June 4th
Weekly Newsletter
New Jersey Update
As of today, there are 304 new cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey, bringing the statewide total to 888,507. An additional 12 deaths were reported, bringing the statewide total to 23,587. The rate of transmission is at 0.72.

Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order today ending the 15-month public health emergency. He also signed a bill (A5820) into law allowing his administration to retain some control over managing the pandemic for the next 8 months.

As of today, more than 4.1 million people who live, work or study in New Jersey have been fully vaccinated. 1,800 vaccination sites are operational across the State. The megasites will be scaling down with so many community sites now available: 

  • Atlantic and Gloucester County sites have stopped delivering first doses, and will deliver their final second shots on June 19th and 18th respectively. 
  • Bergen: Final 1st doses June 4th; Final 2nd doses June 24th 
  • Burlington: Final 1st doses June 1st; Final 2nd doses July 23rd
  • Morris: Final 1st doses June 23rd; Final 2nd doses July 16th 
  • Middlesex: Final 1st doses June 26th; Final 2nd doses July 17th 
  • Federal CVC: June 20th 

Jeff Zients, Counselor to the President, joined Governor Murphy on Wednesday and delivered brief comments on COVID-19 recovery progress: across the country, cases are down 85%, cases are down in NJ by 93% over the last 4.5 months. Currently, 74% of NJ adult residents have received at least one shot, 61% are fully vaccinated in the State. He also announced that the Federal government has put together a series of vaccine incentive programs which can be found here

Beginning today, New Jersey employers will no longer be required to keep their offices staffed at a minimum level or accommodate remote work now that the state continues to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers may allow employees who can verify vaccination to forego masking and social distancing. The Department of Labor and Workforce Development reminded employers that they must honor employees' requested earned sick leave to receive vaccinations. In addition, child care limits are being returned to their pre-pandemic levels immediately, with masks still required at this time and all indoor gathering limits will be lifted.

Vaccine Distribution Information and Notices from NJ DOH

General Information

EUA Fact Sheet for COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients and Caregivers [Pfizer/BioNTech] [Moderna]

Healthcare Provider Toolkit

Information for Long-Term Care Facilities

Policy, Guidance, and Directives

NJ News Quick Links

Governor's Notices

Department and Agency Notices

Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Legislative Update

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee
A2134  - Requires public water systems to offer drinking water tests to customers in certain circumstances. Passed w/ amendments

A3165  - Clarifies that application to collocate wireless communications equipment be reviewed by administrative officer. Passed

A4303  - "Smart Planning Wireless and Water Public Utility Facilities Act"; incentivizes placement of wireless communications equipment on water public utility towers. Passed

Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee
A795 - Prohibits sale of cosmetic products that have been tested on animals. Passed w/ amendments

A1755 - Requires Silver Alert System receive same broadcast alerts as Amber Alert System. Passed

A5055  - Prohibits imposition of certain charges on voice communications service bill that were not authorized by customer. Passed w/ amendments

A5769  - Establishes Kean University as public urban research university. Passed w/ amendments

AR93 - Urges President and Congress to enact "Humane Cosmetics Act of 2019." Passed w/ amendments

S1726  - Prohibits sale of cosmetic products that have been tested on animals. Passed w/ amendments

Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee
A1728  - Requires depository institutions to provide paper account statements to elder adults. Passed w/ amendments

A2418  - Establishes Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Passed w/ amendments

A4551  - Authorizes insurers issuing business interruption insurance to offer rider for global virus transmission and pandemic coverage. Passed

A4820  - Prohibits certain provisions in agreements between insurance carriers and dentists. Passed w/ amendments

S2853  - Prohibits certain provisions in agreements between insurance carriers and dentists. Passed w/ amendments

Assembly Health Committee
A1169  - Provides gross income tax credit to certain taxpayers who pay for certain in-home services through health care service firm. Passed

A5034  - Reduces age at which health benefit plans cover colorectal cancer screenings from 50 to 45. Passed w/ amendments

A5593  - Requires embryo storage facilities to record and report health information of patients in manner that is consistent with certain federal laws. Passed

A5760  - Allows costs of medical cannabis to be reimbursed by Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, PAAD, Senior Gold and VCCO. Passed

A5805  - Eliminates premiums and waiting periods for certain NJ FamilyCare enrollees; directs DHS to implement additional targeted outreach initiatives to increase enrollment; revises reporting requirements; appropriates $20 million. Passed

Assembly Higher Education Committee
A1068- Establishes two-generational school readiness and workforce development pilot program for certain low-income households. Passed

A1385  - Requires members of governing boards of public institutions of higher education to complete a training program developed by Secretary of Higher Education. Passed w/ amendments

A1634  - Requires Higher Education Student Assistance Authority to reduce monthly loan repayment for New Jersey College Loans to Assist State Students (NJCLASS) loan borrowers who have child enrolled in Grow NJ Kids-rated child care program. Passed w/ amendments

A2069  - Directs State Auditor to conduct performance review audits of public institutions of higher education. Passed

A3010  - Prohibits institution of higher education that provides child care from charging student-parent who receives child care voucher under "New Jersey Cares for Kids Program" an amount for child care in excess of voucher amount. Passed w/ amendments

A5380  - Requires institutions of higher education to provide certain student loan information. Passed

A5769  - Establishes Kean University as public urban research university. Passed w/ amendments

S970 - Requires members of governing boards of public institutions of higher education to complete a training program developed by Secretary of Higher Education. Passed w/ amendments

Assembly Aging and Senior Services Committee
A2649  - Requires nursing homes to provide training to staff in behavioral health issues. Passed

A5520  - Increases income eligibility limits for PAAD program and Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program by $10,000. Passed

A5675  - Requires long-term care facility to post certain information on its Internet website regarding Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Passed

AJR123 - Designates June 15 of each year as Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Passed

Assembly Housing Committee, 1:45p, remotely
A869 - Requires residential landlords to equip steam radiators with protective covers. Passed w/ substitute

A1380  - Requires residential landlords to install protective covers on steam radiators. Combined with A869

A5390  - Concerns certain restrictive covenants on real property. Passed w/ amendments

A5684  - Provides mortgage payment relief for residential property owners during time of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Passed w/ amendments

S399 - Requires residential landlords to equip steam radiators with protective covers. Passed

S1645 - Requires residential landlords to install protective covers on steam radiators. Combined with S399
S2861  - Concerns certain restrictive covenants on real property. Passed w/ amendments

Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
A1731  - Prohibits release of personal identifying information of violent crime victims and witnesses under State's open public records law. Passed

A4058  - Prohibits law enforcement agencies from considering number of arrests made and citations issued when evaluating police officer's professional performance. Passed w/ amendments

A5207  - Prohibits State and local entities and private correctional facilities from entering into agreements with federal immigration authorities to detain noncitizens. Passed w/ amendments

A5506  - Requires chief law enforcement officer of municipal police departments to hold two community roundtables on police relations each year. Passed

A5507  - Eliminates certain juvenile justice fines, fees, costs, and other monetary penalties. Passed

A5570  - Requires motorists operating vehicles to maintain reasonable and safe distance when overtaking pedestrians and certain bicycles. Passed w/ Committee substitute

A5571  - Imposes certain requirements on operators of motor vehicles when overtaking bicycles; establishes fine for collision with bicyclist under certain circumstances. Combined with A5570

A5579  - Imposes certain requirements on operators of motor vehicles when overtaking pedestrians, bicycles, and scooters. Combined w/ A5570

A5656  - Requires certain actions by motor vehicle operators when overtaking or passing pedestrians, bicycles, or scooters. Combined w/ A5570

S1322 - Prohibits law enforcement agencies from considering number of arrests made and citations issued when evaluating police officer's professional performance. Passed

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Senate Judiciary Committee
Nominations were interviewed and considered.

Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committee
Public hearing held in accordance with Article IX, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey Constitution and Rule 24:3 of the New Jersey Senate on SCR-91.

SCR91  - Proposes constitutional amendment to allow certain organizations to use proceeds from games of chance to benefit organization.

Assembly Voting Session
A652    - Exempts certain veterans from driver's license fee, motorcycle license fee, and digitized picture fee. Passed

A720 - Establishes supervised community reintegration program for certain victims of domestic abuse. Substituted by S381

A746 - Requires certain ambulances to carry epinephrine. Passed

A1091 - Requires Division of Travel and Tourism to advertise and promote tours of breweries in the State. Passed

A1219  - Requires owner notification of rabies testing protocol prior to testing of owner's animal for rabies.  Passed

A1534  - "New Jersey Works Act"; Permits businesses to create pre-employment training programs in partnership with nonprofit organizations or educational institutions; provides tax credit to businesses that provide financial assistance to pre-employment training. Passed

A1625  - Directs DOE to develop outreach program to encourage young women and minorities to pursue post-secondary degrees and careers in STEM. Passed

A1663  - Establishes "New Jersey Nonprofit Security Grant Program." Passed

A1919  - "Fair Chance in Housing Act"; establishes certain housing rights of persons with criminal records. Substituted by S250

A2281  - Requires Commissioner of Human Services to streamline SNAP application process for senior citizens and conduct outreach regarding senior SNAP participation. Substituted for S1078 - Passed

A2286  - Requires institutions of higher education to provide graduating students with information on income-contingent student loan repayment programs. Passed

A2300  - Requires apportionment of membership on certain regional district boards of education to be based on amount of district costs apportioned to each constituent municipality.  Passed

A2360  - Requires electric public utility to charge residential rate for service used by residential customer for electric vehicle charging at charging stations within certain designated parking spaces. Passed

A3352  - Requires all newly constructed warehouses to be solar-ready buildings. Passed

A4274  - Expands powers and duties of State Chief Diversity Officer to promote diversity in State government and public contracting. 

A4313  - Requires Administrative Law Judges to be enrolled in PERS. Passed

A4430  - Revises requirements for long-term care facilities to establish outbreak response plans. Amended on Assembly floor

A4544  - Permits school nurse who is retired from TPAF to return to employment during public health emergency and state of emergency for COVID-19 pandemic, for up to two years without reenrollment in TPAF. Amended on Senate floor

A4690  - Expands eligibility criteria for municipalities wherein projects receiving New Jersey Redevelopment Authority assistance may occur. 

A4804 - Modifies process for obtaining working certificates for minors. Substituted for S3115 - Passed

A4836  - Establishes task force to evaluate quality, efficacy, costs, and educational outcomes of online courses offered by public and independent institutions of higher education and degree-granting proprietary institutions during COVID-19 pandemic. Passed

A4869 - Requires certain bidders for prevailing wage public work to provide proof that prevailing wage will be paid.
A4933  - Requires builders to offer unit concrete products that utilize carbon footprint-reducing technology as option in new construction; establishes tax incentives, and State and local purchasing requirements, for unit concrete products that utilize carbon foot. Substituted by S3091
A5033 - Authorizes motor vehicle dealers to sell motor vehicles online and obtain electronic signatures for motor vehicle transactions. Substituted for S3279 - Passed
A5142 - Protects homeowner in foreclosure from excessively low intervening offer. Substituted for S3373 - Passed
A5194  - Establishes ranking criteria for certain nonpoint source pollution control grants issued by DEP. Passed
A5213  - Establishes New Jersey Easy Enrollment Health Insurance Program. Amended on Assembly floor
A5365  - Permits parent or guardian to request grade retention for student during 2021-2022 school year. Passed
A5381  - Requires financial aid award letter provided by institutions of higher education and certain proprietary schools be consistent with financial aid shopping sheet. Passed
A5598  - Requires DCF or court to consider placement of children with relatives or kinship guardians when making placement decision; makes changes to certain standards for initiating petitions to terminate parental rights. Amended on Assembly floor
A5690  - Requires DOLWD to provide link to New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on website and in emails concerning unemployment compensation benefits. Passed
A5820  - Provides for termination of public health emergency declared by Governor to address COVID-19 pandemic, except certain executive orders, directives, and powers will remain in effect temporarily. Substituted for S3866 - Passed
ACR195 - Honors the life and work of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Substituted for SCR134 - Passed
AJR21  - Designates months of June through September of each year as "Jersey Fresh Season." Passed
AJR33  - Designates June 2 of each year as "Gun Violence Awareness Day." Substituted by SJR41 - Passed
AJR177 - Designates December 4 of each year as "Alpha Phi Alpha Day" in New Jersey.  Passed
AJR208 - Condemns hate and violent extremism and commits to defense of safe and just democracy.  Substituted by SJR109
S381 - Establishes supervised community reintegration program for certain victims of domestic violence. Substituted for A720 - Passed
S2525  Expands powers and duties of State Chief Diversity Officer to promote diversity in State government and public contracting. 

S2798  - Revises requirements for long-term care facilities to establish outbreak response plans. Amended on Assembly floor

S3091  - Requires builders to offer unit concrete products that utilize carbon footprint-reducing technology as option in new construction; establishes tax incentives, and State and local purchasing requirements, for unit concrete products that utilize carbon foot. Substituted for A4933 - Passed
Senate Voting Session
A277 - Requires public members of Drug Utilization Review Board to disclose financial interests and benefits received from and investment interests held in pharmaceutical distributors, pharmaceutical manufacturers, or pharmacy benefits managers. Passed
A853 – Prohibits municipal licensure of children operating temporary businesses. Passed

A1091  - Requires Division of Travel and Tourism to advertise and promote tours of breweries in the State. Passed

A1171  - Requires Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development to create Statewide database of certified payroll information for public works projects. Passed

A1178  - Permits corporations to use blockchain technology for certain recordkeeping requirements. Substituted for S898 - Passed
A1533  - Requires reservation of portion of tenant-based vouchers under State rental assistance program for persons displaced due to redevelopment of an affordable housing development; provides displaced persons with affordable housing priority status. Passed

A1625  - Directs DOE to develop outreach program to encourage young women and minorities to pursue post-secondary degrees and careers in STEM. Passed

A1653  - Encourages development of zero-emission vehicle fueling and charging infrastructure in redevelopment projects. Passed

A2281  - Requires Commissioner of Human Services to streamline SNAP application process for senior citizens and conduct outreach regarding senior SNAP participation. Passed

A2455  - Establishes pilot program in DOE to support FIRST Robotics Programs in school districts. Passed

A2617  - Requires employers to provide hiring preference to employees who have reached maximum medical improvement following work-related injury.  Amended on the Senate floor
A2765  - Changes designation on official State logo denoting manufacture of products in New Jersey. Passed
A3123  - Allows veteran or personal representative to withdraw honorable discharge papers from county clerk. Passed
A4002  - Allows deduction of promotional gaming credit from gross revenue on sports wagering. Substituted for S2257 - Passed

A4004  - Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. Passed

A4138  - Requires Department of Human Services to develop public emergency response plan for licensed providers of services to individuals with developmental disabilities. Passed

A4205  - Enters New Jersey into Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. Passed

A4297  - Permits conduct of bingos and raffles remotely; permits online sale of tickets for all bingos and raffles. Passed

A4544  - Permits school nurse who is retired from TPAF to return to employment during public health emergency and state of emergency for COVID-19 pandemic, for up to two years without reenrollment in TPAF. Amended on the floor

A4633  - Permits certain nonresident Certified Public Accountants to provide attest services. Passed

A4640 – Revises laws concerning delegation of parental or caregiver powers and standby guardianship for minor child or ward.  Passed

A4745  - Raises from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age for exempt fireman certificates and membership in New Jersey State Fireman's Association. Passed

A4804  - Modifies process for obtaining working certificates for minors. Passed

A4834  - Requires disclosure letter be included with mail falsely implying State government connection. Passed

A4850  - Establishes expedited construction inspection program. Passed

A5033  - Authorizes motor vehicle dealers to sell motor vehicles online and obtain electronic signatures for motor vehicle transactions. Passed

A5059  - Requires DOH to establish certain nursing education and professional advancement programs. Passed
A5353 – Provides for certification of temporary nurse aides. Passed

A5704 – Appropriates $120 million from General Fund to EDA to support microsbusinesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5705 – Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support child care providers impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5706 – Appropriates $20 million from General Fund to EDA to support good and beverage establishments impacted by COVID-19 pandemic.  Passed

A5707 – Appropriates $50 million from General Fund to EDA to support businesses and nonprofit organizations impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed

A5708 – Establishes Startup Business and Nonprofit Assistance Program in EDA to support new businesses and nonprofit organizations following COVID-19 pandemic; appropriates $25 million. Passed
A5709 – Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support Sustain and Serve NJ Program. Passed

A5725  - Changes dates on which members of municipal and county committees of political party take office and hold annual meetings; transfers certain election responsibilities to county clerks. Passed
AJR204 - Designates April of each year as "Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Month" in New Jersey. Passed
S1 - Encourages sharing of services; makes appropriations. Passed
S92 - Authorizes issuance of Protect Pollinators license plates. Passed
S250 – “Fair Chance in Housing Act”; establishes certain housing rights of persons with criminal records. Passed
S324 - Authorizes operators of motor vehicles to display electronic proof of registration; requires MVC to send application for registration renewal to lessee of leased vehicle. Passed
S347 - Establishes "NJ One Health Task Force." Passed
S404 - Permits pharmacists to furnish self-administered hormonal contraceptives pursuant to a standing order, in accordance with protocols established by Board of Pharmacy and Board of Medical Examiners. Passed
S426 - Revises definition of "landlord" to include rooming and boarding house owners and operators with regard to ordinances holding landlords to certain standards of responsibility. Passed
S537 - Establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures in rooming and boarding houses, dementia care homes, and certain nursing homes and residential health care facilities. Passed
S550  - Requires certain student identification cards to contain telephone number for suicide prevention hotline. Passed
S568 – Requires notification of local law enforcement prior to expungement of certain mental health records of prospective firearms purchasers. Passed
S619 - Permits use of telemedicine and telehealth to authorize patients for medical cannabis and to issue written instructions for dispensing medical cannabis. Passed
S647 - Revises cybersecurity, asset management, and related reporting requirements in "Water Quality Accountability Act." Held
S685 - Permits municipal, county, and regional police and fire forces to establish five-year residency requirement for police officers and firefighters; allows exceptions to requirement under certain circumstances. Amended on the Senate floor
S797 – Prohibits municipal licensure of children operating temporary businesses. Substituted by A853
S825 - Prohibits health club services contracts from limiting liability for injuries caused by negligence of health club. Held
S829 - Requires property condition disclosure statement to indicate presence of lead plumbing in residential property. Passed
S830 - Requires public water systems to offer drinking water tests to customers in certain circumstances. Passed
S844 - Revises financial reporting requirements for charitable organizations; excludes non-monetary in-kind donations from gross revenue for purpose of reporting requirements. Passed
S846    Requires provision of certain information on License Verification System concerning health care professionals. Passed
S850    Prohibits tax preparation software companies from charging fee for electronically filing State tax returns. Passed
S853    "New Jersey Buy American Act"; requires certain State agency highway and bridge construction contracts to include iron and steel products made in U.S. Passed
S890    Requires DOH and DHS to identify and take appropriate steps to secure federal sources of funding to support maternal mental health. Passed
S955    Authorizes counties to reduce greenhead fly populations; appropriates $50,000. Passed
S990    Requires school district to report to DOE on various aspects of computer science courses. Amended on Senate floor
S1246  Changes dates on which members of municipal and county committees of political party take office and hold annual meetings; transfers certain election responsibilities to county clerks. Amended on Senate floor – substituted by A5725
S1255  Requires that certain realty transfer fee revenues be dedicated to the Special Needs Housing Trust Fund. Passed
S1260  Requires Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development to create Statewide database of certified payroll information for public works projects. Substituted by A1171
S1409  Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research. Passed
S1416  Permits governing body of municipalities having population of 30,000 or less to serve as local board of health; validates certain actions. Passed
S1431  Establishes "Pediatric Cancer Research Fund" and establishes requirements for disbursement of monies deposited in fund; provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for pediatric cancer research. Passed
S1838  Changes designation on official State logo denoting manufacture of products in New Jersey. Substituted by A2765
S1934  Authorizes use of disability benefits for transportation provided by transportation network companies. Passed
S2035  Requires public members of Drug Utilization Review Board to disclose financial interests and benefits received from and investment interests held in pharmaceutical distributors, pharmaceutical manufacturers, or pharmacy benefits managers. Substituted by A277
S2056  Requires Division of Travel and Tourism to advertise and promote tours of breweries in the State.  Substituted by A1091
S2059  Allows veteran or personal representative to withdraw honorable discharge papers from county clerk.  Substituted by A3123
S2142  Encourages development of zero-emission vehicle fueling and charging infrastructure in redevelopment projects. Substituted by A1653
S2160  Creates special education unit within the Office of Administrative Law; requires annual report.Passed
S2202  Modifies recordkeeping requirements for secondhand jewelry and precious metal transactions; increases penalties for violations. Passed
S2204  Establishes pilot program in DOE to support FIRST Robotics Programs in school districts. Substituted by A2455
S2347  Establishes Employment and Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program in EDA to allow small businesses to defer the payment and remittance of certain employment and business-related taxes during COVID-19 public health emergency. Passed
S2400  Provides temporary modifications to payment and use of certain casino gaming taxes and fees; permanently redefines promotional gaming credits to include certain coupons and table game wagers; requires priority funding for senior and disabled transportation. Passed
S2414  Requires certain bidders for prevailing wage public work to provide proof that prevailing wage will be paid.  Amended on Senate floor
S2506  Enters New Jersey into Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. Substituted by A4205
S2507  Permits school district to use funds from capital reserve account and current expense emergency reserve account for certain expenses during state of emergency. Passed
S2631  Permits conduct of bingos and raffles remotely. Substituted by A4297
S2701  Requires Department of Human Services to develop public emergency response plan for licensed providers of services to individuals with developmental disabilities.  Substituted by A4138
S2793  Requires public institutions of higher education to take various actions to improve campus diversity and directs Secretary of Higher Education to develop guidance regarding diversity in faculty search and selection process. Passed
S2817  Allows active duty service members to provide document other than DD-214 when claiming veterans' preference for civil service. Passed
S2826  Directs DOE to establish five-year pilot program for issuance of limited certificate of eligibility with advanced standing and limited certificate of eligibility for certain teacher candidates. Passed
S2827  Requires teachers to biennially complete two hours of professional development related to cultural competence. Passed
S2829  Establishes "Male Teachers of Color Mentorship Pilot Program;" appropriates $50,000. Passed
S2830  Requires educator preparation program to report passing rates of students who complete certain tests and to disseminate information on test fee waiver programs, and permits collection of student fee for certain testing costs. Passed
S2833  Establishes Teacher Residency Program. Passed
S2854  Directs DOE to develop outreach program to encourage young women and minorities to pursue post-secondary degrees and careers in STEM.  Substituted by A1625
S2856  Permits certain nonresident Certified Public Accountants to provide attest services. Substituted by A4633
S2875  Revises certain restrictions on ownership of medical cannabis alternative treatment centers; expands scope of review of alternative treatment center permit applications and related materials. Passed
S2886 – Revises laws concerning delegation of parental or caregiver powers and standby guardianship for minor child or ward.  Substituted by A4640
S2998  Requires employers to provide hiring preference to employees who have reached maximum medical improvement following work-related injury. Amended on Senate floor

S3031  Requires DOH to establish certain nursing education and professional advancement programs. Substituted by A5059
S3038  Consolidates certain affordable housing and assistance applications. Passed
S3095  Establishes expedited construction inspection program. Substituted by A4850
S3115  Modifies process for obtaining working certificates for minors. Substituted by A4804
S3119  Allows certain students who hold T, U, or O visa to qualify for in-State tuition and allows students who hold T or U visa to qualify for student financial aid. Passed
S3173  Permits operation of pedicabs and alcoholic beverage consumption by passengers of pedicabs in certain circumstances. Passed
S3223  Establishes numerical requirements and zoning standards for installation of electric vehicle supply equipment and Make-Ready parking spaces. Passed
S3253  - Establishes alternate route to expedite certification of teachers at early college high school programs. Passed
S3277  - Raises from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age for exempt fireman certificates and membership in New Jersey State Fireman's Association. Substituted by A4745
S3279  Authorizes motor vehicle dealers to sell motor vehicles online and obtain electronic signatures for motor vehicle transactions. Substituted by A5033
S3289  - Requires electric public utility to replace certain distribution service equipment over period of 36 months if certain sustained service interruptions occur. Passed
S3318  - Provides voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for Special Olympics New Jersey. Passed
S3321  - Requires reservation of portion of tenant-based vouchers under State rental assistance program for persons displaced due to redevelopment of an affordable housing development; provides displaced persons with affordable housing priority status. Substituted by A1533
S3373  Protects homeowner in foreclosure from excessively low intervening offer.  Substituted by A5142

S3421 – Provides for certification of temporary nurses aides.  Substituted by A5353
S3434  - Requires boards of education to provide special education and related services to certain students exceeding age of eligibility for special education and related services. Passed
S3469  - Mandates training on remote teaching for all candidates for teaching certification. Passed
S3474  - Requires disclosure letter be included with mail falsely implying State government connection.
S3489  - Changes effective date of new law concerning certain State contracts for mental health, behavioral health, and addiction services. Passed
S3494  - Adds two public members to State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and prohibits licensure for individuals convicted of certain offenses. Passed
S3504  - Requires all newly constructed warehouses to be solar-ready buildings. Substituted by A3352
S3584  Establishes immunity relating to COVID-19 spread in planned real estate developments. Passed
S3590  - Allows formation of limited liability companies by real estate salespersons and broker-salespersons to receive commission income and requires certain disclosures on promotions. Passed
S3618  - Makes supplemental appropriation of $10 million for grants for certain lake management activities for recreation and conservation purposes. Passed
S3654  - Establishes Amistad Commission Exemplary Award Program; appropriates $10,000. Passed
S3658  - Eliminates mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment determined by Legislature to be of non-violent nature. Passed
S3686  - Supplements Department of Transportation language provisions in FY 2021 Appropriations Act to provide flexibility for debt service payments. Passed
S3690 – Expands modified basic training program to allow county corrections officers to be certified as county prosecutor’s detectives or investigators, and county or municipal police officers. Substituted by A5696

S3714 – Concerns liability of certain non-profit and governmental employers for unemployment benefits paid during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic state of emergency; appropriates $50 million. Passed

S3715  - Modifies certain definitions related to transient accommodation taxes and fees. Passed
S3792  - Appropriates $20 million from General Fund to EDA to support food and beverage establishments impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Substituted by A5706
S3793  - Appropriates $50 million from General Fund to EDA to support businesses and nonprofit organizations impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Substituted by A5707
S3794  - Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support Sustain and Serve NJ Program. Substituted by A5709
S3795  - Establishes Startup Business and Nonprofit Assistance Program in EDA to support new businesses and nonprofit organizations following COVID-19 pandemic; appropriates $25 million. Substituted by A5708
S3796  - Appropriates $120 million from General Fund to EDA to support microbusinesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Substituted by A5704
S3797  Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support child care providers impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Substituted by A5705

S3866 – Provides for termination of public health emergency declared by Governor to address COVID-19 pandemic, except certain executive orders, directives, and powers will remain in effect temporarily. Substituted by A5820

S3880 - Revises certain requirements for district board members and polling places for June 2021 primary election; provides reimbursement for National Guard assistance with 2020 primary and general election; makes appropriation. Substituted by A5842

SCR91  - Proposes constitutional amendment to allow certain organizations to use proceeds from games of chance to benefit organization. Passed
SCR103 - Urges efforts at state and federal levels to protect minority communities through better regulation of debt settlement companies. Passed
SCR133 - Amends State Constitution to permit sports wagering through casinos and current or former horse racetracks on any collegiate athletic competitions. Passed
SCR134 - Honors the life and work of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Substituted by ACR195
SJR105 - Designates April of each year as "Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Month" in New Jersey. Substituted by AJR204
SJR109 - Condemns hate and violent extremism and commits to defense of safe and just democracy. Passed
SR81 - Urges the President and Congress of the United States to create National Infrastructure Bank. Passed
SR91 - Urges Congress to address in future federal higher education stimulus legislation inequities in incorporation of part-time and online learning students in formula calculation. Passed
SR102 - Urges U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list monarch butterfly as threatened species. Passed
Federal and National Update
Administration and Department Information
The New Jersey Governor's Office
The Governor's Office has been updating their website with the latest information on the COVID-19 response.

The New Jersey Legislature
The New Jersey Legislature has passed legislation allowing them to virtually conduct committee meetings and voting sessions online. If you would like to view live Hearings and Voting Sessions, you may do so here.
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