Worship This Weekend
FCC Stained Glass
This Sunday Rev. Neal Kentch will be preaching at both services on Mark 1:29-39.  His sermon title:  He Raised Her Up. 
Don't miss the special music at the 9:00 a.m. traditional service, which will be a piano duet by Lou Ann Fillingham and Becky White!  Come enjoy a complimentary light breakfast at the 10:15 a.m. One and All progressive service while you sing along with the band.  That service is in Fellowship Hall, and it is a great choice for a friend who is visiting FCC for the first time.    
food_drive_girl.jpg Gifts for Another Table:
We will continue to collect items for the Ministry and More food pantry, to whom we didn't deliver much in June. Let's bless them greatly with a large donation at the end of July.  Won't you bring a couple of items?  Needed are rice and rice dinners, potato dinners, pasta of any kind, pasta sauce, Hamburger Helper, dinner meals, cereal, mashed/boxed potatoes, and canned fruits and vegetables. Thank you!
Don't Miss It
Activities/Events at Our Church
THIS Weekend

9:00 a.m.          Traditional Worship in the
                            Sanctuary and Worship  
                            and Wonder in Room 128
Children age 4-2nd  
10:00 a.m         Sunday School for Adults
                            (Conference Room)
10:15 a.m.        One and All Progressive  
                            Service (Fellowship Hall)  

Prayer Concerns
CARD SHOWER: Niola Daily    
PRAYER FOCUS : Church camp participants
TREATMENT: Forrest Kaufman, Paula Robb
  • Bob Corbett
  • Tom Crutchley
  • Art Headley
  • Kim Janvrin
  • Carol Kline
  • Frank Lipscomb
  • Brenda Phillis
  • Mary Smart
  • Mara Studebaker
  • Shirley Wotherspoon
HOSPICE: Harold Goyen  
SYMPATHY to Helen Fry and family on the July 1 death of her husband, Jim Fry 

Serving this Sunday 

Please note:  This is current data as of Friday Email publishing date.  If you know of changes to your own duties, please continue as you have planned.   Please make sure the office is aware of changes.  Thank you!

Acolyte: George Davis
Building Lock-up:  Bill Robitske
Child Care:  Trish Logan, Naomi Kosier
·        9:00 Kathy Dailey, Susan Cleaver
·        10:15 Kathy Dailey, Reena Rhoda
Jr. Deacons:  Austin Metz, Sadie Newton
Drivers:  Rich Crusius, Gary Thompson
Elders:  John Dailey, Jill West
Visiting Elders:  Deanne Bryant, Ryan Newton
Coffee Fellowship:  Bill Chaney, Tom Chaney
Fill Candles:  Becky White
Greeter:  Rick Erickson
Info Desk:  Pat Bozarth
Landscaping:  Kim Rott
Scripture:  Nate Damery
Sound Tech:  James Nussbaum
Time for Children:  Linda Lehmann
Video Tech:  James Nussbaum
Worship & Wonder Greeter:  Bethany Warren
Pulpit:  Neal Kentch Mark 1.29-39  "He Raised Her Up"
Things to Do While
You Are at Church

Sign up for the July 12 Blood Drive at the Info Desk.  It will be held in Major Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Your donation is greatly needed!
Drop Off School Supplies and Other Items. No Block Party this year, but Reach Out will be collecting supplies for Sheridan School and Bent School.  Please consider purchasing school supplies and bringing them to the tote by the Info Desk. Also, gently used tennis shoes, coats, clothes for kids to change into in case of accidents, and new boys' and girls' underwear are needed.
Sign up to Help with the Abundant Life Church Meal to be served on July 21.  See information and a signup sheet at the Info Desk.
Learn about Recycling/Trash Guidelines.  Watch the pre-worship and Centrum slides.  Also, find the guidelines attached to or posted near the prominent recycling bins throughout the building. Please be sure you are using the appropriate bins when disposing of items. Thank you!
Volunteer to Help Around FCC.  Find signup sheets at the Info Desk.   
Drop off your Box Tops for Education in the Disciples Women's Ministries mailbox outside the church office door.  
Make a new friend!  Greet a visitor. Greet someone another member has greeted!  Several contacts truly make a person feel welcome.  A great resource for helping a visitor is the bulletin, and you can also walk them to the Info Desk for another warm greeting and more information.

"Check In" on Facebook while you are at church. 
July 5, 2019 
In This Issue
Office Hours

The church office is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the exception of Mondays, when the office closes at 3:00 p.m. instead.  The office is closed from noon to 1:00 p.m. daily.
In observance of Independence Day, the office will continue to be closed today, Friday, July 5. 
Ministry Quick Links
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Also find us on
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Want to help the Warrens
by providing a meal?
If you would like to help provide meals for the Warren family,  please follow the steps below:
  • Go to the web site: takethemameal.com
  • Type in "Warren" for the family name
  • The Password: Godisgood
  • Sign up for the time(s) when you would like to supply a meal, and just follow the simple steps for delivery.
Questions?  Contact Kathy Smalley at 309- 824-2839 or smallekj@fairpoint.net.
See the Youth Bulletin Board in the Centrum for Youth news and opportunities. 
Sunday School for Children and Youth, and Youth Groups, are on break for the summer.

Worship and Wonder has stopped meeting weekly for the school year, but will meet the first Sunday of each month instead. 

Camp Registration is open for all remaining 2019 camps.  See the Messenger for information.

Brown Bag Bible Bunch meets at noon on Wednesdays.  The group studies the scripture for the upcoming Sunday.   Bring a lunch to the conference room and join the study.  All are welcome!

Adam Larson Concert July 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Normal Theater.  Free admission.

Disciples Women's Ministries Meeting July 11 at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.  "Ministry of Jesus Christ -  Walking in Jesus' Footsteps" study continues. 

Blood Drive July 12 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Signups take place this Sunday.

Sack Lunch Ministry July 13 at 10:00 a.m. in Major Hall.  See your bulletin for details.

General Assembly July 20-24 in Des Moines, IA. See the Messenger for more information and to register.

Abundant Life Meal July 21.  See your bulletin for details.

Sharing FAITH beyond the FCC walls.  Opportunities to be involved in our community...

401 W. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, IL  61701
  (309) 829-9327

  To contact Jenifer Petri about Church Communications, email her at Info@blmfcc.org or call 309 533-4912