Worship This Weekend
FCC Stained Glass
This Sunday is World Communion Sunday, and we will celebrate it with unifying and beautiful music and a sermon from Holly Irvin focused on unity!  She will preach at both services (9:00 traditional and 10:15 progressive) from the short passage 2 Corinthians 13:11b
What is World Communion Sunday? The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) puts it this way:  (It is) a worldwide opportunity for Christians in every culture to break bread and share the cup as they affirm Christ as the head of the church.  (read more here)
At the 9:00 service the music will be outstanding!  It will include some upbeat hymns, along with a gift of music featuring three Drexler singers as soloists and Susan Cleaver on percussion.   
At the 10:15 service we will have a full One and All band leading us in worshipful, toe-tapping numbers.  The coffee will be hot and the breakfast goodies fresh.  We will celebrate World Communion Sunday in this service, too, which takes place in Fellowship Hall.     
There are so many reasons to come worship with your church family.   
A message about Gifts for Another Table:
October is the month we collect items for the Salvation Army.  Non-perishable food items needed include boxed rice dinners, pasta and sauce, potato dinners with sauce, Hamburger Helper, instant mashed potatoes, and canned vegetables and fruit.  
Don't Miss It

Activities/Events at Our Church THIS Weekend


9:00 a.m.         Traditional Worship in
                         Worship and Wonder for children
                             age 4 through 2nd grade

                             (begins after Time for Children) 

10:15 a.m.       Sunday School for Adults  
                             (Sunshine Class) and for  

10:15 a.m.       One and All Progressive
                              Worship in Fellowship Hall    
5:00 to 6:30 p.m.   Youth Group for Grades K-12 
Prayer Concerns

CARD SHOWER:   Eddie Dill 
PRAYER FOCUS: Christians Around the World



HOSPICE: Linda Harweger, Virginia Warren


AWAITING TESTS/SURGERY: Andrea Phillis Bohlmann


ADVOCATE BROMENN: Betty Brandt, Judy Fisher, Myra Komnick


OSF ST. JOSEPH: Eugene Hunter, Marilyn Kopp


WEDDING: Sara Roper and William Houk were married September 23rd in our Sanctuary. The bride's mother is Linda Roper.


JOYS: Happy 97th Birthday to Harry Schultz on October 2nd.


SYMPATHY: to family and friends of Cleo Colaw on her death September 22nd.

Serving this Sunday 

Please note:  This is current data as of Friday Email publishing date.  If you know of changes to your own duties, please continue as you have planned.   Thank you!

Acolytes:  Evan Nichols, Alexis Nichols
Child Care:  Trish Logan, James Nussbaum
Deacons:   9:00 Martin & Sue Ross
10:15 Todd & Corin Chapman
Jr. Deacons:  Seth Newton, Sabrina Campos
Driver:  Rich Crusius
Elders: John Hensley, Susan Cleaver
Homebound Elders: Al & Beverly Leight
Fellowship Host:  Bill Chaney
Fill Candles:  Connie Rapp
Greeters:  Mark & Michelle Gramley, Brian Metz, Austin Metz
Information Center Host:  Susan Hinrichsen
Recycle:   Hank & Linda Sur
Scripture:   Tamara Shields
Sound Tech:   Brian Metz
Time for Children:  Heather Damery
Video Tech:  Chip Jamerson
Worship & Wonder Greeter:   Jessica Davis
Worship Leader:   Karen Crusius
Pulpit:   Holly Irvin - World Communion Sunday

Things to Do While
You Are at Church

Bring a new or gently used donation for the Start Fresh ministry.  Items to bring for this men's prison clothing ministry include coats, scarves, hats, and gloves. 

Bring a travel-size item for Operation Santa (a Disciples Women's effort) for military men and women and leave it in the designated area near the Information Center.  See The Messenger for details.

Sign up at the Information Center for the Tuesday, October 24, Blood Drive.  The drive is from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Major Hall.  You may also sign up by calling the church office at 309 829-9327.
Check In on Facebook while you are at church.  And at the One and All service feel free to use your device for social media, to share photos and thoughts about your worship experience as it happens.  

Make a new friend!  Greet a visitor.  Show folks around and help them with questions they might have.  Invite them to worship and/or to share fellowship over a cup of coffee or breakfast treat.  The bulletin is a great source of information for visitors, as is the Information Center.  Let's be a welcoming church!   

September 29, 2017  
In This Issue
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Youth News

Youth Group (grades Kindergarten through 12) and Sunday School for children and youth meet this Sunday. 

Youth Group starts at 5:00 p.m. with a meal.  Please note that  there will only be a meal at Youth Group on the first Sunday of the month. 
Brown Bag Bible Bunch meets at noon on Wednesdays. The group is studying 1 Thessalonians.  Bring a lunch to the conference room and join the study!

Christmas Musical Rehearsals: If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir for just the Christmas musical, we will rehearse 7:15 - 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, starting October 4th. 

Disciples Women's Ministries meets October 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.  Leslie Frizzell will be the presenter.
Mission Trip to St. Louis October 20-22
Heritage Sunday October 22
Discernment Sessions October 29 and November 12.  See The Messenger for details. 

Sharing FAITH beyond the FCC walls.  Opportunities to be involved in our community...
Keep praying for God's vision for us!
 -- Jim Warren, in The Messenger

401 W. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, IL  61701
  (309) 829-9327

  To contact Jenifer Petri about Church Communications, email her at Info@blmfcc.org or call 309 533-4912