Worship This Weekend
FCC Stained Glass
On this, the Third Sunday of Advent, we will be joined by our CCIW Regional Minister and President, Dr. Teresa Dulyea-Parker, who will deliver the sermon in both services.  The title of her sermon is, "Not the Light -- Tell The Story."  She will be referencing the scripture passages Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 and John 1:6-8, 19-28 
Music at both services will be seasonal, with traditional carols at the One and All service.  Sing along as you enjoy a coffee and light breakfast in Fellowship Hall. 
The third candle of Advent, the Candle of Joy, will be lit in both services. 
A message about Gifts for Another Table:
In December we will replenish the items that we sometimes distribute to those who are in need of a non-perishable single-serving item when they drop by the church office.  Needed are microwaveable meals and pull-top cans of soup.
Don't Miss It

Activities/Events at Our Church THIS Weekend


9:00 a.m.         Traditional Worship in
                         Worship and Wonder for 
                             children age 4 through  
                             2nd grade (begins after  
                             Time for Children) 
10:15 a.m.       Sunday School for Adults  
                             (Sunshine Class) and for  

10:15 a.m.       One and All Progressive
                              Worship in Fellowship     
No Youth Group
Prayer Concerns

CARD SHOWER:  Mickey Armstrong 
PRAYER FOCUS :  The California Wildfires 



HOSPICE: Harold Goyen, Marilyn Thompson, Virginia Warren




ADVOCATE BROMENN: Mickey Armstrong


AFTERCARE: Vicki Hall, Connie Lindenbaum


SYMPATHY: to Ron Elliott and family on the December 9th death of his wife, Juanita; to Debbie Stumm and family on the December 10th death of her great niece Kaeleigh Tennant


WEDDING: Andrea Bohlmann will marry Gary Fugitt today. Parents of the bride are Julie Robinson and Dave Phillis.

Serving this Sunday 

Please note:  This is current data as of Friday Email publishing date.  If you know of changes to your own duties, please continue as you have planned.   Thank you!

Acolytes:  George Davis, Vincent Pozo
Child Care:  Trish Logan, Amy Nichols
Deacons: 9:00 Kenny & Penny Bland, Vicki Hall
10:15James & Libby Nussbaum
Jr. Deacons:  Austin Metz, Brennon Reed
Drivers:  Frank Lipscomb, Gary Thompson
Elders:   Naomi Kosier, Kathie Chapman
Homebound Elders:  Sue & Joe Bandy
Fellowship Host:  Nancy Pool
Fill Candles:   Marla McElroy, Kathie Chapman
Greeters:  Nate & Heather Damery, John & Kathy Dailey
Information Center Host:  Teri Arvik     
Recycle:   Frank & Lois Lipscomb                       
Scripture:   Sue Brumme                     
Time for Children:  Linda Lehmann
Sound Tech: Dave Phillis                             
Video Tech:  James Nussbaum
Worship & Wonder Greeter:   Jessica Davis
Pulpit:   Regional Minister & President Teresa Dulyea-Parker
"Not the Light - Tell The Story"  Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; John 1:6-8, 19-28 
Things to Do While
You Are at Church

  Sign up for the Wednesday Supper Club, which will meet December 20 at 5:30 at Shannon's Five Star Diner.  Note number attending on a Sunday attendance pad.  Or, you may RSVP to the FCC office (829-9327) on Monday by 4:30 p.m.  
Pick up an Advent Devotional in the Narthex, at the Information Center, or on the table outside Fellowship Hall.
Choose a tag on the Adopt-A-Family tree. Our Reach Out Ministry invites you to look for the Christmas tree in the Centrum this Sunday. Choose a tag for a gift to give to a family in need.
Check In on Facebook while you are at church.  And at the One and All service feel free to use your device for social media, to share photos and thoughts about your worship experience as it happens.  

Make a new friend!  Greet a visitor.  Show folks around and help them with questions they might have.  Invite them to worship and/or to share fellowship over a cup of coffee or breakfast treat.  The bulletin is a great source of information for visitors, as is the Information Center.  Let's be a welcoming church!   
December 15, 2017
In This Issue
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Youth News

Sunday School for children and youth meets this Sunday morning.

There will be no more Youth Group meetings in 2017.

Regarding Youth Group:  Please note that there will only be a meal at Youth Group on the first Sunday of the month. 
Youth Mid-winter Retreat will be held in Eureka on January 20.  Details in The Messenger.
Brown Bag Bible Bunch meets at noon on Wednesdays. The group is studying II Timothy.  Bring a lunch to the conference room and join the study!
Wednesday Supper Club December 20 at Shannon's
Worship Services are combined on December 24 and 31, and will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. 
Christmas Eve Services in sanctuary:
10:00 a.m.  
5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Services will be full of wonderful music.  Candlelight will be a feature at both evening services, and the 5:00 service will be extra child-friendly (child care provided for the littler ones, too!). 

Sharing FAITH beyond the FCC walls.  Opportunities to be involved in our community...

Everything we do and every choice we make have significance for our spiritual life.  We cannot dismiss the small stuff in our lives as inconsequential; everything has a consequence.

-- Jim Warren, in
Sharon's address: Sharon Warren
Room 2236
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
355 E Erie St
Chicago, IL 60611

401 W. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, IL  61701
  (309) 829-9327

  To contact Jenifer Petri about Church Communications, email her at Info@blmfcc.org or call 309 533-4912