Friday Funny ... Friday Laugh
April 7, 2023
Dodge Park (since 1967) and The Oasis at Dodge Park (since 2016), has been serving the Worcester area as the most professional, ethical and highest quality care facility for the elderly. We are committed to listening and responding to the needs of the residents, the family members and our employees. We are committed to going the extra mile when assistance is required by the public, the residents and their family members.
March 27, 2023

I couldn't be more pleased with every single member of the Oasis staff, covering all areas required to take care of my parents, both of whom became residents in June 2021.  
My Dad passed away in January 2023, and the staff took care of him lovingly until his last breadth, in addition to the loving care they provided my Mom during this most difficult time in her life.  
I've also been extremely pleased, from Day 1, in regards to the types and amount of activities Oasis has to offer their residents on a daily basis. My parents have always loved any type of music and dancing especially. They were physically able (Mom more than Dad) to continue dancing together, and they enjoyed watching live musical performances from professionals almost every day.  
They also treasured the outdoors. The fact that Oasis has an outdoor courtyard which is fully secure has made all the difference in their daily enjoyment. Even on days of inclement weather, they've spent hours sitting by the window, in a beautiful setting, just chatting over a warm cup of tea.
It's great that my parents were able to share a room - even their beds were pushed together to make them feel more at home. 
The staff members are always understanding of my parents need for privacy to maintain their dignity. They know how to provide care in the most respectful ways possible.  
My Mom still takes great pride in her appearance, and I appreciate that Oasis provides in-house hairdressing services.  
Although everything mentioned above is the same for all residents, my parents are not the easiest to assist, as I know from their several years of dementia before they arrived at Oasis. The Oasis staff members have more patience with them than any of our family members could retain for long periods of time, and for all of this, we appreciate that Oasis has given our lives a reprieve by taking such good care of my parents.

David P.
Re-Opening of the Adult Dat Club
at Dodge Park

Taking reservation now for
opening day May 1.
Very limited space available.
Call us today to reserve your spot.
WHO adapts COVID vaccine guidance, keeps focus on at-risk older adults
A World Health Organization vaccination advisory group has adjusted its guidance for COVID-19 vaccinations, prioritizing at-risk older adults and frontline healthcare workers, among others, for both initial shots and boosters. Countries should consider their specific context when deciding whether to vaccinate healthy children and adolescents, and whether to offer additional boosters to healthy middle-aged adults and children, it said. 
In a Tuesday update, the United Nations agency underscored what it said was the importance of vaccinating people who remain at risk of severe disease. The recommendations reflect the influence of the omicron variant and high levels of population immunity from infection and vaccination, the WHO stated.

Intrinsic capacity assessments promote healthy aging: study
Focusing on older adults’ mental and physical capacities could be more effective than disease management in promoting healthy aging, according to the results of a new study.
Researchers from Peking University in Beijing conducted a literature review of 53 studies and found that most looked at intrinsic capacity — the composite of all physical and mental capacities in an individual — in depth. The intrinsic capacity framework considers cognition, mobility, psychological, vitality and sensory functions — a potential target for senior living providers and other long-term care providers already incorporating wellness into their community programming and offerings.

Depression is linked to accelerated aging
Older adults with late-in-life depression are actually aging faster than their chronological peers, according to researchers at the University of Connecticut Center on Aging.
“These patients show evidence of accelerated biological aging and poor physical and brain health,” which are the main drivers of the association, said Breno Diniz, MD, PhD, a UConn School of Medicine geriatric psychiatrist and an author of the study.
Diniz and colleagues from several other institutions looked at 426 people with late-in-life depression.

We are very happy to announce that both of our communities, Dodge Park and Oasis at Dodge Park earned the Caring Superstar Award for 2023.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Micha Shalev (508) 853-8180
Dodge Park Rest Home and The Oasis at Dodge Park Named “Caring Super Star of 2023” as Top Senior Living Communities
Positive Consumer Ratings Led to Industry-Leading Distinction from
Worcester, MA December 2022 —, the nation’s top web site for senior care referrals and information announced today it has selected Dodge Park Rest Home and The Oasis at Dodge Park as "Caring Super Stars of 2023” for excellence in senior care living.
Both residential facilities earned 5-star ratings (the highest possible score) as voted by family caregivers in the national survey making them some of the highest rated facilities in the survey.
  • Dodge Park and Oasis at Dodge Park are two of only three senior living facilities in all of Massachusetts to earn the Super Star Award in 2023
Two Communities – One Unparralled Level of Care and Service
"At both Dodge Park Rest Home and the Oasis at Dodge Park, we strive every day to deliver high-quality care and services for our residents. These awards help validate our delivery on that promise,” said Micha Shalev co-owner and administrator of Dodge Park Rest Home and the Oasis at Dodge Park. "On behalf of our community, staff and leadership, thank you to those who shared positive feedback about the services we offer, and to for recognizing both of our facilities.”
Online reviews help relied on these perspectives as much as or more so than in-person recommendations from geriatric professionals or medical personnel.
Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, saw an increase in consumers willing to share their online review, publishing 58% more reviews per month on average in 2022 than in the same period in 2019.
Some of the positive feedback that led Dodge Park and the Oasis at Dodge Park to win include:
“We transitioned my father to the Oasis at Dodge Park three months ago as his Alzheimer's had advanced and he needed a higher level of care than his traditional assisted living community could provide but was not ready for a nursing home. Thanks to the team approach at Oasis, we have seen a dramatic improvement in my dad's health and well being in the short time that he has been there.”
“My Mother is very well taken care of, the food is great, and the staff is excellent.”
“Mom is so happy in her new home surrounded by a staff that treats her like family! We are so grateful and the peace of mind we have found at Oasis is priceless!”
“To see such transformation in mom so quickly. She is looking more focused and has her smile back. She has made friends. Her caregivers have gotten her out of a wheelchair and walking around. Their communication with the family is constant.”
To learn more about our senior living facilities, visit or
NEW - Take The Dodge Park and Oasis at Dodge Park Virtual Tour
We are very please to announce that we just completed the virtual tours for Dodge Park and Oasis facilities.

To review the virtual tours visits our websites at:
Best Senior Living:
Caring Stars 2023

It’s not always easy knowing where to start in the search for a quality senior living community for yourself or a loved one – the sheer number of options can be overwhelming, and finding the right home is crucial to future happiness and well-being.

We are very proud to announce that we selected by as to receive this unique award. To read more, click on this link.
Our Monthly Support Group With Dennis Goguen is Ongoing.
Next Meeting is

April 19, 2022
We can help caregivers with support, education and strategies
to help you learn more about the disease and how to deal with
difficult situations. We brainstorm creative solutions for
challenging care-giving situations and each meeting is facilitated
by a professional trained in Alzheimer’s and dementia care.
The support group will meet via zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

To register please contact Micha Shalev at :
in order to get the zoom sign in information.
Choosing the Right Senior Health Care Facility
Many things should be considered when selecting a senior health care facility for your loved one. When Alzheimer’s and Dementia are also part of the equation, these questions become even more important. So, when the time comes to choose a senior health care or memory care facility, consider the following most important questions:

  1. What is not included in the daily rate
  2. What conditions can’t they handle (physical, mental & behavior)
  3. Do they have a nurse on site 24/7 for PRN medication (as needed)
  4. What happens when private funds are gone.
The Oasis at Dodge Park Difference
The environment at the Oasis at Dodge Park is Different
Our home-like environment provides opportunities for residents to have privacy, sufficient lighting, pleasant music and multiple opportunities to eat and drink, in small setting, and also minimizes negative stimuli such as loud overhead paging and glare.
Oasis at Dodge Park has private rooms and bathrooms and the opportunity for residents to have personal furnishings, pictures and other items in their living area. This is their life and their home.
When they are able, residents are encouraged to move freely around the facility with opportunities for safe wandering. This will be able to achieve through our unique enclose garden and indoor open recreation area, where the idea is to bring the outdoor indoor.
Read Customer Reviews
The Oasis at Dodge Park
Dodge Park
Dodge Park Rest Home and The Oasis at Dodge Park Honored by as “Caring Super Stars”
Positive Consumer Ratings Led to this Industry-Leading Distinction from
Worcester, MA November 22, 2022 — announced today it has selected both the Oasis at Dodge Park and Dodge Park Rest Home as "Caring Super Stars of 2023”. Both senior living residential facilities received this prestigious award as voted by seniors and their family caregivers in the national survey.
The “Caring Super Star of 2023” designation is recognition reserved for senior living communities that continuously deliver outstanding senior living care and services, year after year.
This coveted award – given to only one other Massachusetts’ facility for 2023 - recognizes The Oasis and Dodge Park as truly outstanding senior living facilities and the best of the best in the state.
“Congratulations to the Caring Stars of 2023 for achieving such significant praise from their customers in online ratings and reviews!” said’s CEO Jim Rosenthal. “We applaud all senior living communities nationwide that are delivering excellence in their service offerings. We share in the mission to help as many seniors and their caregivers as possible, and Caring Stars is one of many ways we provide highly-relevant information, insights and expertise to guide and support the senior living search and selection process.” 
Two Communities – One Unparralled Level of Care and Service
"At both Dodge Park Rest Home and the Oasis at Dodge Park, we strive every day to deliver high-quality care and services for our beloved residents. These awards help validate our delivery on that promise,” said Micha Shalev, co-owner and administrator of Dodge Park Rest Home and the Oasis at Dodge Park.
"On behalf of our community, staff and leadership, thank you to those who shared positive feedback about the services we offer, and to for recognizing both of our facilities in 2023,” commented Ben Herlinger, co-owner and administrator of Dodge Park Rest Home and the Oasis at Dodge Park.
Caring Super Star Designation
Research studies have shown Americans use Internet searches and online reviews heavily when researching senior living communitie to help guide important senior care decisions for aging or ailing loved ones. The Caring Stars designation from is now the most trustworthy source online for quickly and easily identifying the best senior living communities.

Now entering its 10th year, the Caring Stars annual list helps consumers reliably narrow senior living options for their loved ones to the most-acclaimed communities – particularly as they gather for the holidays and discover increased or urgent senior care needs.
Some of the positive feedback that led Dodge Park and the Oasis at Dodge Park to win these awards include:
  • Excellent team work and great staff retention history
  • Commitment to excellence in care across all facility departments
  • An ongoing intensive dementia training to all staff members
  • Outstanding level of services
Some of the reviews received at Dodge Park Rest Home and Oasis at Dodge Park include:
“The staff are absolutely wonderful. They treat my mom with the utmost respect. They are wonderful with her, very caring. She loves all the acttrbey have, they keep her very busy”
“Both my parents are now residents, and we are very happy with the support and assistance they are both receiving. Mom has Parkinsons, and therefore requires a high level of care, which she receives in a very caring and loving environment”
“We feel very lucky to have transitioned my father to the Oasis at Dodge Park from a traditional assisted living environment. With advanced Alzheimer's, we were trying to find a facility that would provide him with the highest quality of life and be able to effectively manage his health and behavioral needs - the Oasis at Dodge Park has far exceeded our expectations”
For more information about Dodge Park please visit
For more information about the Oasis at Dodge Park please visit
Selecting The Right Community For
Your Loved One
Download our FREE Guide for choosing a Residential Care Community for your loved one.

One of life’s greatest challenges is deciding when a loved one is no longer capable of living independently. Often, a time of crisis precipitates this decision, such as when the individual is ready to leave the hospital after a serious illness, or when events make it clear that severe limitations exist.

A good starting place for the family and the individual in need is to discuss the options available for best meeting their needs. A hospital social worker, physician or representative of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs may be helpful. Always she has the right to be involved in this consequential decision.
We'll Lock In Your Rent
Receive no rent increases guaranteed when you become a new resident at Dodge Park or the Oasis at Dodge Park. There are no long-term commitments. You've made a lot of smart moves in your life. Here's the smartest one yet!
  • No increases ever
  • Comfort and convenience of Month-to-month - no long-term lease
  • No buy-ins or long-term commitments
 Read the April 2023 Newsletter
In this month's issue...

This Month...Special Days

Nutrition Corner...Tips for Good Health

Support Group...Information and Schedule

Celebrating...Our Birthdays!

Calendar of Events ...Dodge Park
and Oasis Activities & Events

And much, much more...
Your Weekly Jokes
Our mission is to amuse you with a wide variety of funny clean jokes, amusing anecdotes and thought provoking images. We also aim to surprise, but never to shock or offend. Our ongoing project is to collect jokes which reflect each month.
I know that we are experience scary time and in uncharted water. I hope I can get you few moment of laugh. We all need this.
Team effort
A motorist stuck in a ditch received help from a farmer walking down
the road with an old horse.
“Just give me a minute, and old Billy will get you pulled out of there,” the farmer said as he hitched the car to the horse. He then began to shout, “Pull, Chuck! Pull, Willow!
Pull, Stanley!”
Nothing happened.
Finally, the farmer said, “Pull, Billy!” The horse took a few steps forward and pulled the car out of the ditch.
The driver thanked the farmer for his help and then asked why the farmer called out all of the other names before he called on Billy.
“Billy is blind and a bit set in his ways,” the farmer said. “If he thought he was the only one pulling, he wouldn’t have even tried.”
The tax auditor called the vicar of a church. “I’m contacting you to confirm that the church received a $10,000 donation from a parishioner by the name of Tony Smith.”
“Tony Smith, you say?” the vicar replied. “I’ll have to consult our bank records, but I can assure you that if we haven’t received a donation from him yet, we will by the end of the day.”
Vet Bill
“It’s my Kirby,” cried Mr. Wilson to the veterinarian.
“Something is terribly wrong. He hasn’t made a sound all day.”
The vet used his stethoscope to listen for the heartbeat of the lifeless duck on the examination table.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Mr. Wilson, but Kirby is dead.”
“How can you be sure?” the old man asked.
“Shouldn’t you take some blood, or do some sort of test? Isn’t it possible that Kirby is in a coma or just in a deep, deep sleep?”
“You’re right,” the vet said. He stepped out of the room and returned moments later with a Labrador retriever. The dog stood on its hind legs with its front
paws on the examination table. The Lab sniffed the duck, nudging it gently with his nose. The duck was unresponsive, and the dog sat on its haunches and
began to whimper.
The vet walked the dog out of the room and returned carrying an orange and white tabby cat. He placed the cat on the table next to the duck. The cat
tapped the duck’s head three quick times. When the duck didn’t stir, the cat meowed, jumped down from the table, and walked out of the room.
“I’m really sorry, Mr. Wilson,” the vet said. “Kirby is no longer with us.”
Mr. Wilson wiped a tear from his eye and then walked to the front desk to check out. When he saw his bill, he began to protest. “Is this for real—$180 just to
give me the sad news that my Kirby is gone?”
“I actually waived my fee for today, Mr. Wilson,” the vet replied, adding, “but I have to charge you for the Lab report and the cat scan.”
What are you waiting for
A man picked up a hitchhiker on a country road. The two men fell into
conversation, leading the driver to ask is passenger what his plans were for the
The hitchhiker, a young man just a few years out of high school, explained
how he was hiking around the country, camping and taking in the sights. He said
once he returned home he planned on making his fortune in the tech industry.
He said he had an idea that was going to make him a millionaire.
“Do people really do that?” the driver asked.
“Make a lot of money in the tech world? Sure they do,” the hitchhiker said.
The driver shook his head. “No, I mean take time out from life instead of
getting to work on making their dreams a reality?”
101/102 Randolph Road
Worcester, MA 01606
 Call Us Today!
(508) 853-8180