Worship This Weekend
"Mission is Costly," is the name of Rev. Jim Warren's sermon this Sunday.  He will preach on Luke 14:25-33, and about his sermon he says, "If we are serious about pursuing what our mission and vision statements mean, then there will be a cost to us in time, energy, and other resources. Are we prepared to pay the price to realize our mission and vision?"  Come hear him preach at the 9:00 traditional service or at the 10:15 progressive One and All service.   
The chancel choir is preparing a beautiful Gift of Music for the traditional 9:00 a.m. service.  As always, the talented One and All Band will be ready with some excellent praise music for the 10:15 service.  Come worship, and enjoy coffee and pastries in Fellowship Hall as you do.   
Can't attend either service this Sunday?  Tune in on Facebook (go to our Facebook Page), or on our website (www.blmfcc.com) to see a live stream!  You can watch the 9:00 a.m. service and worship along with those at FCC Sunday morning!  This capability is still in its testing stage, so please be patient with any glitches.  We welcome critiques and praise!  Be sure to tell your friends!  
food_drive_girl.jpg Gifts for Another Table:
We have just two Sundays left in September.  Please remember to bring your donation to FCC this week for the Boys and Girls Club!  Items needed are latex gloves (large and small), 55-gallon and kitchen trash bags, Band-Aids, toilet paper, Ziploc sandwich, quart, and gallon-sized bags, and paper towels.    Thank you!
Don't Miss It
Activities/Events at Our Church
THIS Weekend
9:00 a.m.           Traditional Worship in  
                            the Sanctuary and  
                          Worship & Wonder (begins
                            after Time for Children) 
10:15 a.m.         Sunday School for Adults,  
                             Youth, and Children 
10:15 a.m.         One and All Progressive
                              Worship in Fellowship Hall 
Prayer Concerns
PRAYER FOCUS:    Small Groups   
CARD SHOWER : Myra Komnick
  • Myra Komnick
  • Leonard Maupin
  • Art Headley
  • Wannie Beard
  • Sherry Blessing
  • Mickey Drexler
  • William Etchison
  • Dave Eyman
  • Mary Ellen Gottselig
  • Nancy Gramley
  • Betty Metz
  • Eddie Robinson
  • Mary Smart
  • James Wills
TREATMENT: Paula Robb 
  • Harold Goyen ·       
  • Marilyn Kopp
  • Adam Jacobs (Army)
  • Harley Scott (Phillis' niece/Navy)
to family and friends of Forrest Kaufman, who died September 18.  Funeral will be at 10:00 a.m. Saturday at FCC. 
90+ BIRTHDAY: Mary Ellen Gottselig will be 90 on September 24   

Serving this Sunday 

Please note:  This is current data as of Friday Email publishing date.  If you know of changes to your own duties, please continue as you have planned.   Please make sure the office is aware of changes.  Thank you!
Acolytes: Khloe Nussbaum
Building Lock-up:  John Dailey
Child Care:  Trish Logan, Kim Cox
·          9:00 Scott & Valerie Fisher
·          10:15 Peg Larson, Reena Rhoda
Jr. Deacons:  Bryce Reed, Brennon Reed
Drivers:  Ryan Newton, Ralph Lehmann
Elders:  Jill West, Gregg Kiesewetter
Visiting Elders:  Leslie Frizzell, Bill Robitske
Coffee Fellowship:  Julie Robinson
Fill Candles:  Ryan Newton
Greeters:  Ron & Nancy Gramley, Wannie Beard
Info Desk:  Martha Hunter
Livestreaming Tech: Dave Phillis 
Scripture:  Holly Rocke
Sound Tech:  Dave Phillis
Time for Children:  Tamara Shields
Video Tech:  Austin Metz
Pulpit:  Jim Warren, Luke14:25-33, "Mission Is Costly"
Things to Do While
You Are at Church

Sign up for a Small Group. Small Groups are a great place for Bible study, discipleship, camaraderie, prayer, and community.  It is time to sign up for a new or existing Small Group.   Please sign up by this Sunday.  There is a group that needs three more members for Sunday evenings.  See your bulletins at church for more information and sign up at the Info Desk.  Questions?  See Holly Irvin, Becky White, Bill Robitske, or Stephanie Kiesewetter.   
Sit Toward the Front at the 9:00 a.m. Service.  Please move up a few rows or move from the back area to the front area so that the viewers on our livestreaming broadcast can see that we have good attendance!  Let's show them how excited we are to be at FCC and maybe they will join us!  
Support Operation Santa! The ladies of the Disciples Women's Ministries have been sewing Christmas Stockings to send to our Military.  We need help in filling these with requested items.  They would like black crew socks and 4"-7" beef jerky sticks. We will be collecting these items from September 15 to October 20.  Thank you in advance for your donations.
Sign up to Participate in Bed Blitz, a community driven project sponsored by the WBRP Tool Library and Youth Build McLean County. The Bed Blitz program is a one-day event (October 12) where volunteers come together to assemble bed frames for local children who are 4-18 years old in low income families. Through the Bed Blitz, local youth will receive a "bed set" that includes: twin bed frame, mattress, handmade quilt, pillow, sheets, teddy bear, laundry detergent, and books! What a fun opportunity for a Small Group, family, or anyone who loves to be creative and do a day-project! Talk to Julie Robinson or Holly Irvin, or go to the Info Desk to sign up. Note the deadline to sign up is September 29. We have 18 spots open for the 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. youth's slot. The slot for adults is from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Drop Off School Supplies and Other Items for School Children. Reach Out is collecting supplies for Sheridan School and Bent School Teachers have requested a number of specific items.  Please find a detailed list of needed items at the Info Desk.  Some examples:  Ziploc gallon bags, paper towels, plastic shoeboxes, glue sticks, tissues, pens, and Playdoh.  Also, gently used tennis shoes, coats, clothes for kids to change into in case of accidents, and new boys' and girls' underwear are needed.
Pick Up a Third Thursday Food and Fellowship Schedule at the Info Desk.  
Volunteer to Help Around FCC.  Find signup sheets at the Info Desk.   
Drop off your Box Tops for Education in the Disciples Women's Ministries mailbox outside the church office door.  
Make a new friend!  Greet a visitor. Greet someone another member has greeted!  Several contacts truly make a person feel welcome.  A great resource for helping a visitor is the bulletin, and you can also walk them to the Info Desk for another warm greeting,  more information, and a welcome gift! 

"Check In" on Facebook while you are at church. 
September 20, 2019 
In This Issue
Office Hours

The church office is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the exception of Mondays, when the office closes at 3:00 p.m. instead.  The office is closed from noon to 1:00 p.m. daily.    
Ministry Quick Links
Like me on Facebook
Also find us on
(username "blmfcc")

See the Youth Bulletin Board in the Centrum for Youth news and opportunities. 
Worship & Wonder and Sunday School for Children meet this Sunday.  Sunday School Classrooms:
1st grade -- nursery
Grades 2-5 -- room 122
Grades 6-12 -- room 109

Youth Group begins this Sunday with Back to School Food & Games for grades K-12.  Meeting is  5:00 - 6:30 p.m. (wear tennis shoes and clothes appropriate for sports/activities).

Brown Bag Bible Bunch meets at noon on Wednesdays.  Jim Warren leads the group, which studies the scripture for the upcoming Sunday.   Bring a lunch to the conference room and join the study.  All are welcome!

Rev. Patti Case will return to our church two days each week beginning this Sunday in a consultant role. She will be helping us with the six priorities the board recently adopted. The priorities are Property Use, Small Groups, Welcome All, Analyze Staffing Needs, Meet the Neighbors, and the most-recently added Leadership Development.

Messenger deadline today, September 20, noon.

Abundant Life Meal will be served (chili, vegetable soup, and hot dogs) at noon this Sunday, September 22.

Sharing FAITH beyond the FCC walls.  Opportunities to be involved in our community...
FCC Vision and Mission Statements
Vision: To be a growing church who welcomes all, grows spiritually, and serves others.
Mission: To invite and welcome all to the Lord's Table, to strengthen our spirituality with God and one another through prayer, worship, study, and fellowship, and to serve our community with compassion.

401 W. Jefferson St.
Bloomington, IL  61701
  (309) 829-9327

  To contact Jenifer Petri about Church Communications, email her at Info@blmfcc.org or call 309 533-4912