Dear Parishioners:

This weekend at mass the first reading seems almost taken from the pages of our current lives.  The prophet Elijah is at his lowest ebb. He is overwhelmed and discouraged. Nothing is going as it should. He is physically and mentally exhausted. He just sits down and collapses. He's given up. He is one tired and desperate prophet!

His mood is not unknown to us. The burdens of this pandemic and the everyday issues of our own personal lives have drained many of us! In short many people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. We all then have Elijah moments. So what did Elijah do?

Frist, Elijah's circumstances forced him to be still. In that stillness Elijah had a chance to regroup and recover, to listen to the Lord. There is a poem that says: “Hold up your cup for God to fill. God only asks today that you be still.” Second Elijah wakes and unexpectedly spots a little hearth cake and water. Where did that come from? Maybe it was there all along but he never noticed. This Elijah story reminds us that in our stillness God will fill our emptiness and in our discouragement, be alert to the little signs God brings because they are there to help and heal us.

Our Drive-By Ice Cream Social is next Saturday, August 15th from 1pm-3pm on the Church property-just a week away! Please RSVP by calling in, or responding to the email blast, so we have an idea of how many people will be attending.

We have so many fun items to give, and we can’t wait to see you all from a safe distance!
We will have Picnic Volunteers assisting and you can stay in your car, and we will be there to greet you at every stop.

Enjoy this beautiful weekend!

Father Don