Friday Message
What's Coming!
September 7, 2018
Season: Creation
Rev. Kathi's Message
Our new Moderator, Richard Brott, reminds us that starting this weekend a number of United Church congregations will begin a 5-week celebration of the Season of Creation.

Sometimes, people use this time to reflect on how we experience God in nature. Others explore how creation, itself, celebrates God’s love. For still others, this is a time to commit and recommit ourselves to the healing of the physical world – making changes to our lifestyle that will reverse the trends of environmental destruction.

Moving toward Thanksgiving you will notice that in our sanctuary and around the church the colours are changing to autumn-y shades of greens, golds and oranges. In worship, our music and prayers will touch on the wonders of our world and the beauty that surrounds us.

This is a picture I took from our deck at the cottage of the fog disappearing from hills across the lake. It was early morning and incredibly quiet. I felt like we were all being held in a cosmic hug or wrapped in a quilt of peace. The sun chasing away the mist was a promise of the day ahead and all the joy and laughter to come.
Do you have a favourite place that brings you closer to creation? I’d love to hear about it and maybe see a picture.

This Week at EMUC
Sunday September 9th
10:00 am: Worship & Communion
Scripture: Proverbs 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Gospel: Mark 7: 24-37
Message: "More Than Crumbs"

Wednesday September 12th
2:00 pm: Circle of Friends
6:45 pm: Prayers and Communion
7:00 pm: Finance Meeting

Thursday September 13th
7:00 pm: Chancel Choir

Friday September 14th
7:15 pm: Bridge Club Kickoff

Next Sunday September 16th: Worship & EMUC Club

What's Coming!
Bridge Club
The EMUC Bridge Club starts a new season with the opening tournament and social on Friday, September 14th.  A schedule of monthly match-ups alternating as host and guest keeps the play going until the closing party in June. Come out and meet the players. Newcomers and those interested in learning to play are welcome.  Come register on Friday September 14th at 7:15 in the lower hall.   For more details email

   Resumes Sunday September 16 th
A new, more inclusive program for the children and families in our congregation. Children and families are invited to come and explore our new space, enjoy some quiet activities and experiment with some new storytelling technology. Please come visit and find out more about this exciting new model for children's programming.

On  September 16th  after the service, the Striders will visit Mount Nemo on the Upper Level.  Mount Nemo is a favourite among hikers in Halton Parks. Away from the crowds and the hustle bustle of the city, Mount Nemo is a peaceful sanctuary for nature walks. Watch the Turkey Vultures float on the thermals while you take in the panoramic view of the escarpment. On a clear day you can see the CN Tower in Toronto!  Mount Nemo is a haven for naturalists and birders. Keep binoculars, a magnifying glass, and a camera on hand! Mount Nemo is teeming with biodiversity.  Details about carpooling and exact time will follow closer to the date. 

Meet and Greet:  Sunday September 16 th  from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the lower Hall at Erin Mills United Church. Please join the Northwest Mississauga Constituent group to meet the Nadaff family and Tarek Youzbashi and welcome them to Canada. They are looking forward to meeting more members of the community. Light refreshments will be served.

Cafe Sunday - Munch, Mingle and More
Worship on September 23rd will be an informal service. Come for coffee! Reconnect with friends you may not have seen over the summer! Learn about what is happening at EMUC!. Lunch will be served after the service.

Haiti School Project
Children of Hope Haiti is again collecting school supplies for the schools in Haiti are being. Refer to the poster at the back of the church and the box where you can place any supplies you wish to donate. The list of items needed can be found inside the box.  

Deacon's Cupboard
If you are planning to make a donation to the Cupboard, powdered or canned milk and tuna are needed.

FUNDSCRIP is an innovative fundraising program that asks you to purchase gift cards in order to pay for regular items you buy every month. A percentage of the cards purchased through FUNDSCRIP is donated back to our church. 
Order forms for gift cards will be available the last Sunday of every month.   The next order date is this Sunday, September 30, 2018.   Please see the display board at the back of the church or speak to Joanne Hines if you have any questions about the program.

Your used gift cards may be placed in a small box on the Visitors table beside the photocopier room. Mary Anna Williams will ensure they are dropped off at the Town Centre for recycling.