December 20, 2024

Know Truth, Create Beauty, Practice Goodness

All School Announcements

Happy holidays and new year card

Happy Winter Break

Thomas MacLaren School will be closed December 23-January 3 for Winter Break. We hope you enjoy time with your family!

Report Cards Coming in January

Both Lower School and Upper School report cards/transcripts will be sent to parents via the Secure File Delivery email system the second week of January. The password to retrieve the reports is your child's birthday in this format, slashes included: mm/dd/yyyy.

If you have any questions about the delivery of these reports, please email the Registrar.

Parent-to-Parent Corner

Welcome to the new Parent-to-Parent Corner, where members of the School Accountability Committee (SAC) will be sharing resources for fellow parents. This year, they will be focusing on the topic of kids and screens, following the recent Screenagers viewings.

Parent to Parent Corner with gold page-turn graphic

Kids and Screens

There is a subtle difference between limiting screen timefor example, setting a time limit that children can be on screensand establishing no-screen time periods. Studies show that a conscious period of time in which there are no screens present helps drastically with attention, sleep, and general happiness. Try no-screen zones with your kids at dinnertime or car rides. Put the screens out of sight for a while!

Lower School Announcements

Lower School Project Days – January 7 and 8

Following Winter Break, Lower School students return to school Tuesday, January 7. January 7 and 8 are Project Days filled with hands-on activities and extracurricular days of learning! The school day schedule is as normal, and students should come to school in uniform.

Upper School Announcements

Alumni vs. varsity basketball teams with basketball

Alumni vs Varsity Basketball Games – December 30

MacLaren is hosting alumni versus current varsity teams games on December 30. Varsity girls play at 5:00 p.m. and varsity boys play at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free and all are welcome!

Project Week Packets

January 6-10 is Project Week! Project Week packets are posted on the Project Week page of the website in case parents and students need to access them. You may also find them on the Project Week email sent December 13.

Parents Welcome to Attend Project Day – January 17

Project Day, January 17, is a half day from 7:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All Upper School students will present their projects. Parents are invited to attend this special day between 8:25 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Please allow time to check-in at the Main Entrance. A map and schedule will be provided so that you will know where and when your child is presenting.

At Project Day, sixth graders will present their endangered species dioramas; seventh graders their Medieval History constructions; eighth graders their posters on a fragile country; twelfth graders will break bridges. Ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders will present their research to their classes later in the semester.

Bring Uniform Donations to Upper School Conferences

Have your children outgrown their uniform pieces or spirit wear? Please bring donations of clean, gently used items to the Main Entrance, anytime 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., January 6 - 10. Uniform donations assist other MacLaren families in outfitting their children for school. Thank you!

Highlander Athletics

Pre-season Conditioning for HS Athletes

Coach McClung is offering pre-season conditioning on Saturdays, December 7 through January 25. There will not be a session on December 21. Conditioning sessions are from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the small gym. Athletic workout clothes and footwear are required.

There is no cost to attend but a waiver must be completed in MySchoolBucks.

Physicals for Spring Sports

Is your child's physical up to date? Spring sports are just around the corner. Please ensure your child has an updated physical form before the spring athletics season.

MacLaren's spring sports include:

  • High School and Middle School Track
  • High School and Middle School Boys' Volleyball
  • High School and Middle School Girls' Soccer

Come support our Highlanders at our HOME events! HS event admission is $6 for K-12 and senior citizens, $7 for adults. MS event admission is $2 for K-12, senior citizens are free, $3 for adults.

Click for the Athletics calendar or Athletic schedules. Add the Athletics calendar to your personal calendar through Apple iCal.

Volunteer and Fundraising Opportunities

Thank You for the Cookies!

We were greeted by an abundance of cookies for faculty and staff to take home. Thank you for your generosity and care!

Bowls of a variety of soups

Teacher Appreciation Soup Luncheon – January 9

Please join the Parent Service Association and Moms In Prayer group to welcome the MacLaren staff and faculty back from Winter Break with a Soup Luncheon on January 9. Please click the button below for details and to sign up. Direct any questions to the Teacher Appreciation Committee

Sign up to Bring Soup

Save the Date!

12/231/3 - Winter Break

1/61/10 - Upper School Project Week (At home)

1/6 - In-service day, No classes for Lower School

1/71/8 - Lower School Project Days (At school)

1/10 - Coffee Cart

1/13 - Upper School First Day of Classes

1/15 - Singapore Parent Night

1/16 - Information Night, No ASSH

1/17 - Upper School Project Day, All-school half day

1/20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, School closed

1/22 - Board of Directors Meeting

1/24 - Fourth grade Music and Muffins

1/25 - MacLaren Society - Our Moon

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