the work JKC is doing in the jungles of Ecuador and how your family can be a part of it. A number of students are in need of sponsorships. The cost to sponsor a child is $45 a month. Look for the tables with JKC information in the Resource Room, just outside the Sanctuary if you have questions or are interested in sponsorship. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child as we approach this weekend.

Learn More about JKC and the Sponsorship Program

We’ll gather this Wednesday at 7 p.m. for an Ash Wednesday worship service that will include contemplative music, a message reminding us of our sinfulness and mortality, and the imposition of ashes. A special children’s program begins at the same time. We hope you'll join us as we begin the 40-day season of Lent.

This Sunday!

Enjoy a Super Bowl of Chili After Worship

This Sunday, Feb. 11 

11:45 a.m.-2 p.m. 

in Trinity Hall 

The Alpharetta Methodist Men (AMen) invite all church members to a Super Bowl of Chili Lunch this Sunday. Enjoy a delicious chili meal, hot dogs for the kids and dessert. Please make reservations.

Make Reservations for the Super Bowl of Chili Lunch

Bring a Food Donation this Sunday for NFCC! 


While the Men’s Ministry is feeding us a delicious meal, they’re also sponsoring a food drive for North Fulton Community Charities. Please bring a few of the following items when you come to church this Sunday and place them in the red bins in the 1st floor lobby. 

High Need

Peanut butter


Pasta sauce


Mac 'n cheese




Juice boxes

Fruit cups

Also Needed

Small milk boxes

Stew, Manwich


Canned fruit

Canned beans. 


Canned veggies

Not Needed


Green beans

Today's Your Last Chance to Enter the Chili Cook-Off! 

Today is the final day to register for the chili competition. If you make an awesome bowl of chili, now’s your chance to share the love and the deliciousness! Everyone who attends the Super Bowl of Chili will be able to sample and vote for their favorite chili dishes. Awards will be given to the top 3 vote getters. Will you take the top prize? 

If you don’t cook but would like to help the Men’s Ministry with the event on Sunday, please sign up today! There’s still room for you on the AMen volunteer team. 

Register to Enter Your Chili in the Cook-Off
Volunteer for the Event

Discover What Alpharetta Methodist Is All About 

Sunday, Feb. 18

10-11 a.m.

Attend this class to become a member of the church or to learn about our history, beliefs, and how to get involved.

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Caring Connections


Women’s Walk: Exercise, Prayer, Reflection

& Friendship 

Saturday, Feb. 24 

10 a.m. (Meet at the church’s main entrance on Cumming St.) 

Join the Women’s Ministry for a walk around the Alpharetta area. The approximately 2-mile walk will take about 2 hours and include stops for prayer and reflection, and it will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends. The walk will begin and end at the church’s main entrance in the Cumming St. parking lot. No registration is needed.

Gourmettes: Senior Ladies to Have Lunch Out 

Wednesday, Feb. 28 

1 p.m. (Meet in the Student Center parking lot.) 

All ladies over 55 are invited to occasional lunches together in the Alpharetta area. The Gourmettes meet in the Student Center parking lot and take the church bus to a local restaurant. Sometimes the restaurant is announced beforehand; sometimes it’s a mystery. This month, ladies, we're keeping the location secret. Join us for lunch to solve the mystery! Email Rev. Terri Henkel to make your reservations. 

Find a Sunday School Class

How Can We Pray for You?

Next Men's Breakfast & Bible Study Is Feb. 13 

The Alpharetta Methodist Men (AMen) gather for Breakfast and Bible Study on the second Tuesday of each month. The next breakfast will be Feb. 13 from 7 to 8 a.m. in the Connection Café. Enjoy a free Chick-fil-A breakfast sandwich, coffee and conversation with other men of the church. Please register. 

Register for the Breakfast and Bible Study

AMen hopes this will be the first of many outdoor adventures. Please contact Darryl Smith with any questions or suggestions for future activities. 

Take a Hike! 


Saturday, March 2 

10 a.m. 

Meet at the Halcyon Trailhead for the Big Creek Greenway 

6265 Cortland Walk, Alpharetta 


Men and their children are invited to hike on the Big Creek Greenway. This casual, fun event is a great opportunity for dads to spend time outside with their kids. (And maybe even give mom the morning off!) All ages are welcome. No registration is required. 


The hike will be 60-90 minutes. Afterward, participants are invited to gather in Halcyon for lunch (buy your own) and play time in the turf, soccer and sand box area.

Hear from Experts on Elder Care at Caring for Caregivers Conference 

Saturday, March 2 

9 a.m.-1 p.m. 

Trinity Hall 

Behind just about every senior suffering with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is a caregiver. But who takes care of the caregiver? With our Caring for Caregivers Ministry, Alpharetta Methodist strives to provide resources and support for those who care for loved ones who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer's’ and other health-related issues. Twice a year, Rev. Terri Henkel, Congregational Care Pastor, and her volunteer team, host a Caring for Caregivers Conference at the church. Featured speakers are brought in to discuss relevant topics related to elder care, and caregivers are encouraged, given an opportunity to ask questions and prayed for. 

Are you a caregiver? Join us for a free Caring for Caregivers Conference on March 2.

Register for the Caring for Caregivers Conference

Drake House Service Day

Saturday, March 9 

9 a.m. 

Meet in the church parking lot

at 8:15 a.m. 

Departure to Drake House

at 8:30 a.m. 

The AMen hold a service day each quarter at Drake House. Projects during the March service day will include lawn mowing, hedge trimming and any other projects requested by Drake House. After a morning of work at Drake House, everyone is invited to gather at AJ’s Home Cooking (11770 Haynes Bridge Rd, Alpharetta) at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. 

Please register for the event. Families are welcome. For more information contact Rick Custer.

Register for the Drake House Service Day

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Outreach Opportunities

Two Ways to Support Our Kids’ Ministry

The Alpharetta Methodist Kids’ Ministry is already preparing for the annual Easter egg hunt in March. Hundreds of children are expected to attend which means lots and lots of candy is needed! Will you help? Please drop off bags of individually wrapped candy (peanut free, please!) at the Children’s Check-In Desk. Thank you! 


The Kids’ Ministry is also seeking volunteers to help care for children who have special needs. Volunteers would serve as buddies for the children during Sunday School (10-11 a.m.) and Sunday Kids’ Worship (11 a.m.-12 p.m.). If you feel led to bless a child by serving this way, please contact Kids’ Ministry Director, Ellen Sanders for more information.

We’re planning mission trips to Nicaragua, Ecuador and the United Kingdom this year. If you feel led to participate in any of these trips, please contact Outreach Director Maggie Brannon


Family Mission trip to Nicaragua 

June 15-22 


This trip is open to families within the church. (Children must be at least 5 years old.) We’ll work with Amigos for Christ. The trip will include a good bit of manual labor, and housing will be in dorm-like setting with a communal bathroom. Each family will be responsible for booking their own flights with guidance from our Missions team. $350 plus airfare. Limited to 20 participants. 


Mission Trip to Ecuador 

July 12-20 (tentative dates)  


This trip will be focused on assisting the Dunamis Foundation in Quito, Ecuador. Dunamis provides support and opportunities for restoration, healing and societal reintegration for young girls and women who have been sexually abused. Trip participants must be 18 years or older. Limited to 10 volunteers. Approximately $700 plus airfare to Quito (likely $1,800-$2,000).  


This Ecuador trip is in addition to a Student Ministry mission trip to assist Jungle Kids for Christ June 14-23. 


Mission Trip to the United Kingdom 

Late September or early October 


This trip will focus on supporting a refugee worker in England (and his family) who develops relationships with refugees, helps them connect to the local community, teaches them English, and helps them establish a relationship with Christ. Due to the nature of the work we will be doing, participants must be mature in their faith and at least 18 years old. The trip will be physically demanding with lots of walking. Limited to 8 people. $1,500-$2,000. 

Our English as a Second Language program is in need of more tutors, specifically those that speak Spanish. If you’re interested or feel led to be a part of this important outreach opportunity, please email Lynn Sickeler

Donate to Save a Life! Alpharetta Methodist will host a Red Cross blood drive on Friday, Feb. 29, from 3 to 7:30 p.m. in Trinity Hall. Please make an appointment at Enter “30009” in the search box. 

Purchase Tickets!

Girls on Fire

A Celebration of Women in Music

Friday, Feb.23

8 p.m.


Alpharetta Methodist will host the Alpharetta Symphony Orchestra as it presents a music program exclusively composed by women. Tickets may be purchased on the ASO website.


David Agler, Gariel Burchett, Terry Combs, Claudia Curtin, Barbara Danner, Marilyn Fivaz, Russ Johnson (Brandon Johnson’s dad), Connie Jordan, Jody Lail, Janet Land, Max McBrayer, Ed McRae, Joanne Miller, Jane Fadgen Mitchell, Carol Mittenmeyer, Leah Newman, John Pavek (Laura Malek’s dad), David Shadeed, Jim Toler

Make a Financial Gift

Update Your Contact Information

Sermons on Demand


Feb. 4:


For additional information about church finances, email Director of Finance and HR Helen Cork.

Alpharetta First Methodist Church | | 770.475.5576

OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

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