Weekly Legislative Update
Assembly Agriculture Committee
A284 (Mazzeo) - Establishes requirements for sale and planting of running bamboo. Passed
A2703 (Mazzeo / Armato) - Provides credits against corporation business and gross income taxes for qualified farmers that develop housing for their agricultural workforce. Passed
A3574 (Houghtaling / Dancer) - Makes supplemental appropriation of $250,000 from General Fund to NJ Agricultural Experiment Station for tick research and control. Passed
A5326 (Houghtaling / Pintor Marin) - Makes FY2021 supplemental appropriation of $1.5 million from General Fund to State Mosquito Control Commission. Passed
Assembly Labor Committee
A4630 (Burzichelli) - Concerns labor harmony agreements in retail and distribution center projects. Passed
*A5531 (Mazzeo) - Exempts certain commercial fishermen from coverage under "unemployment compensation law." Passed
A5690 (Greenwald / Conaway / Benson) - Requires DOLWD to provide link to New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on website and in emails concerning unemployment compensation benefits. Passed
A5691 (Greenwald / Murphy) - Concerns liability of certain non-profit and governmental employers for unemployment benefits paid during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic state of emergency; appropriates $50 million. Passed
Assembly Human Services Committee
A672 (Vainieri Huttle / Calabrese / Jimenez) - Limits patient information behavioral health care providers may disclose to health insurance carriers. Passed
A4988 (Downey / Vainieri Huttle) - Establishes New Jersey Direct Support Professional Core Competency Working Group. Passed
Assembly Health Committee
A3004 (Mukherji / Sumter) - Revises eligibility for convicted drug offenders to receive general assistance benefits under Work First New Jersey program. Transferred to Assembly Health
A4559 (Downey) - Provides that certain civil immunities granted to for-profit healthcare facilities and healthcare systems during state of emergency and public health emergency would expire August 31, 2020. Passed
A5457 (Vainieri Huttle / Verrelli / Benson) - Permits any person to administer or dispense opioid antidotes. Passed
A5495 (Conaway / Vainieri Huttle / Verrelli) - Permits certain paramedics to administer buprenorphine. Passed
A5595 (Verrelli / Benson / Holley) - Requires Division of Consumer Affairs to publish retail price of certain opioid antidotes. Passed
A5597 (Conaway / Jimenez / Speight) - Permits school districts to administer student health surveys after prior written notification to parents and legal guardians. Passed
A5598 (Conaway / Mosquera / Tully) - Requires DCF or court to consider placement of children with relatives or kinship guardians when making placement decision; makes changes to certain standards for initiating petitions to terminate parental rights. Passed
*A5703 (Armato / Verrelli / Conaway) - Requires certain health insurers, Medicaid, NJ FamilyCare, SHBP, and SEHBP to cover naloxone without imposing prior authorization requirements. Passed
Assembly Tourism, Gaming, and the Arts Committee
A4909 Authorizes fixed odds wagering on horse races through fixed odds wagering system. Passed
Assembly Appropriations Committee
A652 (Armato / Moen / Johnson) - Exempts certain veterans from driver's license fee, motorcycle license fee, and digitized picture fee. Passed
A717 (Johnson / Schaer / Vainieri Huttle) - Provides for jurisdiction for prosecution for certain crimes against minors committed outside New Jersey. Passed
A720 / S381 (Johnson / Mosquera / Vainieri Huttle / Weinberg / Greenstein) - Establishes supervised community reintegration program for certain victims of domestic abuse. Passed
A998 (Downey / Houghtaling / Benson) - Establishes social innovation loan guarantee pilot program and study commission within New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority concerning opioid and other substance use disorders. Passed
A1055 (Jasey / Lampitt / Zwicker) - Establishes five-year community schools pilot program. Passed
A1073 (Speight / Pintor Marin / McKnight) - Requires preeclampsia testing for certain pregnant women and women who have given birth. Passed
A1078 (Speight / Pintor Marin / McKnight) - Requires domestic violence orders to be issued in other languages in addition to English under certain circumstances. Passed
A1153 / S1654 (Freiman / Benson / Timberlake / Greenstein / Pou) - Allows NJ E-ZPass customers to opt to receive electronic notification of use of E-ZPass system at toll plazas operated by NJTA and SJTA. Passed
A1663 (Quijano / Vainieri Huttle / Karabinchak) - Establishes "New Jersey Nonprofit Security Grant Program." Passed
A2285 (Armato / Vainieri Huttle / Benson) - Establishes standard medical expense deduction under SNAP for certain senior citizens. Passed
A2349 (Moen) - The "New Jersey Social Innovation Act"; establishes social innovation loan pilot program and study commission within EDA. Combined with A998
A3394 / S854 / S237 (Reynolds-Jackson / Carter / Jasey / Turner / Singleton / Ruiz / Singleton / Greenstein) - "Laura Wooten's Law"; Requires civics instruction in middle school; authorizes New Jersey Center for Civic Education to provide curricula, professional development and technical assistance for middle and high school civics. Passed
**A4030 / **S2347 (Mukherji / Benson / Murphy / Sweeney / Greenstein / Kean) - Establishes Employment and Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program in EDA to allow small businesses to defer the payment and remittance of certain employment and business-related taxes during COVID-19 public health emergency. Passed
A4274 / S2525 (Conaway / Sumter / Rice / Singleton / Turner) - Expands powers and duties of State Chief Diversity Officer to promote diversity in State government and public contracting. Passed
A4313 (Mukherji) - Requires Administrative Law Judges to be enrolled in PERS; requires JRS rights and benefits be applied to such judges enrolled in PERS. Passed
A4379 (DiMaso / Swain) - Establishes Employment Application Registry database in Division of State Police. Passed
A4681 (Mukherji / Vainieri Huttle / Reynolds-Jackson) - Expands eligibility for certain inmates to participate in residential community release programs; modifies DOC reporting requirements concerning capacity of these programs. Passed
A4690 (Houghtaling / Downey) - Expands eligibility criteria for municipalities wherein projects receiving New Jersey Redevelopment Authority assistance may occur. Passed
A4789 (Spearman / Schaer / Reynolds-Jackson) - Establishes Safe and Equitable Remote Learning Pilot Program in DOE to support provision of remote learning safe havens by certain school districts. Passed
A4855 / S3032 (Benson / Vainieri Huttle / Chiaravalloti / Sweeney / Vitale) - Requires DOH to develop Statewide plan for infection control and prevention infrastructure improvements in nursing homes. Passed
A4856 (Lampitt / Benson / Caputo) - Requires Internet websites and web services of school districts, charter schools, and renaissance schools to be accessible to persons with disabilities. Passed
A4909 (Dancer / Caputo) - Authorizes fixed odds wagering on horse races through fixed odds wagering system. Passed
A5039 (Lopez / Vainieri Huttle / McKnight) - Requires correctional police officers to wear body worn cameras. Passed
A5218 (Freiman / Armato / Tully) - Allows certain restaurant owners to accelerate depreciation of certain expenditures under corporation business and gross income taxes. Passed
A5290 / S3335 (McKnight / Ruiz / Turner) - Requires BPU to conduct study of effect of coronavirus 2019 pandemic on local and public utility service and to quarterly collect and publish certain local and public utility service and customer information. Passed
A5366 / S3434 (Vainieri Huttle / Lampitt / McKeon / Addiego / Sweeney) - Requires boards of education to provide special education and related services to certain students exceeding age of eligibility for special education and related services. Passed
*A5371 / *S3505 (Mukherji / Johnson / Quijano / Scutari / Weinberg) - Requires assignment of unemployment claims handlers to legislative districts during COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency; appropriates $1.8 million. Passed
A5590 (Mazzeo / Armato / Greenwald) - Extends period of municipal stabilization and recovery, with certain modifications, under "Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act." Passed
*A5696 (Quijano / Carter / Kennedy) - Expands modified basic training program to allow county corrections officers to be certified as county prosecutor's detectives or investigators, and county or municipal police officers. Passed
A5704 (Mazzeo / Zwicker / Taliaferro) - Appropriates $120 million from General Fund to EDA to support microbusinesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5705 (Swain / Downey / Chiaravalloti) - Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support child care providers impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5706 (Freiman / Downey / Mejia) - Appropriates $20 million from General Fund to EDA to support food and beverage establishments impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5707 (Tully / Houghtaling / McKnight) - Appropriates $50 million from General Fund to EDA to support businesses and nonprofit organizations impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5708 (Zwicker / Carter) - Establishes Startup Business and Nonprofit Assistance Program in EDA to support new businesses and nonprofit organizations following COVID-19 pandemic; appropriates $25 million. Passed
A5709 (Armato / Houghtaling / Lopez) - Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support Sustain and Serve NJ Program. Passed
A5725 (Downey) - Changes dates on which members of municipal and county committees of political party take office and hold annual meetings; transfers certain election responsibilities to county clerks. Passed
A5749 (Murphy) - Concerns sexual abuse investigations in State correctional facilities. Passed
A5750 (Mukherji) - Prohibits retaliation against inmates in State correctional facilities who report sexual abuse; criminalizes retaliation and failure to report abuse. Passed
A5751 (Swain) - Expands State corrections officers training to include topics contributing to their core mission of treating inmates with dignity, fairness, and respect. Passed
A5758 (Coughlin) - Provides funding for clinical program to provide legal services for low-and moderate-income tenants in need of housing assistance; appropriates $2 million. Passed
Assembly Voting Session
A209 (Tucker / Vainieri Huttle / Wimberly) - Establishes Disparity in Treatment of Persons with Disabilities in Underrepresented Communities Commission in DCA. Passed
A246 (DeAngelo / Pintor Marin / Coughlin) - Authorizes county colleges to establish and operate student dormitories. Passed
A717 (Johnson / Schaer / Vainieri Huttle) - Provides for jurisdiction for prosecution for certain crimes against minors committed outside New Jersey. Passed
*A850 (Chiaravalloti / Karabinchak / Reynolds-Jackson) - Establishes "Broadband Access Study Commission." Passed
A970 (Conaway / Lampitt / Murphy) - Establishes Mental Health Screening in Schools Grant Program in DOE; appropriates $1 million. Passed
*A998 / A2349 (Downey / Houghtaling / Benson / Moen) - Establishes social innovation loan guarantee pilot program and study commission within New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority concerning opioid and other substance use disorders. Passed
A1055 (Jasey / Lampitt / Zwicker) - Establishes five-year community schools pilot program. Passed
A1058 (Jasey / Reynolds-Jackson / Murphy) - Requires discrimination prevention training for certain providers of services to senior citizens. Passed
A1073 (Speight / Pintor Marin / McKnight) - Requires preeclampsia testing for certain pregnant women and women who have given birth. Passed
A1078 (Speight / Pintor Marin / McKnight) - Requires domestic violence orders to be issued in other languages in addition to English under certain circumstances. Passed
A1191 (Zwicker / Carter / McKnight) - Establishes "Innovation Partnership"; provides funding for certain nonprofit partnerships to promote certain emerging technology businesses. Passed
A1194 (Zwicker / Jimenez / Mukherji) - Provides for temporary travel license to practice chiropractic. Passed
A1256 (Schaer / DeCroce / Mukherji) - Concerns licensure of persons rendering barbering services in another state or foreign country. Passed
A1293 (Greenwald / Burzichelli / Mukherji) - Establishes advisory council for the brewery, cidery, meadery, and distillery industries in NJ and provides for funding through certain alcoholic beverage tax receipts. Passed
A1752 (McKnight / Speight / Vainieri Huttle) - Requires signs to be posted and pamphlets to be distributed in emergency rooms regarding VCCO. Passed
*A2116 (Tully / Swain / Armato) - Requires State Treasurer to submit report to Legislature every six months identifying deadlines for applications for federal funds by State agencies. Passed
A2264 (Verrelli / Chaparro / McKnight) - Requires provider of electronic communication service to preserve information reported to law enforcement related to endangerment of children for 180 days. Passed
A2427 (Benson / Murphy) - "The Reliability, Preparedness, and Storm Response Act; requires public utilities to file certain information concerning emergency preparedness with BPU and increases certain penalties. Passed
A2445 (Benson / Giblin) - Prohibits condominium associations from assessing insurance deductibles to individual unit owners or groups of unit owners. Passed
A2617 (Murphy / Benson / Reynolds-Jackson) - Requires employers to provide hiring preference to employees who have reached maximum medical improvement following work-related injury. Passed
A2685 (Armato / Mazzeo / Mukherji) - Concerns information on property condition disclosure statement. Passed
A3619 (Houghtaling / Dancer) - Allows commercial farmer to be awarded reasonable costs and attorney fees for defending against bad faith complaints under "Right to Farm Act". Passed
A3687 (Vainieri Huttle / Verrelli / Swain) - Requires certain family or household members and victims be notified when firearms are returned to persons charged with domestic violence or subject to extreme risk protection order. Passed
A3784 (Carter / McKnight / Sumter) - Enhances protections against fraudulent deed recordings. Passed
A3796 (Johnson / Karabinchak / Vainieri Huttle) - Makes it aggravated sexual assault or sexual contact for transportation network company or taxicab driver to commit act of sexual penetration or sexual contact using coercion or without permission on passenger. Passed
A3897 (Armato / Mazzeo / DiMaso) - Increases fee for NJ Waterfowl Stamps. Passed
A4004 (Sumter / Jimenez / Carter) - Establishes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Task Force on Racial and Health Disparities. Passed
A4205 (Greenwald / Lampitt / Conaway) - Enters New Jersey into Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. Passed
A4313 (Mukherji) - Requires Administrative Law Judges to be enrolled in PERS; requires JRS rights and benefits be applied to such judges enrolled in PERS. Amended on Floor
A4379 (DiMaso / Swain) - Establishes Employment Application Registry database in Division of State Police. Passed
A4521 (Freiman / Benson / Mukherji) - Prohibits MVC from requiring power of attorney for certain documents concerning motor vehicle certificates of ownership and salvage certificates of title. Passed
*A4559 (Downey) - Provides that certain civil immunities granted to for-profit healthcare facilities and healthcare systems during state of emergency and public health emergency would expire August 31, 2020. HELD
A4640 (Mukherji / Murphy) - Revises laws concerning delegation of parental or caregiver powers and standby guardianship for minor child or ward. Passed
A4681 (Mukherji / Vainieri Huttle / Reynolds-Jackson) - Expands eligibility for certain inmates to participate in residential community release programs; modifies DOC reporting requirements concerning capacity of these programs. Passed
A4789 (Spearman / Schaer / Reynolds-Jackson) - Establishes Safe and Equitable Remote Learning Pilot Program in DOE to support provision of remote learning safe havens by certain school districts. Passed
*A4803 / A4811 (Sumter / Karabinchak / Pinkin / DeCroce / Zwicker) - Concerns approval process for personal protective equipment and State stockpiles of personal protective equipment. Passed
A4856 (Lampitt / Benson / Caputo) - Requires Internet websites and web services of school districts, charter schools, and renaissance schools to be accessible to persons with disabilities. Passed
*A4909 (Dancer / Caputo) - Authorizes fixed odds wagering on horse races through fixed odds wagering system. Passed
A5039 (Lopez / Vainieri Huttle / McKnight) - Requires correctional police officers to wear body worn cameras. Passed
A5059 (Conaway / Vainieri Huttle / Benson) - Requires DOH to establish certain nursing education and professional advancement programs. Passed
A5123 (Vainieri Huttle / Downey / Benson) - Requires group homes and other community-based residential programs, as condition of licensure, to implement policies to prevent social isolation of residents. Passed
A5160 (DeAngelo / Conaway / Zwicker) - Establishes minimum energy and water efficiency standards for certain products sold, offered for sale, or leased in the State. Passed
A5218 (Freiman / Armato / Tully) - Allows certain restaurant owners to accelerate depreciation of certain expenditures under corporation business and gross income taxes. Passed
A5439 (Caputo / Dancer / Murphy) - Changes deadline for New Jersey Racing Commission's annual report from end of calendar year to end of State fiscal year. Passed
A5590 (Mazzeo / Armato / Greenwald) - Extends period of municipal stabilization and recovery, with certain modifications, under "Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act." Passed
A5595 (Verrelli / Benson / Holley) - Requires Division of Consumer Affairs to publish retail price of certain opioid antidotes. Passed
A5597 (Conaway / Jimenez / Speight) - Permits school districts to administer student health surveys after prior written notification to parents and legal guardians. Passed
*A5696 (Quijano / Carter / Kennedy) - Expands modified basic training program to allow county corrections officers to be certified as county prosecutor's detectives or investigators, and county or municipal police officers. Passed with Floor Amendments
A5703 (Armato / Verrelli / Conaway) - Requires certain health insurers, Medicaid, NJ FamilyCare, SHBP, and SEHBP to cover naloxone without imposing prior authorization requirements. * Reported back to the Assembly Appropriations Committee
A5704 (Mazzeo / Zwicker / Taliaferro) - Appropriates $120 million from General Fund to EDA to support microbusinesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5705 (Swain / Downey / Chiaravalloti) - Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support child care providers impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5706 (Freiman / Downey / Mejia) - Appropriates $20 million from General Fund to EDA to support food and beverage establishments impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5707 (Tully / Houghtaling / McKnight) - Appropriates $50 million from General Fund to EDA to support businesses and nonprofit organizations impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. Passed
A5708 (Zwicker / Carter) - Establishes Startup Business and Nonprofit Assistance Program in EDA to support new businesses and nonprofit organizations following COVID-19 pandemic; appropriates $25 million. Passed
A5709 (Armato / Houghtaling / Lopez) - Appropriates $10 million from General Fund to EDA to support Sustain and Serve NJ Program. Passed
A5725 (Downey) - Changes dates on which members of municipal and county committees of political party take office and hold annual meetings; transfers certain election responsibilities to county clerks. Passed
A5749 (Murphy) - Concerns sexual abuse investigations in State correctional facilities. Passed
A5750 (Mukherji) - Prohibits retaliation against inmates in State correctional facilities who report sexual abuse; criminalizes retaliation and failure to report abuse. Passed
A5751 (Swain) - Expands State corrections officers training to include topics contributing to their core mission of treating inmates with dignity, fairness, and respect. Passed
*A5758 (Coughlin) - Provides funding for clinical program to provide legal services for low-and moderate-income tenants in need of housing assistance; appropriates $2 million. Passed
*A5777 (Coughlin) - Provides for termination of public health emergency declared by Governor to address COVID-19 pandemic. HELD
*ACR217 (Verrelli / DeAngelo) - Approves NJ Building Authority project described in project report entitled "New Jersey State Capitol Complex Security Screening Building and Secure Courtyard Project." HELD
AJR54 (Timberlake / Lopez / Reynolds-Jackson) - Designates May of each year as "Stroke Awareness Month." Passed
AJR191 (McKnight / Vainieri Huttle / Verrelli) - Designates September of each year as "Self-Care Awareness Month" in New Jersey. Passed
AR234 (Verrelli / Danielsen / Vainieri Huttle) - Recognizes service of New Jersey Army and Air National Guard who were mobilized to Washington D.C. after attack on United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Passed
S92 / A4717 (Bateman / Greenstein / Houghtaling / Dancer / Swain) - Authorizes issuance of Protect Pollinators license plates. Passed
S278 / A3807 (Kean / Cunningham / DeAngelo / Danielsen) - Establishes certain rights for students with military obligations attending public institutions of higher education and permits late registration for students with military obligations. Passed
S324 / A3533 (Diegnan / Bucco / Benson / Freiman / DeCroce) - Authorizes operators of motor vehicles to display electronic proof of registration; requires MVC to send applicaion for registration renewal to lessee of leased vehicle. Passed
S381 / A720 (Weinberg / Greenstein / Johnson / Mosquera / Vainieri Huttle) - Establishes supervised community reintegration program in DOC for certain victims of domestic abuse. Amended on Floor
S537 / A3110 (Codey / McKeon / Verrelli / Vainieri Huttle) - Establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures in rooming and boarding houses, dementia care homes, and certain nursing homes and residential health care facilities. Passed
S550 / A1616 (Codey / Pennacchio / Lampitt / Conaway / Vainieri Huttle) - Requires certain student identification cards to contain telephone number for suicide prevention hotline. Passed
S647 / A4825 (Greenstein / Singleton / McKeon / Karabinchak) - Revises cybersecurity, asset management, and related reporting requirements in "Water Quality Accountability Act." Passed
S758 / A1032 (Gopal / Scutari / Downey / Kean, S / Bramnick) - Requires workers' compensation judges to be enrolled in PERS; requires JRS rights and benefits be applied to such judges enrolled in PERS. Amended on Floor
S818 / A2284 (Lagana / Pou / Mazzeo / Armato / Webber) - Permits transmittal of certain proposed county ordinances by electronic mail. Passed
S854 / S237 / A3394 (Turner / Singleton / Ruiz / Greenstein / Reynolds-Jackson / Carter / Jasey) - "Laura Wooten's Law"; Requires civics instruction in middle school; authorizes New Jersey Center for Civic Education to provide curricula, professional development and technical assistance for middle and high school civics. Passed
S956 / A911 (Connors / Stack / Gove / Rumpf / Armato) - Extends veterans' property tax exemption to tenant shareholders in cooperatives and mutual housing corporations. Passed
S961 / A3805 (Singleton / Cruz-Perez / Armato / Zwicker / Verrelli) - Establishes annual grant program to recognize institutions of higher education that offer comprehensive array of veteran programs and services. Passed
S985 / A3789 (Singleton / Moen / Zwicker) - Provides that public institutions of higher education may only reduce student's institutional financial aid upon receipt of private scholarship under certain circumstances. Passed
S1239 / A5131 (Codey / McKeon / Danielsen / Jasey) - Authorizes imposition of fee for connection to municipal electric distribution system. Passed
S1558 / A3444 (Scutari / Bramnick / Downey / Quijano) - Requires automobile insurers to disclose policy limits upon request by an attorney under certain circumstances. Passed
S1654 / A1153 (Greenstein / Pou / Freiman / Benson / Timberlake) - Allows NJ E-ZPass customers to opt to receive electronic notification of use of E-ZPass system at toll plazas operated by NJTA and SJTA. Passed
S2347 / A4030 (Sweeney / Greenstein / Kean / Mukherji / Benson / Murphy) - Establishes Employment and Business-Related Tax Deferral Assistance Program in EDA to allow small businesses to defer the payment and remittance of certain employment and business-related taxes during COVID-19 public health emergency. Passed
S2503 / A4588 (Ruiz / Cryan / Cunningham / Lopez / Speight / Dunn) - Increases strangulation assault to crime of second degree. Passed
S2525 / A4274 (Rice / Singleton / Turner / Conaway / Sumter) - Expands powers and duties of State Chief Diversity Officer to promote diversity in State government and public contracting. HELD
S2682 / A4016 (Gopal / Kean / Dancer / Benson / Verrelli) - Establishes the New Jersey Rare Disease Advisory Council. Passed
*S2714 / *A5478 (Sarlo / Addiego / Mazzeo / Freiman / Dancer) - Authorizes special occasion events at certain farms on preserved farmland, under certain conditions. HELD
S2798 / A4430 (Vitale / Ruiz / Conaway / Vainieri Huttle / McKnight) - Revises requirements for long-term care facilities to establish outbreak response plans. HELD
S2875 / A5179 (Singleton / Turner / Reynolds-Jackson / Bergen / Holley) - Revises certain restrictions on ownership of medical cannabis alternative treatment centers; expands scope of review of alternative treatment center permit applications and related materials. Passed
*S2932 / *A4680 (Sweeney / Burzichelli) - Concerns subcontracting agreements entered into by four-year public institutions of higher education. Passed
S3032 / A4855 (Sweeney / Vitale / Benson / Vainieri Huttle / Chiaravalloti) - Requires DOH to develop Statewide plan for infection control and prevention infrastructure improvements in nursing homes. Passed
*S3033 / *A4819 (Sweeney / Singleton / Lampitt / DeAngelo / Giblin) - Establishes School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program in BPU. Passed
S3093 / A4910 (Gopal / Sweeney / Singleton / Burzichelli / Johnson / Danielsen) - Establishes county-based mitigation plan to allow businesses to operate during pandemic. Passed
S3197 / A5344 (Scutari / Smith / Mukherji) - Clarifies eligibility for deferred retirement for certain judges in JRS. Passed
*S3223 / A2108 / A5032 (Smith / Bateman / Swain / Benson / Lopez / Verrelli / Zwicker) - Establishes numerical requirements and zoning standards for installation of electric vehicle supply equipment and Make-Ready parking spaces. Passed
*S3505 / *A5371 (Scutari / Weinberg / Mukherji / Johnson / Quijano) - Requires assignment of unemployment claims handlers to legislative districts during COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency; appropriates $1.8 million. Passed
Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
S366 (Cryan) - Grants certain employment protections to campus police officers. Passed
S1460 (Oroho / Cruz-Perez) - Imposes certain requirements on operators of motor vehicles when overtaking pedestrians, bicycles, and scooters. Combined with S2208
S1463 (Cruz-Perez / Oroho) - Requires motorists operating vehicles to maintain reasonable and safe distance when overtaking pedestrians and certain bicycles. Combined with S2208
S2208 (Diegnan / Bucco) - Imposes certain requirements on operators of motor vehicles when overtaking bicycles; establishes fine for collision with bicyclist under certain circumstances. Passed
S2268 / A863 (Cryan / Greenstein / Chiaravalloti / Johnson / Murphy) - Requires AG to report bias intimidation offenses to Federal Bureau of Investigation for inclusion in annual report on hate crime statistics. Passed
S2562 / A4263 (Turner / Greenstein / Kean / Sumter / Reynolds-Jackson / Wimberly) - Clarifies that law enforcement officer who knowingly chokes another person engages in use of deadly force. HELD
S3277 / A4745 (Bucco / Singleton / Doherty / Armato / Chaparro / Danielsen) - Raises from 45 to 57 maximum eligibility age for exempt fireman certificates and membership in New Jersey State Fireman's Association. Passed
**S3361 (Weinberg / Gill) - Prohibits State and local entities and private correctional facilities from entering into agreements with federal immigration authorities to detain noncitizens. Passed
*S3452 (Sweeney) - Reduces alcoholic beverage tax rate on cider and low-percentage alcohol by volume liquors. Passed
S2681 / A4319 (Gopal / Oroho / Burzichelli / Chiaravalloti / Murphy) - Establishes certain temporary and permanent privileges for certain alcoholic beverage licensees; authorizes certain activities, events, and festivals in which certain alcoholic beverage licensees may participate.
S3020 (Gopal / Greenstein) - Allows craft distilleries to sell mixed drinks and mixed drink ingredients for consumption off the licensed premises; authorizes direct shipping by craft distilleries.
Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee
S1431 (Pennacchio / Bucco) - Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for pediatric cancer research. Passed
S2160 (Sweeney / Oroho / Singer) - Creates special education unit within the Office of Administrative Law; requires annual report. Passed
S2506 (Gopal) - Enters New Jersey into Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. Passed
S2508 / A4250 (Gopal / Greenstein / Downey / Mukherji / Murphy) - Revises law concerning notaries and notarial acts; authorizes electronic signatures. HELD
S2833 (Ruiz / Turner) - Establishes Teacher Apprenticeship Program. Passed
S3114 (Greenstein) - Allows members of PERS Prosecutors Part to establish purchased PERS credit in the Part at additional cost. HELD
*S3119 (Ruiz) - Allows certain students who hold T, U, or O visa to qualify for in-State tuition and allows students who hold T or U visa to qualify for student financial aid. Passed
S3150 / A4544 (Pou / Codey / Caputo / Jasey / Murphy) - Permits school nurse who is retired from TPAF to return to employment during public health emergency and state of emergency for COVID-19 pandemic, for up to two years without reenrollment in TPAF. Passed
S3318 (Sweeney) - Provides voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for Special Olympics New Jersey. Passed
S3686 (Sweeney) - Supplements Department of Transportation language provisions in FY 2021 Appropriations Act to provide flexibility for debt service payments. Passed
S3688 (Sweeney / Singleton) - Provides for regional economic impact report and review by affected municipalities for certain proposed retail warehouse developments. Passed
S3715 (Cryan) - Modifies certain definitions related to transient accommodation taxes and fees. Passed