Worship This Weekend
Come worship at First Christian Church at the 9:00 a.m. traditional service in the sanctuary or the 10:15 a.m. progressive One and All service.  This Sunday, Rev. Jim Warren's sermon will discuss Luke 14:16-24.  The sermon title is, "Fill the House."  About the sermon, he says, "This is the story of the great dinner in which the host orders the servants to invite everyone to come to the dinner. What can we do to invite our neighbors to experience the life-changing love of God in Jesus Christ?" 
This Sunday is All Saints' Sunday, when we honor our saints, those who have passed away in the past year.  We will also learn about memorial donations received, as well as the Legacy Circle and its members. 
At the traditional service, the Gift of Music will be presented by the Chancel Choir.  At t he One and All service, the band will sing and play a new song! Come worship at this progressive service and enjoy a light breakfast as you do.  It will take place in Fellowship Hall.   
Can't attend either service this Sunday?  Tune in on Facebook (go to our Facebook Page), or on our website ( www.blmfcc.com) to see a live stream!  You can watch the 9:00 a.m. service and worship along with those at FCC Sunday morning.  Be sure to tell your friends! 
food_drive_girl.jpg Gifts for Another Table:
This month we collect food items for the Center for Hope Food Pantry. Won't you bring a few items each week? 
Needed are ri ce and rice dinners, potato dinners, pasta of any kind, pasta sauce, Hamburger Helper, dinner meals, cereal, mashed/boxed potatoes, and canned fruits and vegetables. Especially appreciated is peanut butter. 
Don't Miss It
Activities/Events at Our Church
THIS Weekend
9:00 a.m.           Traditional Worship in  
                            the Sanctuary and  
                          Worship & Wonder (begins
                            after Time for Children) 
10:15 a.m.         Sunday School for Adults,  
                             Youth, and Children 
10:15 a.m.         One and All Progressive
                              Worship in Fellowship Hall 
Prayer Concerns
Reminder: Please let the church office know if you know of someone who needs a call or is in the hospital.
PRAYER FOCUS:  Families who have experienced bereavement in the past year
  • Bettie Schultz
  • Betty Steinlicht
  • Harold Goyen
  • Marilyn Kopp
  • Susan Cleaver and family on the October 27 death of her brother-in-law, Keith Romans
  • Sandy Anderson and family on the October 26 death of her son, Doug
  • Adam Jacobs (Army)
  • Harley Scott (Phillis' niece/Navy, VA)
  • Dave Eyman
  • Jan Violano
CARD SHOWER: Marlyn Mahannah
HAPPY 90+ BIRTHDAY: Marlyn Mahannah will be 93 on November 6

Serving this Sunday 

Please note:  This is current data as of Friday Email publishing date.  If you know of changes to your own duties, please continue as you have planned.   Please make sure the office is aware of changes.  Thank you!
Acolyte: George Davis
Building Lock-up:  Doug Reed
Child Care:  Trish Logan, Amy Nichols
·          9:00 Michelle Kiesewetter, Carrie Chapman
·          10:15 Julie Robinson, Peg Larson
Jr. Deacons:  Charlie Campos, Tyler Chapman
Drivers:  Ryan Newton, Frank Lipscomb
Elders:  Deanne Bryant, Ryan Newton
Visiting Elders:  Scott Fisher, Valerie Fisher
Coffee Fellowship:  Bill Chaney, Tom Chaney
Fill Candles:  Deb Bomeli
Greeters:  Marla McElroy, Martha Hunter
Info Desk:  Pam Yerkes
Livestreaming Tech:  Dave Phillis
Scripture:  Nate Damery
Sound Tech:  Brian Metz
Time for Children: Camille Taylor
Video Tech:  Chip Jamerson
Worship & Wonder Greeter:  Sam Gustafson
Pulpit:  Jim Warren, Luke 14:16-24, "Fill the House"
This is the story of the great dinner in which the host orders the servants to invite everyone to come to the dinner. What can we do to invite our neighbors to experience the life-changing love of God in Jesus Christ?
Things to Do While
You Are at Church

Visit the Info Desk to find out more about the Share the Warmth Collection and to pick up a need slip from the Adopt-a-Family Tree.  See details in The Messenger.
Sit Toward the Front at the 9:00 a.m. Service.  Please move up a few rows or move from the back area to the front area so that the viewers on our livestreaming broadcast can see that we have good attendance!  Let's show them how excited we are to be at FCC and maybe they will join us!  
Drop off Caps and Lids at the church office counter.   Disciples Women's Ministries is collecting caps and lids of (almost) all types in coordination with St. Luke Union Church. The caps can be donated at the FCC office counter (look for a container) and will be upcycled into a bench with the help of Green Tree Plastics. Types of caps accepted include caps from medicine bottles, milk jugs, detergent, hair spray, toothpaste, deodorant, apple sauce pouches, drink bottles, spray paint, ointment tubes, baby food, and shampoo/conditioner. Also, lids from cottage cheese containers, mayonnaise jars, yogurt, peanut butter jars, ice cream buckets, cool whip containers, coffee cans, cream cheese containers, margarine containers, and Pringles are acceptable. All caps and lids must be Recycle #2, 4, or 5.    
Drop Off School Supplies and Other Items for School Children. Reach Out is collecting supplies for Sheridan School and Bent School Teachers have requested a number of specific items.  Please find a detailed list of needed items at the Info Desk.  Some examples:  Ziploc gallon bags, paper towels, plastic shoeboxes, glue sticks, tissues, pens, and Playdoh.  Also, gently used tennis shoes, coats, clothes for kids to change into in case of accidents, and new boys' and girls' underwear are needed.
Pick Up a Third Thursday Food and Fellowship Schedule at the Info Desk.  
Volunteer to Help Around FCC.  Find signup sheets at the Info Desk.   
Drop off your Box Tops for Education in the Disciples Women's Ministries mailbox outside the church office door.  
Make a new friend!  Greet a visitor. Greet someone another member has greeted!  Several contacts truly make a person feel welcome.  A great resource for helping a visitor is the bulletin, and you can also walk them to the Info Desk for another warm greeting,  more information, and a welcome gift! 

"Check In" on Facebook while you are at church. 
November 1, 2019 
In This Issue
time_for_change.jpg Clocks go back one hour!
Don't forget to move your clocks back one hour tomorrow before you go to bed.  It is the end of Daylight Saving Time! 
Office Hours

The church office is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the exception of Mondays, when the office closes at 3:00 p.m. instead.  The office is closed from noon to 1:00 p.m. daily.    
Ministry Quick Links
Like me on Facebook
Also find us on
(username "blmfcc")

See the Youth Bulletin Board in the Centrum for Youth news and opportunities. 
Worship & Wonder and Sunday School for Children meet this Sunday. 

Sunday School Classrooms:
1st grade -- nursery
Grades 2-5 -- room 122
Grades 6-12 -- room 109

Youth Group November 10 meeting will be for grades K-12.  Shopping for Advent Glove Tree will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bring $5 for shopping. Pizza will be provided. Gloves will be donated to the Regional Alternative School. 
Brown Bag Bible Bunch meets at noon on Wednesdays.  Jim Warren leads the group, which studies the scripture for the upcoming Sunday.   Bring a lunch to the conference room and join the study.  All are welcome!
All S aints' Sunday November 3

Disciples Women's Ministries November 7 at 1:00 p.m.

Small Groups' Celebration November 17

Third Thursday Food and Fellowship November 21 at 12:30 p.m. at Outback Steakhouse.

Hanging of the Green December 1
Music Sunday and Caroling  December 8

Sharing FAITH beyond the FCC walls.  Opportunities to be involved in our community...
FCC Vision and Mission Statements
Vision: To be a growing church who welcomes all, grows spiritually, and serves others.
Mission: To invite and welcome all to the Lord's Table, to strengthen our spirituality with God and one another through prayer, worship, study, and fellowship, and to serve our community with compassion.

401 W. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, IL  61701
  (309) 829-9327

  To contact Jenifer Petri about Church Communications, email her at Info@blmfcc.org or call 309 533-4912