

March 15, 2024

This week I met with a few couples who have started worshipping at Alpharetta Methodist and are interested in making this their spiritual home. One of the couples asked, “What does the church need?” First, I’m so grateful for their mindset and question. It’s a great question, and one we should all ask. Second, almost immediately Paul’s comparison of the church being the body of Christ came to mind. I replied with something like, “What the church needs is for you to use your spiritual gifts, innate strengths, and passions for the sake of the body.” If we’re the body of Christ, which we are, and each person is a body part, which we are, then we need each other to use our uniqueness for the benefit of the body. So, if AMC is your church home, how are you using your spiritual gifts, your innate strengths, and your passions for the benefit of the body of Christ? If you need help answering that question, consider taking our “Imprint Class” or contact Allison Nye at

David Walters

Senior Pastor

* Watch Worship Services at 9 or 11 a.m. at

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Sunday Morning Schedule: March 17

9 a.m. 

Contemporary Worship*

(Vinebranch Chapel)

Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)

Pre-K – 3rd Grade Kids' Worship



10 a.m. 

Sunday School (all ages)



11 a.m. 

Contemporary Worship

(Vinebranch Chapel) 

Traditional Worship* (Sanctuary) 

Pre-K – 3rd Grade Kids' Worship


This Sunday, March 17, the power company plans to close Main St. between Academy St. and Cumming St. from 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The timing of the closure should allow everyone to exit church parking lots without issue after the 11 a.m. services; however, there is always a chance that the power company's time frame could fluctuate. Please plan on adjusting your route home, if necessary.

The altar flowers in the Sanctuary this Sunday are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Patty Lee Carroll Fisher (3/27/44-3/18/2020), beloved wife, mother, nana and friend.

To celebrate a special date or to honor or remember a loved one by dedicating flowers, please contact Sarah Humber.

The AMen Had a Saturday Filled with Service and Fellowship!

The Men's Ministry (AMen) spent last Saturday morning doing service projects for the Drake House. Jack Wohlhueter, a member of our Men's Ministry, had this to say about the morning:

Making lemonade out of lemons… Our original plan was to do some painting outside, but Mother Nature had other ideas, so we stayed indoors (and dry!). Maurice, the Drake House facilities manager, had plan B ready (along with a box of fresh Krispy Kreme donuts!) which was to help clean up his workshop area. We got to the task and had it looking ship shape in no time at all!

Thanks to the men from AMen -- Mike Wysong, Brian Crenshaw, Jeff Dean, and Blake Spencer and Rick Custer -- for helping be of service to our valued partner, the Drake House!

Easter Jam! 2024

Families Are Invited to Easter JAM!

Saturday, March 23

10 a.m.-Noon

at the church

Kids' Ministry invites families with young children to Easter JAM! on March 23. The event will include Easter egg hunts (by age group), face painting, balloon twisters, treats and visits with the Easter Bunny.

Egg Hunt Times

10:15: Toddlers 

10:30: Pre-K 3s and 4s 

10:45: Kindergarten and 1st grade 

11:00: 2nd and 3rd grades

Bring fresh flowers to place on the flowering cross on Easter morning!

Look for the cross in the Prayer Garden near our main entrance in the Cumming St. parking lot. The flowering cross always provides a great backdrop for Easter family photos. Be sure to share your photos online and tag the church (@alpharetta.methodist). 

NOTE: This will be a mental, physical and tactile journey for all those who choose to attend and wish to participate fully. However, you are welcome to simply hike, listen and observe. Participants must be able to hike 4-5 miles. 

Experience Good Friday by Retracing the Last Steps of Jesus 

Friday, March 29,

5-7 a.m. 

Begins and ends in the Student Center parking lot 

Ruck (walk with a weighted backpack) 4 miles to various stops around Alpharetta. At each stop, you’ll be led in a Scripture reading and a time to remember the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus. Participants will carry crosses through the journey. 

Organized by members of F3 Alpha and guided by F3 Crikey, Steve Browning of Alpharetta First Baptist Church. 

Have Your Checked Out Our New Online Giving Platform?

Recently, we launched our new platform for online gifts; thank you to all who created a new profile and moved your recurring gift! Our new giving platform will provide both you and Alpharetta Methodist with a variety of benefits including: 

  • Ability to give on any device, web or mobile 
  • Reduced processing fees for Alpharetta Methodist 
  • Secured payment information for easy giving 
  • Easy e-check and debit/credit card giving 
  • Create/manage a one-time gift or recurring gifts 
  • View donation history
  • Manage giving profile 

This new giving tool works in sync with our database, Ministry Platform. We recommend that you create a login for your convenience. To check it out, click here or select the “Give Now” button at You may select a one-time gift or create a recurring gift by selecting the tab under the amount of your gift and then bank draft or credit/debit card transaction below the selected fund.

Our hope is to provide a better and more secure giving experience for everyone. If you contribute by our website or app, we need your assistance to switch over to the new system. If you contribute through your bank's Bill Pay, checks, Donor Advised Funds, or IRA distributions, you do not need to do anything. Please contact if you have any questions or need assistance. 

Thank you for your patience as we make this transition. 

Helen Cork 

Director of Finance and HR 

Make a One-Time Gift of Set Up a Recurring Gift
Cancel a Recurring Gift on the Old Giving Platform

2024 High School Seniors to Be Celebrated 

We’ll celebrate graduating high school seniors on Sunday, May 5, during the 11 a.m. traditional service. It will be a church-wide celebration for any senior student who attends or has attended Alpharetta Methodist. If you'd like your student to be included, please email Deedee Muehlbauer for the details.

Find a Sunday School Class

How Can We Pray for You?

VBS Rock!

A Summer Vacation Bible School 

Registration is open for VBS Rock! Vacation Bible School will be a fun rock-concert themed event where Jesus takes center stage. Rising kindergarten through 5th grade students are invited. They’ll spend the week learning about rock stories from the Bible, making fun crafts, having snacks in the VBS Rock Café, playing games and outside recreation, learning music, and more! 

Volunteer: Join our VBS Rock! team and serve on-site during VBS week or a minimum of 12 hours (including setup/breakdown) on our Decorating Team this spring.

More than 20 adult crew leaders are needed for small groups of children's activities each day (crafts, storytelling, recreation, and snack/small-group time). Crew Leaders are needed for all grade levels, kindergarten through 5th grade.

VBS for children of volunteers: A nursery will be provided for infants and toddlers of on-site volunteers. Children ages 3 and 4 will enjoy a special VBS experience. 

VBS Rock!

9 a.m. to noon

June 3-6

Register for VBS Rock!
Sign Up as a Teen Volunteer
Sign Up as an Adult Volunteer

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Outreach Opportunities

Support Our Kids' Ministry

Easter JAM! is just around the corner (March 23), will you support this exciting Kids’ Ministry event by donating candy? Please drop off bags of individually wrapped candy (peanut free, please!) at the Children’s Check-In Desk. Thank you!

Kid's Ministry also needs volunteers to help care for children who have special needs. These helpers are needed during Sunday School (10-11 a.m.) and Sunday Kids’ Worship (11 a.m.-12 p.m.). If you feel led to bless a child by serving this way, please contact Kids’ Ministry Director, Ellen Sanders for more information.

Backpacks of Love helps provide food for children who might otherwise not have access to it at home. Please join us in supporting Backpacks of Love by dropping off much needed items in the red bins under the portico at our Cumming St. entrance on Wednesday, March 20. As a reminder, the items most in need are canned fruits, canned veggies, canned soups and chili, plastic jars of peanut butter, and packets of oatmeal. Learn more about Backpacks of Love. 

Family Mission trip to Nicaragua: June 15-22. This trip is open to families within the church. (Children must be at least 5 years old.) We’ll work with Amigos for Christ. The trip will include a good bit of manual labor, and housing will be in dorm-like setting with a communal bathroom. Each family will be responsible for booking their own flights with guidance from our Missions team. $350 plus airfare. Limited to 20 participants. If you feel led to participate in this trip, please contact Outreach Director Maggie Brannon.

Mission Trip to the United Kingdom: Late September or early October. This trip will focus on supporting a refugee worker in England (and his family) who develops relationships with refugees, helps them connect to the local community, teaches them English, and helps them establish a relationship with Christ. Due to the nature of the work we will be doing, participants must be mature in their faith and at least 18 years old. The trip will be physically demanding with lots of walking. Limited to 8 people. $1,500-$2,000. If you feel led to participate in this trip, please contact Outreach Director Maggie Brannon

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Caring Connections



Gifts have been made in memory of:

  • Meredith Agler by Linda Sokowoski
  • Joe Bowen by Linda Sokowoski


David Agler, Taylor Beck, Gariel Burchett, Terry Combs, Claudia Curtin, Barbara Danner, Bill and Marilyn Fivaz, Carl Gilbert, Russ Johnson (Brandon Johnson’s dad), Connie Jordan, Jody Lail, Janet Land, Max McBrayer, Ed McRae, Joanne Miller, Jane Fadgen Mitchell, Carol Mittenmeyer, Leah Newman, John Pavek (Laura Malek’s dad), David Shadeed, Jim Toler

Make a Financial Gift

Update Your Contact Information

Sermons on Demand


March 10:


For additional information about church finances, email Director of Finance and HR Helen Cork.

Alpharetta First Methodist Church | | 770.475.5576

OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

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