November 15, 2024

Know Truth, Create Beauty, Practice Goodness

All School Announcements

PSA event for all K-12 MacLaren parents

Parent-to-Parent Happy Hour Tonight

All K-12 parents are invited to attend a Parent-to-Parent gathering on tonight, November 15, 6:30-8:00 p.m., in the Upper Commons. Beverages will be provided by the Parent Service Association (PSA).


No registration is necessary at this adult-only event. We hope to see you there! Please contact Mrs. Oram with any questions.

Spirit Day November 18 to Celebrate Founders' Day!

On November 18, 2008, Thomas MacLaren School had its charter accepted and approved by the Charter School Institute. Every year we remember this important anniversary by inviting the founders to speak at Morning Assembly. We will additionally celebrate with a Spirit Day! All students may wear MacLaren spirit wear in lieu of their polo shirts.

Middle and High School Information Night Rescheduled to November 18

Due to the snow days last week, the Middle and High School Information Night has been rescheduled to Monday, November 18, at 6:30 p.m. Current MacLaren fifth- and eighth-grade students, and their parents, are invited. Attendees will learn more about the curriculum, social and athletic events, and support offered for students entering either the middle school or high school.

Students will not have homework that night and can earn clan points for attending. Additionally, there will be a raffle for MacLaren swag items for attendees. We will have high school students and alumni present to talk about the program, social life, and friendships at MacLaren. Please note that any student who attends the event should be in uniform. We hope you can attend!

K-12 Student Picture Makeup, Retake, and LS Class Photo Day Rescheduled November 20

Due to the school closure on November 7, Picture Day has been rescheduled to November 20.

Lower School Class Photo: If your child is in Lower School and you would like to order his or her class photo, please use the Group Order Link and this access code: Y39RW6

Makeup photo: Students who missed the September Picture Day will have their pictures taken on November 20. To pre-order makeup photos use this Order Link and this access code: H79AY6.

Retake with packet: If you purchased a packet but would like to have your child's picture retaken, please return the photo packet you purchased to the school before November 20 and complete this Retake Form so that Mrs. Finch can schedule your child's retake photo. You do not need to place a new order. You will receive a new packet like the one you ordered originally with the second photo.

Retake for yearbook only: If you did not purchase a packet, but would like your child's picture retaken for the yearbook and school records, please complete the Retake Form. No further action is necessary.

Please email Mrs. Finch if you have any questions.

Enrolling a Sibling in MacLaren Next Year? Submit Letter of Intent Today!

If you intend to enroll a sibling for the first time next fall, you MUST complete a Letter of Intent by January 29, or your child may not receive a spot. Please direct any enrollment questions to the Enrollment Team.

Enroll a Sibling
Turkey meal

Thanksgiving Basket Resources

D11 passed along these resources for any families who may be in need of help getting food on the table for Thanksgiving this year. Families who are interested should work directly with these agencies and not with MacLaren. We hope this helps everyone have what they need to celebrate Thanksgiving this year!


St Josephs Catholic Church

1830 S. Corona Ave

Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Please contact the parish office to sign up for a Thanksgiving basket.


Holy Cross Lutheran

4125 Constitution Ave.

Colorado Springs, 80909

Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway, Saturday, November 23

Hiller Hall | 11:00 a.m.

All in need are invited to our annual Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway. The basket includes a turkey and bag full of side items to make a holiday meal. The giveaway begins at 11 a.m. in Hiller Hall (east side of the building) and will last until supplies run out. No pre-registration. First come first served.

Fresh Start

7375 Adventure Way

Colorado Springs, CO 80923

(719) 495-3123

Lower School Announcements

Cover image of Best Friends for Frances

Lower School Parent Seminars

The Lower School leadership team will be hosting monthly parent seminars after Morning Assembly from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Lower School parents are invited to experience this foundational part of a MacLaren education. The seats are capped at 15 participants per seminar. Please see email from November 14 for more details.


Upcoming seminars include:


November 22: Best Friends for Frances, by Russell and Lillian Hoban, led by Ms. Schlichting, Assistant Head of School for K-1

December 13: Mother Goose, led by Mr. Alvarado, Head of Lower School 

Sign up for Nov. 22
Sign up for Dec. 13

Head of Lower School Office Hours

Do you have ideas, questions, or anything you'd like to discuss with MacLaren's Head of Lower School? Mr. Alvarado will host weekly office hours, Fridays, 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Sign up for Office Hours

Upper School Announcements

Nutcracker Boutique Student and Adult Ambassador Opportunity – November 29

Our friends at the Philharmonic Guild invite MacLaren Upper School students and adult chaperones to once again serve at their annual Nutcracker Boutique fundraiser at The Pikes Peak Center to support the Colorado Springs Philharmonic on Friday, November 29.  


Volunteers will represent Thomas MacLaren School and serve during the pre-show sale of an array of Nutcrackers from around the world. At the end of their shift, volunteers will receive a free ticket to stay and enjoy the performance. 


Please sign up now for the matinee or evening performance, as the deadline to sign up is Sunday, November 17. 


Nutcracker Boutique Ambassador Sign-up


If you are unable to serve with other MacLaren friends on November 29 but wish to be connected to serve at one of the performances on Saturday or Sunday of that weekend, email Mrs. Oram for further assistance. 

Fine Arts Night – December 5 and 6

Winter Fine Arts Night is quickly approaching. Thanksgiving Break is a great time to ensure your child's concert wear and dress shoes are well-fitting. The Upper School Dress Code for Orchestra Concerts may be found in the Uniform Guide.

Fine Arts Nights will take place at Wasson Academic Campus from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 5:

  • Orchestra I-III alphas
  • Orchestra IV (all)
  • Orchestra VI (all)
  • 6th grade public performance students

Friday, December 6:

  • Orchestra I-III betas
  • Orchestra V (all)
  • Orchestra VII (all)
  • 6th grade public performance students
Various sports equipment

P.E. Credit Form – Submit by December 6

All students in grades 6-10 are required to have one physical education credit per school year. This credit is earned outside of the school day by participating in 24 hours of physical activity over the course of the year. While students have all school year to complete this requirement, forms turned in by Friday, December 6, will be included in the Semester I grade reports.

The P.E. Credit Form may be returned to the Front Desk or emailed to our Student Records team.

If your child participated in a MacLaren sport this school year, or you submitted a P.E. Credit Form with your student update, this credit will be automatically logged, and you do not need to submit a form.

Music and Muffins – Upper School Orchestra Performances

Upper School orchestra performances during Morning Assembly continue next week. During first semester, parents and guardians are invited to enjoy coffee and breakfast snacks with Mr. LaBadie and other parents the morning of your child's performance. Orchestra Ia performs Tuesday, November 19, and Orchestra Ib performs Thursday, November 21.

Guests may begin the check-in process at the Main Entrance as early as 7:15 a.m. Music and Muffins will be from 7:15 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. in the Upper Commons. All guests will be permitted to enter the Commons with front-row seating for the orchestra performance at 7:40 a.m. Please allow 10-15 minutes for the check-in process.

Highlander Athletics

Wednesday, November 20

  • MS Boys' Basketball @ Vanguard, B Team 4:00 p.m., A Team 5:00 p.m.

Friday, November 22

  • MS Boys' Basketball @ HOME vs. New Summit, C Team 3:30 p.m., B Team 4:30 p.m., A Team 5:45 p.m.

Fall Sports Awards Night – November 19

Fall Sports Awards Night is on Tuesday, November 19, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium followed by a dessert reception in the Commons. Families and extended families are invited to attend. If you are able to bring a dessert, please sign up.

Dress code for Honors Assemblies may be found on page 58 of the Upper School Parent-Student Handbook.

Sign up to provide a dessert
Middle school girls' basketball game tip off

Registration for MS Girls' Basketball is Open

Registration for MS Girls' Basketball is open. Official practices begin on December 9.

Register through MySchoolBucks. Athletes must have a current sports physical form on file to try out.

A draft version of the schedule can be found on the Athletics Schedules page of the website.

Contact Mrs. Steigerwald with any questions.

Come support our Highlanders at our HOME events! HS event admission is $6 for K-12 and senior citizens, $7 for adults. MS event admission is $2 for K-12, senior citizens are free, $3 for adults.

Click for the Athletics calendar or Athletic schedules. Add the Athletics calendar to your personal calendar through Apple iCal.

Volunteer and Fundraising Opportunities

Increase your Impact through Employer Matched Donations

Did you know that many employers (Northrup Grumman, Colorado Springs Utilities, and many others!) will match your donation to a qualified non-profit like MacLaren? Many companies set a firm date for matching requests (often December 31st). This is a great way to increase your impact by engaging your employer. Here’s how:

  • Step One: Make a donation to MacLaren!
  • Step Two: Submit a matching gift request to your employer as per your employer's process.
  • Step Three: MacLaren verifies details of your donation.
  • Step Four: Your employer sends a matching gift to MacLaren.

Please contact the Business Office with any questions.

Save the Date!

11/15 - Parent-to-Parent Happy Hour

11/18 - Founders' Day, Spirit Day

11/18 - Middle and High School Information Night Rescheduled

11/19 - Music and Muffins: Orchestra Ia

11/19 - Fall Sports Awards Night

11/20 - Picture Retake, Makeup Day Rescheduled

11/21 - Music and Muffins: Orchestra Ib

11/25-29 - Thanksgiving Break

12/5 & 12/6 - Winter Fine Arts Nights

12/6 - Coffee Cart

12/10 - Upper School New Parent Orientation II via Zoom

12/11 - Board of Directors Meeting

12/12 - Kin-nections

12/16 & 12/17 - Junior Drama Performances

12/18 - Upper School Last Day of Classes, Early Release

12/19 - Lower School Last Day of Classes, Early Release

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